Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 327 Crown of Inheritance and Substitute Spiritual Furnace (Part 2)

Okay. At this moment, the trust of the team was shown. No one questioned Long Haochen's approach. The powerful pill of light hit the ground and made a deep hole on the ground. Long Haochen was not afraid of getting dirty and smashed the The monster dragged it over and buried it with his friends.

Yating didn't make any sound during the whole process, she just watched Long Haochen's movements silently. It wasn't until the burial was completed that her eyes showed a slight emotion, as if she was approving.

Let's go. After burying the body, Long Haochen took his companions and moved on. The reason why he did this was not entirely because of his own kindness, but also because of his understanding of this dreamy paradise.

This is the world left by the goddess of nature, so everything should be done in harmony with nature. Although killing can lead to a spiritual furnace, who knows how difficult the test will be? Even if it is finally passed, the price paid will certainly be high.

Since there is a way to reduce trouble, why not use it?

When the gorilla left the spiritual furnace with him and turned away earlier, Long Haochen had already decided that the direction of their action this time was to be the guardian of everything in Dream Paradise.

Doing so will not only make him feel comfortable and be consistent with his personality, but at the same time, it is also likely to gain greater benefits.

Long Haochen's idea was quickly verified. They were not far from the place where the corpse of the monster was buried. He was suddenly surprised to find that his perception ability had become stronger. The range of perception has increased by at least one-third compared to the original range. In this dreamy paradise, this is an incredible increase!

Sure enough. Long Haochen suddenly understood something in his heart and whispered something to his companions. Everyone nodded and expressed their absolute support for all his decisions.

For Long Haochen, the top priority right now is two things, find Cai'er, and then continue to act here according to his own ideas until the moment the time expires.

No matter how strong an individual is, what can he do in front of nature? Unless one reaches the abnormal strength of the Demon God Emperor, it may be different.

The increase in perception made Long Haochen feel reassured. As he continued to move forward, he soon felt something again. This time he felt a strong collision of spiritual power, and it was much clearer than when he met the young demon before. More intense.

After thinking for a while, Long Haochen stopped and said to his companions: There seems to be a melee not far ahead. Don't go over there yet. Wait for my news and hide.

After saying this, he drew out his swords again and quickly dived forward. Since it is a melee, there must be both the enemy and ourselves. In this case, naturally you cannot easily reveal that you have brought people into the dream paradise. This is not only to hide the enemy, but also the demon hunters on the alliance side, otherwise they will go out. There will be some trouble later.

The closer the distance, the more obvious his perception became. The melee was fierce, and it was difficult not to detect the strong spiritual energy fluctuations. Soon, Long Haochen approached the battlefield. When he saw the battle in the distance, he couldn't help but feel relieved, because among the two sides in the melee, he saw Cai'er at a glance.

There were as many as seven people in the melee between the two sides, and Long Haochen knew four of them. There were four strong men on the Temple Alliance side. In addition to Cai'er, Long Haochen also knew Zhang Fangfang. The two are a magician and a warrior respectively. But there were three demons on the opposite side, Yue Ye, Leng Xiao, and a young man with an orange glow all over his body and a proud appearance.

Four versus three, both sides were fighting inextricably. The strength is comparable.

In addition to these seven people, there were actually three corpses on the ground, all belonging to Warcraft. And not far away, three spiritual furnaces of different colors hung there, emitting a faint light.

There were actually three spiritual furnaces, no wonder it caused a melee. Long Haochen was secretly surprised and at the same time he couldn't help but feel a little excited. There is no need to call your friends over. If you join them, you will definitely be able to suppress your opponents, not to mention that you can even rely on Yue Ye's help at critical moments. As long as those three spiritual furnaces fall on the side of the Alliance Demon Hunters, it would be a good thing even if you and Cai'er can only get one.

When he thought of this, Long Haochen adjusted his spiritual power and stepped out.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt an indescribable violent crisis appear behind him. Yating also let out a scream, and a layer of golden light spread from her body, covering himself and Long Haochen. shrouded within.

The crisis came so quickly that Long Haochen could only feel the hairs on his body standing on end, but the more he was in such a situation, he would often be able to unleash his strongest fighting power.

It was too late to dodge. The moment the opponent's attack was about to fall on him, Long Haochen suddenly relaxed his body, and the spiritual power in his body rushed to his back. At the same time, his body also trembled violently with the spiritual power.

