Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 356 Battle against the Undead (Part 2)

However, Long Haochen must not show weakness at this time. Seeing the behavior of the Zombie King falling into the zombie group, he immediately understood that the other party was afraid of his own attributes. He gritted his teeth, not letting himself show any signs of weakness. The strong fire of the sun rose again, and it was more intense than before.

Yating's spell chanting was also completed at this time, and a strange golden-red halo instantly appeared above Long Haochen's head, and then slowly fell, covering his body. Suddenly, the glorious holy armor on Long Haochen's body turned completely golden-red, and the sun's fire around his body no longer rose and danced, but turned into a golden-red liquid, forming a halo around his body.

This liquid aperture is like a moat protecting the city, rotating slowly. The light element around Long Haochen's body was so rich that the entire area of ​​dozens of square meters turned into a faint golden color.

The Zombie King took a breath of cold air. It could feel that this human being was far inferior to itself in terms of power, but the bright attribute of this human being was the only one it had ever seen in its life. It was so powerful, it really didn't know what would happen if it was contaminated with that golden-red liquid? I'm afraid it will directly cause serious damage to the soul.

With so many younger brothers around, although the zombie king really wanted to kill Haoyue, it cherished its own life more and immediately stopped charging forward. Instead, it directed its zombie younger brothers to charge towards Long Haochen.

As Yating said, zombies are indeed much more powerful than skeletons. These zombies rushed up the mountainside quickly. As soon as they approached the light aura around Long Haochen's body, their speed immediately slowed down, but But he would still slowly jump towards Long Haochen, trying to attack him.

Yating felt the state of Long Haochen's body most clearly. She knew that Long Haochen needed to be restored. She flashed her body and immediately came to his side. The staff in her hand pointed forward, and the most common arrows of light continued to shoot from it. The tip of the staff flies out, and every blow is aimed at the zombie's head, because that is where their souls gather.

Suddenly, streaks of golden light flew across the mountainside, and zombies were eliminated one after another by Yating's arrows of light. Facing this kind of light magic, they are simply unable to resist. Yating's eyes have always stayed on the zombie king who was commanding his subordinates among the zombies. The reason why she didn't use powerful magic was to prevent the zombie king from attacking.

Long Haochen got a buffer and hurriedly adjusted the spiritual power in his body. After he awakened, his strength increased significantly again, but he had not yet adapted. He suddenly encountered such a powerful being as the Zombie King, so he suffered a big loss.

Fortunately, he had made great progress in awakening his external spiritual power this time. Otherwise, he might have lost his fighting ability in that blow just now.

After simply moving his body, Long Haochen immediately felt much more comfortable, and the rich light element in his body quickly healed his injuries. The combat effectiveness quickly returned to more than 80%.

With a flash of figure, Long Haochen stepped forward and came to the front, and the light punishment in his hand swept out again. It's still the Light Sword, but this time it's the Light Sword plus the Ripples of Light.

Suddenly, at least a dozen zombies were chopped into two pieces by the light sword. However, a terrifying scene also appeared. Although the bodies of these zombies were severed, their severed bodies were still crawling underground and attacking Long Haochen.

What a strong vitality. Long Haochen had already thought about it, and Yating hurriedly said: Their vitals are on the head. No other part can be fatal.

Okay. Long Haochen agreed, and the light from the Light Punishment in his hand flashed again, this time replaced by the Demon-Slaying Flash, stabbing the zombies' heads accurately, destroying their soul fire.

The defensive power of zombies is not comparable to that of skeletons. Their heads are very hard. Yating's Arrow of Light is even more effective than Long Haochen's Demon-Destroying Flash because she chose the position of the eyes of these zombies. But after Long Haochen took action, he immediately felt the huge threat from the zombie king. Naturally, he did not dare to put more energy into dealing with ordinary zombies, so he could not deal with them wholeheartedly. Sometimes the demon-killing flash stabs the forehead bones of zombies and is unable to pierce their heads, so additional attacks are needed.

However, it is impossible for these zombies to harm Long Haochen. The magic that Yating cast on Long Haochen is called the Ring of the Sun. It is a powerful sixth-level light magic that combines offense and defense. Coupled with the powerful light attributes of Long Haochen and Yating, any zombies that approach a certain range of Long Haochen will be directly burned by the ring of the sun, and their bodies will soon turn into a ball of ashes. And every time a zombie is burned, the intensity of the light element on the Sun Ring will also weaken.

The number of zombies is increasing, and the powerful zombies that Yating mentioned before are gradually appearing.

The Wraith Zombie is a zombie that is extremely fast and can launch psychic attacks. The hateful thing about these zombies is that they are more intelligent than other zombies. They did not take the initiative to attack Long Haochen and Yating, but tried to go around from the side and directly into the cave.

