Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 357 Heart Phoenix

A dark light would often appear suddenly in front of Long Haochen, which was the necromancy magic of the golden zombie. There are not many types of magic in the Golden Zombie, but their attack power is quite powerful, so that Long Haochen can only resist it by relying on the Brilliant Holy Shield in his left hand to continuously output Holy Shield spells.

Haoyue, how long will it take for you to complete your evolution? Long Haochen sighed secretly in his heart, but his eyes became firmer.

It can only be used purely for defense and cannot use his full strength, but he cannot give up the entrance of the cave. what to do? What should we do now?

At this moment, Yating finally defused the venom that poisoned the zombies and joined the battle again. Moreover, as soon as she joined this time, she immediately burst out a powerful magic, which was used to deal with the skeleton army before. shower of stars.

Terrifying starlight bloomed in the sky, and after falling suddenly, even a body as powerful as a zombie could not withstand the power of the rain of stars.

The Zombie King, who was already preparing for a sneak attack, could only passively defend against the rain of stars, temporarily giving up the idea of ​​a sneak attack on Long Haochen.

However, the gold zombies, silver zombies, and even the copper zombies and iron zombies all have the same way of resisting this powerful magic, which is to use the bodies of their companions.

After the terrifying rain of stars fell, at least more than two hundred zombies died. However, the real main force among the zombies was still there. Moreover, Long Haochen happened to see three purple-red poison-exploding zombies slowly climbing up halfway. Mountainside.

We can't go on like this. If the power of these three poison-exploding zombies is allowed to come into play, it is very likely that he and Yating will be unable to withstand them.

Thinking of this, Long Haochen finally took action.

Rich golden light suddenly bloomed from his chest, and then, three golden lights spurted out from his chest.

The zombies were used to Long Haochen's power, and they hurriedly avoided it, fearing that it was some powerful magic. Three figures appeared in the golden light and quickly blocked Long Haochen.

The three people who were teleported were Wang Yuanyuan, Lin Xin and Han Yu.

Boss, what's going on? Lin Xincai couldn't help but ask as soon as he appeared.

Long Haochen shouted in a deep voice: Let's face the enemy with all our strength first. As he said that, he took a step forward and rushed towards the zombie group. His companions had just been summoned here by him, and they always needed to adapt to the surrounding environment. With them sitting at the entrance of the cave, he could finally rush out and kill.

After being suppressed for so long, Long Haochen burst out like a tiger coming out of the gate, or like a volcano erupting.

Punishment of Light With his full focus on spiritual power, this brilliant-level heavy sword directly bloomed with the light of the holy sword, and the equipment came with its own skills.

Long Haochen's toes touched the ground, and the four wings behind his back suddenly flapped and then quickly closed behind his back. His whole body shot out like an arrow.

This movement was really too fast. With the help of the four wings, his speed almost reached the extreme. He slipped through the gap between the two silver zombies, and then he saw two dazzling balls of light. The two silver zombies bloomed behind them.

The holy sword version of Yaori Slash.

The silver zombies are indeed the zombies with the strongest defense except for the Zombie King. Long Haochen's attack that combined two major skills was not able to cut them off, but despite this, it left scars on their backs. A horrific wound. What's even more terrifying is that the intense holy fire of light erupts within their bodies like a volcanic eruption.

Even the Zombie King was afraid of Long Haochen's bright holy fire. Being hit by him at such a close range, the two silver zombies screamed, green smoke emitted from their bodies, and staggered back. Seeing that their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. .

And this was just the beginning. The two swords swung by Long Haochen were extremely fast, but his body was still eager under the impact of the flapping wings. In the blink of an eye, the three poison-exploding zombies were in front of him. behind. And just skip them three feet away.

The Punishment of Light suddenly connected in the void, and three seemingly tiny white lights had quietly attached themselves to the three poisonous zombies.

Immediately afterwards, a violent roar suddenly sounded, and the bodies of the three poisonous explosion zombies burst and exploded, and large puffs of purple-black liquid erupted in all directions. But the liquid they sprayed out at this time could only fall on the surrounding zombies.

Venom doesn't know how to distinguish between friend and foe. Suddenly, a large number of zombies fell down in the rising purple-black poisonous mist. It even includes two iron zombies.

