Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 348 Different? Thigh...(upper)

Light system, yes, it is light system. But there was only one Long Haochen left in the light system. Could it be that he has changed his gender?

Seeing those slender thighs, everyone's eyes glazed over, their pupils dilated, their mouths opened, and they were about to scream in surprise.

Fortunately, the slender thighs were not completely exposed. When they poked out from the green mist and were twenty centimeters above the knees, the pale golden war skirt covered the upward position in time. However, even so, it can be very thought-provoking.

Under the dull gaze of everyone, a slender and graceful beauty walked out of the green mist.

She has a slender figure, about 1.7 meters tall, about the same height as Wang Yuanyuan. Her bright beauty gives people a sense of sacredness and strangeness.

A golden dress covered the most important parts of her delicate body, but also exposed her arms and long legs. There was a milky white diamond-shaped gemstone on her chest. In the middle of the forehead is a golden diamond-shaped gem.

The ethereal and beautiful face has a faint smile. In his right hand, he holds a two-meter-long golden staff. The golden gem on the top of the staff emits a soft light.

Her beauty is that kind of divine and flawless beauty. Her white feet did not step directly on the ground, but were suspended about half a foot above the ground, making her figure even more slender and tall.

Feeling the dull gazes of everyone, the girl smiled slightly, Don't you recognize me?

You, you are... Lin Xin said in surprise.

The golden light of the staff in the girl's right hand shone, and her upper body leaned forward slightly. Suddenly, three pairs of light wings suddenly stretched out from behind her, like petals that suddenly unfolded. Each light wing is as transparent as a dragonfly wing, but much larger. The moment they stretched out, a halo like the sun suddenly appeared under the girl's feet, and a soft golden mist rose quietly around her body.

Yating! Everyone exclaimed at the same time, staring blankly at Yating in front of them.

Is this, is this the light element elf that they snatched back from the demons under the command of Long Haochen? This, this is true?

No wonder they were so shocked. At this time, Yating looked almost the same as a human being. If she fell on the ground and retracted her light wings, she would be a character girl!

She doesn't look like an energy body, she looks like a real person.

Wang Yuanyuan couldn't help but come over and squeezed Yating's arm. It was soft, warm and smooth. It feels really good.

You, you became a human?

To be precise, it should have become an elf. And it should be an elf that has undergone some changes. Long Haochen's voice sounded. The next moment, he had walked out of the green mist out of thin air.

Compared with everyone who came out before, he was almost unchanged and showed no signs of fatigue. But the way he looked at Yating was really weird.

Yating at this time can be said to be the result of the synthesis of the spiritual furnace, or it can be said to be the change caused by various adventures.

Dream Paradise is undoubtedly the most suitable place for elemental elves to live. By chance, Yating absorbed a large amount of vitality and light elements, completely healed her injuries, and truly possessed vitality.

Of course she will not become a human being. In a sense, she is still an energy body at this time, but the energy is too concentrated, producing an effect like an entity. Just as Long Haochen said, she is now a real elf. Instead of elemental elves.

Compared with Yating, the Holy Spiritual Furnace is obviously much weaker. Its fertility ability has also been absorbed by Yating. Together with Long Haochen's destroyed Blue Rain and the Lotus of Light, they are now integrated into Yating. Ting's body. Even if it can be repaired in the future, if Long Haochen wants to use it, Yating will have to give it to him.

What Long Haochen was most worried about happened. The traction ability of the Holy Spiritual Furnace was stripped off with the synthesis of the spiritual furnace and became part of Yating's ability.

Overall, it is this synthesis process that truly makes Yating a success.

Of course, Yating is still Long Haochen's spiritual furnace, the contract remains unchanged, and there is an even more direct spiritual connection. The difference from before is that Yating is now an independent individual, thoughtful and intelligent, and can act as a true light mage. She can do everything that a light magician of the same level can do, or even do it better. As for the improvement of her strength, that depends on Long Haochen.

For Yating, she was so satisfied with the changes at this time that she looked at Long Haochen with strange eyes. This was also the most troublesome part for Long Haochen. He didn't want Cai'er to be unhappy because of Yating's changes. He can regard Yating as a friend, but there will never be any other changes.

It's so beautiful. If I hadn't already had Xin'er, I would have fallen in love with you. Lin Xintian said shamelessly. Coupled with his current embarrassed look, it immediately made people laugh.

