Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 328 Three Spiritual Furnaces (Part 1)

After hearing the words Crown of Inheritance, the expression of the young man in black finally changed, and he said gloomily: Who did you kill?

Seeing the change of color on his face, Long Haochen smiled unhurriedly and said: He is the tallest among you. If I guessed correctly, he should be one of the heirs of the demon monarch Samikina. Well. What about you? To be the leader this time, you must have a higher status than that guy. Samikina is already the fourth pillar of the Demon God, so your identity is about to be revealed, the Demon God Emperor’s Heir, should I call you this? However, your name is really childish, Abao.

You are very smart, but smart people always die quickly. Taking one step forward, a layer of nothingness rippled around Abao's body. It seemed that his movements were extremely slow, but Long Haochen only felt that the sight in front of him was After a slight twist, Abao was in front of him in the next moment. He still didn't use any weapons, just punched out with the simplest punch.

This time, Long Haochen was fully prepared. Facing Abao's attack, his eyes suddenly became sharp. He took a half-step back with his left foot, and at the same time made a downward movement with his body. He raised the Punishment of Light in his left hand. The intense light of Yaori Slash burst out almost instantly, and the skill was completely embedded in the sword.

At the same time, Lan Yu and the Hibiscus of Light in his right hand had erupted with dazzling brilliance, and the Demon-Destroying Flash erupted instantly.

Facing Long Haochen's counterattack, Abao seemed to be unaware of it and had no intention of resisting. His fist only changed its direction slightly and was still heading towards Long Haochen.

Dang- This first sound was the sound of Light Punishment slashing on the arm of the young man in black. What shocked Long Haochen was that his Light Punishment was actually bounced away. Next, Lan Yu , the Hibiscus of Light's demon-killing flash pierced Abao's body with a series of explosions. However, it still failed to stop his progress.

Being stabbed directly in the body by the Demon Slayer Flash, Abao only frowned slightly, but did not suffer any damage.

Seeing that the punch was already in front of him, Long Haochen tapped the toes of his right foot lightly on the ground, and used the force of his entire upper body to twist, and managed to dodge the opponent's attack at the last moment. At the same time, white light bloomed on his Blue Rain, Hibiscus of Light, and Holy Sword.

From the beginning of the battle, Yating kept chanting spells behind Long Haochen. At this time, Long Haochen stabbed out the sword and transformed into the power of the holy sword.

However, Abao still did not dodge and allowed Long Haochen's holy sword to stab him in the ribs. But this time, the force of the rebound became even more terrifying. At that moment, Long Haochen clearly saw that his Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus were bent a bit due to the strong pressure, and then the violent rebound force made his right arm tingle.

Placing his left foot on Abao's waist, Long Haochen took advantage of the situation and rebounded, landing ten meters away. His face was already full of shock.

I didn't see any defensive equipment on Abao, just a simple black robe. However, his attack with rippling light had no effect on him. This was the first time Long Haochen faced such a battle.

No matter how strong your skills are, when your attacks are completely unable to cause damage to your opponent, then everything is in vain.

Abao said coldly: You can kill Shen Shang with your little strength? Even if you suppress the spiritual power, you are far from his opponent. Your attack is only slightly better than that of a trash knight who died in my hands before. It’s just a little stronger. But it’s not enough.”

Long Haochen took a deep breath. He knew that the Abao in front of him was more powerful than he had guessed. However, even a demon with tens of thousands of spiritual powers would not dare to let his holy sword with the rippling light pierce his body directly! Why can he resist his own attack with his body?

External spiritual power.

These three words appeared in Long Haochen's mind almost instantly, and he immediately understood why Abao's defense was so terrifying.

That's right, the upper limit of spiritual power in Fantasy Paradise is 10,000. But this limitation is mainly internal spiritual power. Although external spiritual power is also a kind of spiritual power, it is more reflected in physical strength. As long as this Abao does not use external spiritual power to attack, but only defends, even if his external spiritual power is very strong, he will not be excluded by the rules of Dream Paradise.

But, how strong is his external spiritual power? It must be at least more than 10,000. Otherwise, how could it be possible to block the fifth-level skills activated by brilliant-level equipment?

Seeing the confused look in Long Haochen's eyes, Abao smiled coldly and said: No need to guess, my external spiritual power exceeds 20,000, even if I don't use any internal spiritual power, I am equivalent to an eighth-level powerhouse. . You little fish and shrimps, you want to make waves in front of me? It’s simply a fool’s dream. If it weren’t for this annoying place to restrict attacks, my first attack would have killed you with this world.”

