Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 362 Millions of Merits (Part 2)

Although they did not go too fast on the return trip, they returned to the Holy City fifteen days later. Long Haochen gave his companions an extra three days to rest. On the morning of the fourth day, he called everyone to the hall on the first floor of the villa.

It's so comfortable. It would be great if it could stay like this forever. Lin Xin admired with satisfaction as he lay on the large and spacious sofa.

His hair was gone, and he looked much neater. His dark green hair had grown out, and he looked a bit like he was wearing a green hat...

Sima Xian chuckled and said, Brother Youyao, have you taken your medicine today?

Lin Xin's face suddenly stiffened, You just took the medicine, you bald bastard.

Chen Ying'er and Wang Yuanyuan couldn't help but chuckle.

Han Yu said: Okay, stop making trouble, captain, what will we do next? Although he is only Long Haochen's knight, he is among the best in the team in terms of strength, and he is the oldest in the team. The oldest one, after getting rid of his previous arrogance, became more and more calm, and he understood the true meaning of a guardian knight.

Long Haochen smiled and said: We encountered a lot of dangers on this trip to Zhennanguan, but the harvest was also very good with everyone's joint efforts. However, after all, we have just obtained the spiritual furnace or the synthetic spiritual furnace, and it will take time. Let’s get used to it. We will continue the experience of the Tower of Eternity. First, everyone will increase their internal spiritual power to the upper limit of five thousand. Next, we will try to see if we can completely pass the remaining levels of the first floor of the Tower of Eternity. Hope. There are ways to help us directly improve our spiritual power later. After we break through the remaining levels of the first level, I believe everyone's abilities will be almost fully adjusted. We will be promoted to the commander level and continue to complete new tasks.

Everyone nodded after listening to Long Haochen's words. It can be said that the past year has been the fastest improvement in their cultivation process. Especially in the Tower of Eternity, the speed of spiritual power improvement can be described as a leap. If it hadn't been for the training process there, it would have been impossible for their spiritual power to increase to four thousand in such a short period of time, let alone break through to the sixth level.

You know, the average age of the Alliance's sixth-level powerhouses is thirty-seven years old, while the average age of their general-level No. 21 Demon Hunting Group is less than twenty! If they continue to practice at this speed, they will all become eighth-level experts simply by virtue of their age advantage. No one can say whether they can break through the ninth-level bottleneck. But with their talents, the ninth level bottleneck may not be able to trap them.

If everyone has no objections, then we are going to enter the Tower of Eternity to practice. Long Haochen slowly stood up, the smile on his face gradually faded and turned into a solemn expression.

Captain, wait a moment. The Lord Paladin asked you to go find him today. Han Yu said to Long Haochen.

Ah? Master is looking for me? Do you know what it is? Long Haochen asked doubtfully.

Han Yu chuckled and said: It should be a good thing. Didn't we contribute five magic crystals from the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan to the Priest Temple and the Alliance? Grandpa should be rewarding us for our merits. After all, they can't take ours for nothing. Something!”

Reward for meritorious service? Upon hearing this, Lin Xin immediately jumped up from the sofa, his eyes widened, and his pupils seemed to have turned into the shape of gold coins.

Han Yu said angrily: Look at your potential. Do you know how much meritorious deeds can be obtained in exchange for the magic crystals of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan?

Lin Xin rubbed his hands and said with a smile: I don't know, but I can guess some! That is the magic crystal of the ninth-level magic beast, and it is the race of the Demon God Emperor. One crystal can be exchanged for one hundred thousand meritorious deeds. Hehe. It seems that we We are not far away from legendary equipment.”

One hundred thousand? It can't be that much, right? At this moment, even Long Haochen was moved.

Lin Xin puffed up his chest and said, Why not? That's a ninth-level magic crystal! Boss, if you don't believe me, try selling one. This thing is a rare good thing. I still don't have one hundred thousand meritorious deeds. Saying that.

Sima Xian chuckled and said, Then if we contributed five, wouldn't we have half a million meritorious deeds? It's so cool.

Long Haochen also lost his composure, Don't have too high hopes yet. Although the alliance doesn't know that I brought you into the dream paradise, Cai'er and I also completed the synthesis of the spiritual furnace in it, which can be regarded as We have received a lot of benefits, but we may not be given so many rewards. Lin Xin, you just reminded me of the ninth-level magic crystal you mentioned. So, you, Yuan Yuan, and Sima, the three of you, go to the trading center. Do two things. One is to find for Yuan Yuan the kind of space attribute crystal that is suitable for embedding her shield of the giant spirit god. If there is one, you can consider exchanging it with magic crystal or purchasing it with merit. The other is to ask an alchemist master. , can you give Sima the magic crystal of the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon and replace it with one of his Powerful Light Pills?

