Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 347 Spirit Furnace Synthesis (Part 2)

She has not experienced the third round of tests, and now she can only wait.

She didn't try to get out of here because she wouldn't cause trouble for her friends. During this wait, three hours passed quickly.

It would only take three days from the appearance to the end of Dream Paradise. The three hours of waiting forced Wang Yuanyuan to enter a state of cultivation, otherwise she was afraid that she would not be able to bear it and rush out. Loneliness is often more torturous than physical pain.

Finally, there was a flash of golden light. A figure appeared from the green and landed directly next to Wang Yuanyuan.

Ah! As soon as this person appeared, he couldn't help but scream. His body was still convulsing violently. He held his heart in his hands and sat down on the ground.

What's wrong with you? Wang Yuanyuan hurriedly stepped forward and asked with concern. The first person to come out was none other than Zhang Fangfang, who had broken through the seventh level of cultivation.

He opened his mouth and panted heavily, with big beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and finally relaxed. Panting, he looked at Wang Yuanyuan and smiled: It's okay, I'm okay.

Wang Yuanyuan said angrily: Always say it's okay? You said it was okay last time, and you almost became disabled.

Zhang Fangfang laughed, scratched his head, and said: I'm really fine. However, the synthesis of the spiritual furnace is too torturous. If my cultivation level had not exceeded the seventh level and the spiritual power injected into the synthesis was enough, I'm afraid that I really may not be able to cope with this synthesis. Speaking of which, Ye Xiaolei was merciful. My spiritual power has exceeded 10,000. It seems that she can indeed change Dream Paradise to a certain extent. the rule of.

Wang Yuanyuan said in surprise: Did you successfully synthesize it? What has become of the spiritual furnace?

Zhang Fangfang stood up, smiled slightly, and said, Successful. This synthesized spiritual furnace, I call it the second life spiritual furnace. Look.

As General said, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and then a golden light erupted from his chest. Suddenly, another Zhang Fangfang appeared in front of Wang Yuanyuan. It's just that this Zhang Fangfang doesn't have any equipment on him, and he is presented as a golden existence.

This me has 80% of my own spiritual power. It can even use the weapons I gave it, and everything obeys my orders. It can be summoned once a day, and it can last for an hour each time. After the spiritual furnace is synthesized, it can be said that its power is Big increase!”

Wang Yuanyuan looked at the golden figure in surprise, with envy in his heart. This spiritual furnace, which is similar to a clone, is enough to reach the level of a second-level spiritual furnace. This increase is real! And it lasts a long time. What's more, he can even use equipment.

Although she didn't know the level of the spiritual furnace Zhang Fangfang obtained before, the birth of a second-level spiritual furnace must mean that Zhang Fangfang's strength suddenly increased greatly. With this spiritual furnace, he, who had just entered the seventh level, was even qualified to challenge and obtain the mithril base armor.

Seeing that Zhang Fangfang was fine, Wang Yuanyuan subconsciously stepped aside. When she was about to sit back down and continue waiting for her friends to return. Zhang Fangfang suddenly said: Yuanyuan, do you have a boyfriend?

Ah? Wang Yuanyuan raised her head and looked at him in surprise. When she saw Zhang Fangfang's burning gaze, she, who had always been full of masculinity, felt a little panicked for some reason, and subconsciously said: No.

That's good. Zhang Fangfang breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Yuanyuan's eyebrows stood up, What do you mean, that's fine? Can't someone like this girl?

Zhang Fangfang suddenly panicked, No, no, don't misunderstand. I didn't mean that, I like you! When he blurted out the last five words, both of them were stunned.

Wang Yuanyuan only felt her heart twitch violently, but she quickly reacted and said with a stern face: But, I don't like you. Do you think that because you saved me, I should give you my life? I tell you You, I don't like men. You saved me, and I will return it to you in the future. After saying this, she immediately turned back and stopped looking at Zhang Fangfang. However, she found that her heart was beating fast, and after saying these words, a kind of regret that she had never felt before spread instantly.

Zhang Fangfang didn't say anything, he just looked at Wang Yuanyuan silently. Wang Yuanyuan didn't look back, and the atmosphere instantly became a little depressing.

After a long time, Zhang Fangfang seemed to have adjusted his mood. His voice was hoarse and low, Yuanyuan, I never thought you would like me. After all, we have only known each other for such a short time. Whether you like me or not, or you Whether I like a man or a woman will not affect my liking for you. I just want you to know this is enough.

Wang Yuanyuan's shoulders shook slightly and she said without looking back: What do you like about me? Her voice softened obviously. At this moment, the man with disabled hands but still smiling and telling her that it was okay appeared in front of her. man.

Zhang Fangfang said: Do you believe in love at first sight? To answer your question honestly, I can only say, I don't know. But I am very lucky that fate allowed me to meet you.