The ripples of light, this time it was not just the light that rippled, but also his body. In that seemingly subtle tremor, Long Haochen had already adjusted his state to its peak.


The golden light shield was broken first, followed by the Holy Spirit protection attached to the glorious holy armor, and then a fist as heavy as a mountain struck Long Haochen's back.

Long Haochen's whole body seemed to be helpless, and he flew forward like a kite with its string broken. For a moment, golden light shone from his body.

However, just as he was knocked away by the opponent's punch, he turned around in mid-air and saw who the enemy was who could touch his back but was not noticed.

A handsome face appeared in his sight, and a dark, void aura rushed toward him like a big black net that suddenly opened.

Even in this place full of the life breath of nature, when the darkness and nothingness spread, Long Haochen still clearly felt the death of all the breath around his body.

Yes, the enemy who sneaked up on him from behind was the leader of the ten demons on this trip.

And at the same time that Long Haochen was knocked away by a punch, a scream instantly sounded on the battlefield on the other side.

Long Haochen's perception still enveloped the entire audience. He immediately felt an extremely powerful aura appearing on the battlefield on the other side. With the appearance of this powerful aura, the magician from the Temple Alliance fell. Apparently he was also killed in a sneak attack.

The black-haired young man punched Long Haochen, but was surprised to find that he didn't seem to be hurt, and there was a trace of confusion on his face. How did he know that Long Haochen not only had strong defensive power, but also used the ripples of light to resolve most of the momentum and offset the impact of his dark attributes. At the same time, there was also the soul chain life sharing, a great killer weapon. At this point, although he was injured, he was not seriously injured.

Will the demons only do sneak attacks? Long Haochen's body fell to the ground, and the spiritual wings bloomed on his back. The dazzling light was released, and there was no need for him to do anything. A large amount of golden light mist in the Dream Paradise Forest was already heading towards swarming around his body.

This is the advantage of being here. With the physique of the Son of Light and his previous affinity for Dream Paradise, Long Haochen has received great support from the environment here, not to mention the assistance of Yating. On the contrary, although the young man in black opposite Huang Shuo, whom Huang Shuo called Abao, was strong, he obviously would not get any help from Dream Paradise and would only be rejected by the surrounding environment.

In this world, there is only success or failure, the process is not important. Abao said calmly, his mood did not fluctuate at all because of Long Haochen's words.

At this time, although Long Haochen was very worried about Cai'er's situation, he did not dare to have any clones at all. The pressure brought by the black-haired young man Abao on him was extremely huge, far beyond what the young devil could compare to before. . It seems that as long as he reveals even the slightest flaw, the next moment he will usher in will be a devastating attack from the powerful demon clan in front of him.

This is the difference between demons and humans. Because you have no moral concepts in your hearts, let alone any sense of shame. You are just beasts with only survival instinct. In our eyes, there is no difference between you and the monsters. It's just more powerful than ordinary monsters. Long Haochen said coldly.

In the black eyes of the young man in black, his mood finally fluctuated for a moment, but he soon returned to normal, with a faint smile on his face: Do you want to anger me? You are still too young. Some. Although I seem to be not much older than you, in fact, I have existed in this world for more than thirty years. How can you influence my will with a few words? Surrender or die, you can Choose one. You are one of the rare human beings that I can think of to conquer. I can give you this opportunity.

Long Haochen also smiled, Are you waiting for your companions to kill my people and then come to kill me? However, that doesn't seem to be easy.

The enemy's sneak attack was indeed sudden, but in Long Haochen's opinion, the situation in front of him was not too bad. First of all, the sudden appearance of life sharing will definitely attract the attention of his partners. With their wisdom, it is not difficult to judge that they are in trouble, and they will definitely come as soon as possible and act according to the situation.

On the other side, Cai'er and the others must be at a disadvantage, but don't forget that there is also Yue Ye, an undercover agent, on the enemy's side. Yue Ye has Cai'er's restrictions on her body. When it comes to life and death, she will naturally make a choice. Therefore, Long Haochen is not in a hurry now.

Abao chuckled and said, Young man, you think too highly of yourself. Just you, do you still need me to wait for others?

Long Haochen said: Do you think too highly of yourself? Not necessarily. I just killed one of your people before and gave me a crown of inheritance magic crystal.


I had a dream while taking a nap. I dreamed that I was in a deep valley. Countless pieces of paper were flying down from the sky. I took a look and saw that the pieces of paper were divided into three types. On them were written: reward for praise, recommendation for joy and monthly pass for love.

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