Twenty thousand spiritual powers, to Long Haochen, could even be described as a fantasy. Can external spiritual power reach such a terrifying level of 20,000? He never imagined it. His combined internal and external spiritual power cannot exceed seven thousand!

However, there is no possibility for him to retreat at this time. Once he retreats, Cai'er and his friends will face the powerful existence in front of them.

Taking a deep breath, Long Haochen said calmly: Since you are so powerful, why don't you just kill me? If you were in the outside world, maybe you had such ability. Unfortunately, this is a dream paradise, even if you want to kill me I am afraid that I am also powerless, right? No matter how strong your internal and external spiritual power is, when you enter here, your internal spiritual power will definitely be limited to less than 10,000. As for your external spiritual power, do you dare to use it to attack? Me? Even if I can't defeat you, it will be equally difficult for you to defeat me.

As he spoke, Long Haochen put away the Punishment of Light in his hand. He had no doubt that the Abao in front of him, who claimed to be in his thirties, had a cultivation level of above eight levels, maybe even nine levels. So what? This is a dream paradise.

Long Haochen moved in the next moment, his body rushed forward in an instant, using his speed to the extreme, his spiritual wings behind his back converged, and he stared at the opponent in front of him with burning eyes.

With a disdainful snort, Abao seemed unmoved by Long Haochen's words, but this time he didn't just punch him out. In the blink of an eye, he had reached Long Haochen's side. The strong dark energy instantly intertwined into a large net in the air, heading straight towards Long Haochen and covering it.

Long Haochen's eyes lit up, and in an instant, the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his hands were held high above his head, and divine light burst out from his eyes. The intense golden color instantly turned into the sharpest slash, and Shura Slash exploded.

The piercing scream bloomed instantly. After continuous practice, Long Haochen was no longer a simple Shura Slash, but activated it with the Holy Sword, and added the enhanced version of Shura Slash with Ripples of Light. Although there is no time for him to accumulate power at this moment, but even so, the power of his Shura Slash can be described as terrifying.

The biggest feature of Shura Slash is not its total attack volume, but its sharpness. Concentrates all attack power on the blade, and has the ability to contain all surrounding energy.

The sound of breaking silk erupted in the air. Although Long Haochen felt a lot of resistance, Shura Zhan's powerful attack power still had enough effect. The large network of dark spiritual energy was instantly split in half. At the same time, Long Haochen repeated his old tricks. A pair of golden light wings flapped instantly on his back, and his speed increased to the extreme. Then, with the power of Shura Slash, Shura Thorn was also launched instantly.

His combo seems simple, but he has practiced it countless times, and the connection is extremely tight. Especially after reaching the sixth level of cultivation, with the acceleration of the spiritual wings, the power of this attack is naturally increased to the extreme.

So what if you have 20,000 extra spiritual powers? Can you stop me from concentrating all my attack power into one burst of Shura Thorn?

Huh? Seeing the powerful explosion of Shura Zhan, Abao was also slightly startled. His opponent who was originally very small but a little clever in his eyes seemed to suddenly become difficult to deal with.

However, he didn't pay much attention to it. Facing Long Haochen's Shura thorn, a layer of purple light burst out from his eyes. His black eyes suddenly turned purple, and he greeted Shura in a way that Long Haochen could not imagine. Thorn attack.

He just raised his right hand and pointed forward with his index finger. At that moment, his index finger had completely turned into crystal clear purple. What could be seen was that around his finger, there were circles of purple halo closing inward. The power of this finger actually caused a series of fine broken traces to appear in the air rippling with purple light.


The Shura thorn collided with Abao's index finger, and light and darkness, two completely opposite spiritual powers, suddenly burst out.

Long Haochen felt as if his Shura thorn had pierced an insurmountable barrier, and the huge repulsive force completely swallowed up all his attack power. The terrifying dark energy suddenly raged and swept toward his body.

However, Abao on the other side was not relaxed either. He obviously underestimated Long Haochen's attack. Shura Thorn can be said to be Long Haochen's most powerful single-target attack skill at present, and its attack strength alone exceeds that of Guangyu Shuanglongyin. How could such a blow be so easily resisted?

What's more, Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus are already quite amazing weapons, although they have not yet evolved to the legendary level. However, its sharp power combined with the Shura Thorn still exploded with extremely strong attack power.

A harsh explosion reverberated in the air, and with a muffled groan, Abao instantly retreated, and the substance of his right hand was fractured. The sharp spiritual power brought by the Shura Thorn also caused his face to change slightly, and a deep purple halo erupted all over his body, and then the sharp spiritual power was forced out of the body.


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