Wang Yuanyuan fell into silence again. Zhang Fangfang didn't say anything more, but the expression on his face relaxed a little. He didn't move closer. He just sat cross-legged on the spot, staring blankly at the slightly slender figure in front of him. But a very tall girl.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a flash of golden light, and another figure fell out of the green light. His embarrassment was even worse than that of Zhang Fangfang. He fell to the ground, gnawed on the mud, and fell to the ground.

Wang Yuanyuan was startled. When he stood up and looked, he found that it was Han Yu who fell to the ground.

Han Yu not only gasped, but fell into coma.

Before Wang Yuanyuan could step forward, a golden light accurately landed on Han Yu, performing a great recovery technique. Light-based single-target healing magic.

Zhang Fangfang held Han Yu's chest with his steady and advantageous hands, feeling the changes in his body. After a moment, Zhang Fang relaxed and said: He is fine. If I feel right, his synthesis should have been successful. There is a very soft but extremely tough light spiritual power in his chest. It must be the power of the spiritual furnace.”

Wang Yuanyuan nodded, looked at Zhang Fangfang who looked serious, and said, That's good.

The two made eye contact, and it was Wang Yuanyuan who fled. She immediately turned her face away, not daring to look at Zhang Fangfang again. She was actually a little afraid of seeing the seriousness in his eyes.

About half an hour later, Han Yu gradually came to his senses. Just as Zhang Fangfang said, he succeeded. After the two spiritual furnaces were combined, they became a brand new spiritual furnace, the Blessing of Light.

The effect of this spiritual furnace is very powerful. Using this spiritual furnace under any circumstances can cause Han Yu to release a light element shield with a diameter of five meters. The defensive power of this shield is equivalent to three times his own spiritual power, which is equivalent to the defensive strength he can achieve by using divine block. At the same time, during the process of using the blessing of light, except for the dark attributes within the range, The spiritual power of other people will be restored ten times faster until it is completely restored to its peak.

There is no doubt that this spiritual furnace will become stronger as his strength increases. The only regret is that the spiritual furnace of Blessing of Light seems unable to evolve after being synthesized. Overall, his spiritual furnace is still slightly inferior to Zhang Fangfang's second life spiritual furnace.

Lin Xin was the next one to appear. He came out of the green mist and was crying loudly the next moment.

Hey, Brother Youyao, what's wrong with you? Forget the synthesis failed, just be fine. Wang Yuanyuan consoled him.

Han Yu smiled bitterly and said: This synthesis is too difficult. Even with his control over the fire element, he failed.

Who said I failed? I feel sorry for my hair. At this point, Lin Xin couldn't help but continue to cry. But no, this guy looks a bit sad. His magic robe was burned into holes and was immediately scrapped. There was a black patch on his head. His original long flowing dark green hair has faded away. Mingming, even his eyebrows were burnt. However, looking at him, he seemed to be more calm than Han Yu and Zhang Fangfang, at least there was no sign of collapse.

Wang Yuanyuan said angrily: Let him cry, he will cry to death. What's the point of feeling bad about having broken hair? Now it's good, if he has a bald head like Sima, he can be more masculine. Maybe Xiner My sister likes you a little bit more.

Really? Lin Xin stopped crying, raised his head and asked with tears in his eyes.

Wang Yuanyuan said angrily: Fake.

Zhang Fangfang smiled and said: No matter what, at least we have successfully synthesized it so far. I hope they can also succeed.

After half an hour, Chen Ying'er and Sima Xian appeared almost at the same time, but their appearance was completely different.

Chen Ying'er's hair was disheveled, and she fainted in Wang Yuanyuan's arms as soon as she appeared. Her clothes were completely soaked with sweat, and her whole body was extremely exhausted.

Sima Xian's appearance was much more miserable than hers. When he appeared, it was like a large piece of barbecue smashed directly on the ground, with a faint smell of meat and burnt paste. Many places on the surface of the skin were carbonized, and some of the meat was really burnt.

Han Yu and Zhang Fang tried their best to treat them, and finally saved Sima Xian's life, but the two of them were still in a coma, and it looked like they wouldn't be able to wake up for a while, especially Sima Xian, who was physically injured. Very serious. After taking Lin Xin's elixir and receiving treatment, he could barely save his life. It's hard to say whether there will be any sequelae.

A ray of golden light seemed to cut the green color open, and a golden figure emerged from the light mist.

Sima Xian, Han Yu, and Zhang Fangfang of the light department have all come out. The only light element that appears again is Long Haochen!

However, at the next moment, everyone's eyes were dull. Because the first person to step out of the green mist was a long, slender, fair and pink leg.


Uh, thighs, guess whose thighs... In the name of thighs, please give me monthly votes and recommendation votes. If you don’t vote, you will all be sorry for your fair, pink and long legs!

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