Long Haochen's ability to accomplish his goal like a duck in water is closely related to Yating's Rain of Stars. The powerful seventh-level magic made most of the remaining zombie elites in front, and the ordinary zombies have not yet caught up. Otherwise, Long Haochen wouldn't have such a large space to display.

But at this time, he obviously didn't intend to let go just like that, and at this time, the Zombie King also moved.

The Zombie King has been waiting for an opportunity. It is not easy to cultivate. After the first attack, it just does not want to consume too much. Why not use it when there are so many younger brothers? At this time, seeing that the situation was not good, the pair of asymmetrical wings on its back suddenly flapped and rushed towards Long Haochen.

There was a sneer on Long Haochen's face. Although he could not fully control his four wings, he could still use some simple techniques.

The four wings that had been folded before suddenly stretched out, and the increased resistance from the air suddenly caused his forward body to come to a sudden halt.

Long Haochen kicked the chest of an iron zombie in front with his toes, and kicked it towards the zombie king. However, his four wings flapped again, but this time in the opposite direction, and he rushed back.

The body flipped over while retreating rapidly, and the Dousha Xuanyuan Sword erupted again. Wherever it passes, golden light shines, and the terrifying bright holy fire combined with the power of the holy sword temporarily maintained by the Light Punishment is really invincible. Even the two powerful zombies, gold and silver, retreated in panic.

But most of them were other zombies that couldn't be avoided. Just like this, at least more than twenty iron-level zombies fell to Long Haochen's sword, not including the three poison-explosion zombies.

Although the situation is unclear, if Long Haochen is there to meet the enemy, after a short buffer, Han Yu, Lin Xin, and Wang Yuanyuan are also ready to fight.

Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan blocked the entrance of the cave, and Lin Xin retreated to Yating.

The Giant Spirit God's Shield in Wang Yuanyuan's hand was smashed out at the first time. With the harsh roar, several approaching zombies were directly knocked away. The huge shield roared in a circle and returned to her hand. Then, Wang Yuanyuan was The cannon blasted out. It happened to hit a silver zombie that had been killed by Long Haochen before.

The silver zombie had already been severely damaged, but after being bombarded by the air-splitting cannon, it could no longer hold on and was directly blasted out of the mountainside and fell away.

Han Yu was not idle either. He placed his light reflecting shield in front of him and spread his spiritual wings behind him to form a stable defense. Any zombies that rushed towards him would be knocked away by his shield and recoil. Perfectly performing the duties of a guardian knight.

Lin Xin looked at the large number of zombies outside and couldn't help but muttered, There are so many, what the hell is this! He said, but his movements were not slow. He saw Long Haochen rushing back with a wall of fire. The technique landed behind Long Haochen, blocking the zombies who wanted to pursue him. Immediately afterwards, the fire spell attached to the fire crystal staff was blasted out, and the target hit the other silver zombie that was seriously injured.

After the two spiritual furnaces were combined, Lin Xin's own flames had undergone great changes. Originally his flames were red, but now his flames have turned into dark blue. Even the fire spell turned into a dark blue skull flame form.

Under the double burning of the bright holy fire and Lin Xin's heart fire, the silver zombie was trapped internally and externally, and finally turned into a ball of ashes.

The seven members of the No. 21 General-level Demon Hunting Group have experienced too many battles since their formation until now, and they have perfect cooperation with each other. Even though his cultivation had just reached the sixth level and he still needed to adapt, he showed exquisite coordination in the face of this sudden battle.

Long Haochen returned to Han Yu, and Han Yu took the initiative to step forward and step aside half of his body, temporarily becoming the most important defensive force and giving Long Haochen a chance to breathe. At this time, seeing Qiang Qiang's men dying one after another, the Zombie King finally couldn't hold back and rushed over crazily.

However, this time it learned the lesson and instead of rushing towards me with bare hands, it held an iron zombie in its left hand and a poisonous zombie in its right hand.

Lin Xin, destroy the purple zombie on his right hand. Long Haochen shouted, stretching his wings behind his back. At the same time, a golden light fell on him from behind, shining brightly on the world. It was Yating's support that arrived. The rich Light attribute spiritual power was quickly injected into Long Haochen's body. Replenishing his own consumption.