Hearing what he said, Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian's eyes couldn't help but light up. Especially Sima Xian, his Light Power Pill can definitely replace the internal magic crystal. Although Wang Yuanyuan was hopeful, it was indeed difficult to find her kind of space crystal. However, there were many good things in the Demon Hunting Group's trading center, so maybe he could actually find them if he wanted to buy them.

Chen Ying'er said happily: I'll go too, I'll go too.

Han Yu smiled and said: Captain, then the deputy commander and I will go with you to grandpa's place.

Okay, then we'll split up.

The seven soldiers were divided into two groups. Long Haochen and three went to the Holy Alliance's ruling office, while Lin Xin and four went straight to the Demon Hunting Group's trading center.

An hour later.

Lin Xin, Chen Yinger, Sima Xian and Wang Yuanyuan returned to the villa in frustration.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw Long Haochen, Cai'er and Han Yu sitting on the sofa waiting for them. Moreover, the faces of these three are not very good-looking. So much so that the atmosphere in the hall seemed a bit gloomy.

Seeing Lin Xin and the others coming back, Long Haochen raised his head and said somewhat gloomily: How is it?

Lin Xin said helplessly: Let them speak for themselves.

Sima Xian smiled bitterly and said: I'm pretty good at this. The alchemist master at the mission center said that if the core of the Light Power Pill is changed to the Heaven Defying Demonic Dragon Crystal, it can at least be upgraded to the level of a legendary weapon. But , simply adding magic crystals is not enough, there must be good enough spiritual power transmission metal and many rare materials. Not counting the money given to the alchemist master, it also requires as much as 100,000 meritorious deeds. This number is too scary , buying an excellent legendary equipment usually only costs a dozen or two hundred thousand merit points.

Long Haochen turned to look at Wang Yuanyuan and said, What about you?

Wang Yuanyuan shook his head and said: There is no empty silver crystal like mine in the trading center. It is said that one seems to have appeared in the Holy Alliance Auction House. But it must be sky-high. It requires at least one million gold coins. How can we have it? That’s so much money!”

Chen Ying'er muttered at the side: It's true that we left in good spirits and returned in despair. We originally thought we had some confidence, but now it seems that it's still far from enough! Captain, let's take on more tasks. The stronger we are, the more we need to change. The equipment has more merit.”

Long Haochen turned his gaze to Lin Xin noncommittally, Lin Xin, come here. As he said this, he revealed the merit token on his left arm.

Lin Xin walked up to him and put the merit token on it.

A faint golden light shone as the two completed the delivery of their merits.

At the beginning, Lin Xin's face was still as frustrated as before, but soon his frustration became stiff. His eyes, which were not small at first, widened rapidly, and he muttered something in his mouth.

This, this is. One, two, three, four, five...

Wang Yuanyuan said doubtfully at the side: Brother Youyao, what are you doing? Do you still need to count the merits passed down to you by the captain one by one?

Don't disturb me, I'm counting zero. Lin Xin's words shocked everyone.

We need to count zeros. What level of numbers is this?

One one, six zeros. How much is this? After the merit transfer was completed, Lin Xin raised his head, looked at his partners with dull eyes, and asked a very silly question.

Sima Xian subconsciously said: One hundred thousand?

Bah. How did you learn arithmetic? Did you learn it from a priest? That's one million, okay. Chen Ying'er said with disdain.

one million? When these three words came out of her mouth, Lin Xin, Sima Xian, and Wang Yuanyuan were instantly petrified.

The atmosphere in the entire hall suddenly became weird.

Sima Xian lost his voice and said: Boss, did you go and rob the mission center of the Demon Hunting Group? One million meritorious deeds, my God! There is no doubt that this is an astronomical figure for them.

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, Robbing? I also need to have that kind of strength.

Lin Xin still asked with a look of disbelief: Boss, are you saying that these one million meritorious deeds are really ours? A reward given to us by the Lord Paladin?

Long Haochen nodded silently, and a sly smile finally appeared on his face. Han Yu and Cai'er on the side also smiled in unison. Obviously, the gloomy atmosphere before was deliberately pretended by them, or in other words, they were also digesting the surprise, no, ecstasy brought by this one million meritorious service.

Ah - A harsh scream instantly sounded in the villa. Lin Xin was the first to cheer. Then, Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Yinger suddenly burst out with girlish screams. Sima Xian grabbed Lin with a silly smile. Xin's hand kissed his merit token hard.

One million, this is one million meritorious deeds! Oh my God! How come there are so many? Boss, tell us quickly, how come there are so many. This is incredible. Lin Xin didn't even bother to kick Sima Xian. , stepped forward, rushed to Long Haochen's side, and asked with excitement and curiosity.


How come there are so many? Do the math. Crack your fingers and toes. The evening continues. Think about it, everyone, with so many merits, let’s buy something for Xiaolong and the others. Whether it's money or merit, this thing only has real meaning if it's spent, right? hey-hey.

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