Long Haochen said to Yating: Change back to your original size.

Yating pursed her lips and said, But master, that will weaken my strength.

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, Then you'd better go back to your original size. If you really have to use your full strength, you can just grow bigger again.

Yating's evolution even gave her the language ability to communicate directly with humans.

Okay. Yating nodded as if she was dissatisfied. Under the regretful gazes of her male compatriots, the halo of light shrank. Soon, she returned to her shrunken form, and she shrunk completely. He was only a foot tall, and he flew to Long Haochen's shoulder and sat down.

Even though she had become smaller, sitting on Long Haochen's shoulder still made him feel a little awkward, but he just ordered Yating to do something he didn't want to do because of his own selfishness, so it was hard to ask for anything more.

Turning around and looking at the green mist, Long Haochen's eyes became nervous and he murmured, The only one missing is Cai'er.

Yes, everyone except Cai'er has come out so far. The situation of Sima Xian and Chen Ying'er cannot be investigated for the time being because they are seriously injured. It is not ruled out that the synthesis of the spiritual furnace fails.

Yating was not idle. She sat on Long Haochen's shoulder and released healing magic one by one, landing on Sima Xian and Chen Yinger. In terms of healing ability, she was much more reliable than Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang. Being able to cast magic on other people means that the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 will no longer lack priests in the future.

As time passed by, Long Haochen's expression became more and more anxious, his fists clenched unconsciously, and he kept praying in his heart: Cai'er, nothing can happen to you! You must succeed!

He has begun to regret now, regretting adding another spiritual furnace to Cai'er. If she just fused the Reincarnation Spiritual Furnace and the Thousand Strikes Spiritual Furnace, maybe she would be more relaxed.

When Long Haochen was extremely anxious, suddenly, a delicate voice sounded in his mind, You idiot, get anxious. You deserve it. I will take you to her place, but she is no longer able to come out. You need to take her out. .”

This was Ye Xiaolei's voice. Long Haochen felt happy and nodded quickly.

The green light shone and rolled up his body again. The next moment, Long Haochen had disappeared into the green light. But Yating was actually bounced away by the green light, preventing her from entering with Long Haochen.

When his vision became clear again, he found that he was back in the blue-green pool where he had merged with the spiritual furnace. The pool here is not actually water, but pure life energy. You will feel very comfortable whenever you soak in it.

According to Ye Xiaolei, this was of course not the place he was before, but the place where Cai'er synthesized the spiritual furnace. But, where is Cai'er?

Although Long Haochen was a little panicked, he was still calm after all and did not search blindly. He slowly closed his eyes and relied on his strong mental power to spread his senses, looking for traces of Cai'er.

This turquoise space seemed to have no end, but Long Haochen's mental power soon felt its actual edge, and then, a faint breath of life appeared in his perception.

Without any hesitation, he opened his eyes and quickly arrived at the place where the breath of life was guided by his own perception.

It's Cai'er.

Coming closer, Long Haochen saw Cai'er at a glance. At this time, her body was completely immersed in the green liquid. Only her face was still floating on the water. Her pretty face was frighteningly pale. If there wasn't a faint breath of life, she would even be floating like a corpse. As if there.

Cai'er. Long Haochen shouted in distress, rushed over and hugged her into his arms.

This hug didn't matter, but he immediately froze.

The skin he started to touch was smooth and tender. Even in the turquoise liquid, he could clearly feel the silky and soft touch. The curves were exquisite and the bumps were regular. Under the touch, Long Haochen could only feel Like an electric shock.

Although he and Cai'er have been together for a long time, they are still young after all, and they are ignorant about men and women. Moreover, Long Haochen is afraid of hurting her, so he has always been very polite. , the most they can do is kiss and hug. But he had never really touched her skin.

At this moment, even though he didn't lift Cai'er out of the water, he could still feel that she was completely naked. This is the first time for this kind of frank meeting.

However, Long Haochen's sluggishness only lasted for a short moment. Although he felt strong strangeness and embarrassment in his heart, Cai'er's safety was the most important thing in his heart.

He bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, and under the stinging pain on the tip of his tongue, he became more alert and slowly injected his gentle bright spiritual power into Cai'er's body.


I try to write as pure as possible, isn’t it very pure? Praise me now. Then the votes are counted. Asking for monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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