At the same time, a ray of white light shot out from Yating's chest, hitting the Zombie King's body, the Holy Spiritual Furnace. However, the pulling effect of the Holy Spiritual Furnace used by Yating was actually based on Long Haochen. In other words, enemies hit by the Holy Spiritual Furnace will still attack Long Haochen.

Of course, it is more accurate to say that there is no longer the Holy Spiritual Furnace, but it should be said that it is Yating's traction skill.

Watch me destroy it. Lin Xin roared with excitement, and then, a strange energy wave emitted from the backs of Long Haochen, Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan.

The three of them suddenly felt that the surrounding air spread out in water-like ripples, and an indescribable burning sensation made the blood in their bodies seem to boil.

Immediately afterwards, a loud phoenix suddenly came to mind, and a ray of blue light passed above their heads and went straight to meet the zombie king who was rushing over.

what is that? Long Haochen, Han Yu and Wang Yuanyuan were all stunned.

The blue fire phoenix, with three dazzling tail feathers on its back, left a series of dazzling flame halos rippling in the air, and arrived in front of the Zombie King almost instantly.

The next moment, the zombie king screamed and was stopped forcibly. The poisonous explosive zombie in its hand burst instantly. However, before the purple venom could spread, it evaporated under the high temperature and turned into poisonous gas. The iron zombie on the other side actually melted directly.

What a terrifying high temperature it takes to do this! Long Haochen had personally experienced the physical strength of the iron zombie.

After being hit by the blue flame phoenix, the Zombie King's body turned directly into a dark green color. Thick green mist continued to rush out of its body, resisting the erosion of the blue flames.

At this moment, the blue fire phoenix flapped its wings hard, and a rich blue flame halo spread outward. A large number of ordinary zombies who had just climbed to the top of the mountain were shrouded in this halo. The progress of the zombies came to an abrupt halt, and then they watched them melt one by one, turning into liquid, then into gas, and then disappeared.

The loud cry of the phoenix resounded throughout the audience again. The fire phoenix folded its wings, and with the violent explosion, the zombie king was blown away, then circled in the air and flew towards Long Haochen and the others again. .

Seeing how miserable the Zombie King was, Long Haochen and the others couldn't help but change their expressions. Wang Yuanyuan couldn't help but shouted: Brother Youyao, what are you doing?

But what surprised them was that the fire phoenix seemed to have lost its temperature and just passed over their heads. When they looked back, it actually penetrated directly into Lin Xin's chest and disappeared.

Spirit furnace? The three of them exclaimed in unison.

The only skill that can be integrated into human chests is the spiritual furnace. They never imagined that such a powerful, even terrifying skill would be Lin Xin's spiritual furnace. There is no doubt that the blue fire phoenix is ​​his original two. The result of the synthesis of a spiritual furnace.

Even with Long Haochen's knowledge of spiritual furnaces, he didn't know that there was a certain degree of compatibility when the spiritual furnaces were synthesized. The higher the compatibility between the spiritual furnaces, the easier it is to synthesize, and the more powerful the power produced after synthesis.

The danger of combining spiritual furnaces lies in this degree of compatibility. If the power of two spiritual furnaces is equal and the degree of compatibility is zero, no matter how powerful their owners are, they will never be able to successfully synthesize them, and they will eventually suffer. Backlash.

There are only two situations that can be synthesized, one is conformity, the other is suppression. For example, the combination of Lin Xin and Han Yu's spiritual furnaces is considered compatible, while the combination of Long Haochen and Cai'er's spiritual furnaces is considered suppressive. Long Haochen was the light element spirit Yating who suppressed the Holy Spirit Furnace. As for Cai'er, it was even more obvious.

However, the most successful person in this spiritual furnace synthesis is Lin Xin. The reason is very simple. His luck is really good. He obtained the Tao Heart Flame Spiritual Furnace and the Fire Eagle Spiritual Furnace later. The degree of compatibility was actually the maximum, which directly produced a strange evolutionary effect, and this was how his current spiritual furnace was born: the Fire Phoenix, which can also be called the Heart Phoenix.

Long Haochen and the others have seen the power of this spiritual furnace with their own eyes. Its explosive power can actually defeat the eighth-level zombie king. Moreover, during the process of its explosive power, even the eighth-level strong man like the zombie king can't take advantage of it. method, but also suffered a lot of losses.


4,000 words sent, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. Our classmate Xiaolin finally has some offensive power. hey-hey.

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