This undoubtedly greatly restricted Long Haochen's actions, preventing him from leaving the cave entrance for even a moment.

Moreover, these vengeful zombies came and went like the wind. Because Long Haochen could not leave the cave entrance, his Demon-Slaying Flash sometimes failed to hit these vengeful zombies.

In addition to the wraith zombies, the enemies Long Haochen and the others faced had also turned into metal zombies. The appearance of these metal zombies is very obvious, including iron-gray iron zombies, bronze-colored copper zombies, silver zombies and the most terrifying gold zombies.

The reason why golden zombies are scary is that they can actually use some necromancy magic. These necromancy magics themselves were already quite powerful, and they were also long-range. Long Haochen simply didn't have the energy to rush out and kill them.

Iron zombies are at least level four, bronze zombies are at level five, silver zombies are at level six for melee combat, and gold zombies are at level six for long-range attacks. These powerful frontal zombies launched attacks together, making it increasingly difficult for Long Haochen to deal with them.

However, although these zombies were powerful, Long Haochen was able to resist them for a while. What disgusted him the most was a kind of purple-red zombie with a big belly.

There were only two such zombies in total, but these two almost broke through the defense jointly created by him and Yating.

This kind of zombies were not fast and did not directly participate in the attack. They were even thrown directly towards Long Haochen by the golden zombies.

When Long Haochen's attack fell on the first purple-red zombie, its body exploded instantly, and large amounts of purple-red liquid flew into the sky.

The ring of the sun on Long Haochen's body actually disappeared under the erosion of this purple-red liquid. Without the protection of the ring of the sun, Long Haochen was suddenly in danger, and he had to use the Xuanyuan Sword to fight on the spot. Barely forcing the surrounding zombies back.

And when the second purple-red zombie flew over, Yating couldn't dodge, and a few drops of purple-red liquid fell on her body. She screamed suddenly, and her body was filled with light and mist, but her aura began to weaken obviously. He was actually seriously injured.

This is a poisonous zombie. Long Haochen finally knew. After Yating called out the name, she gritted her teeth and backed away, quickly dispelling the venom from her body.

The purple-red venom was so overbearing that even the rocks on the ground were corroded and dented, and it was accompanied by an extremely unpleasant smell. What was even more terrifying was that it could even corrode spiritual power. The holy light shield that Long Haochen had applied to the ripples of light could not withstand its corrosion at all. After the two poisonous zombies appeared, the situation of Long Haochen and Yating became precarious.

However, at this time, Long Haochen's own combat effectiveness was fully demonstrated. The Brilliant Holy Shield in the left hand provides high-level resistance, and the Light Punishment in the right hand will definitely kill a zombie every time it attacks. Rich light elements continued to burst out of his body, as if his spiritual power could not be used up.

On the front are four silver zombies. The silvery bodies of these silver zombies are extremely tough. Even the Light Punishment Slash with conflicting attributes can only leave a trace on their bodies. Moreover, these high-level zombies are very smart. Once Long Haochen activates a powerful skill such as the Holy Sword, these silver zombies will immediately pull a zombie from behind to resist them, and they will quickly retreat away. Come.

Fortunately, there are not many gold and silver zombies, and only four of them have appeared until now. Even so, Long Haochen has begun to become more and more strenuous.

Without Haoyue and the zombie king commanding the zombies to attack in the distance, Long Haochen would be sure to kill these eight powerful zombies. But where do so many ifs come from?

Skills such as thrusting, charging, and charging are simply unusable for Long Haochen now. What he uses most is divine block and continuous block, followed by shield block charge and light slashing sword, which are low-cost and very powerful. Practical skills.

But even so, his spiritual power is constantly being consumed. Long Haochen even vaguely saw that the Zombie King was quietly approaching the battlefield, obviously looking for an opportunity to give him a fatal blow.

With a cold snort, the Light Punishment in Long Haochen's right hand once again transformed into a powerful demon-killing flash. Once he launched a similar attack, those silver zombies were very capable. Each one directly attracted two ordinary zombies to resist. Long Haochen's attack and the effect of the bright holy fire could hardly fall on these silver zombies. And even if the power of the Holy Fire of Light contaminates their bodies, the golden zombies behind them will immediately use the body fluids of other zombies to help them extinguish the fire. The cooperation is extremely tacit.

Therefore, although Long Haochen killed a lot of zombies, he was under increasing pressure.


Lao San prepared a chapter of 4,000 words in the evening. Let everyone watch more. Can you give me some monthly tickets to encourage you? hey-hey.

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