Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 282 Dress up, brilliant level! (superior)

Zhang Fangfang is not a troubled person. Seeing Long Haochen's hesitant expression, he said cheerfully: Although this incident has caused conflicts between our two demon hunting groups, it is not entirely a bad thing. This is not Did you make me meet such a handsome young man as Commander Long? The war mission is about to begin. We are all general-level demon hunting groups, and we may be assigned the same mission. I hope Commander Long will put aside his past grudges and everyone will help each other. , work together to deal with the demons.

Long Haochen chuckled, nodded and said, That's for sure. The demons are our common enemy.

Zhang Fangfang nodded to Long Haochen again, and then left with his two companions.

Watching his leaving figure, Long Haochen thought for a moment. His mental power was different from ordinary people, and he was very keen in observing people's feelings. He could feel that Captain Zhang was not trying to be pretentious, but was sincerely apologizing. This person is not simple! Be broad-minded. But after five years, he is still stuck at the general level. It seems that he is really unlucky. If there is anyone who can help him during this war mission, he can really help.

Boss, why should we apologize! Even if we did something wrong, that kid still won us 100,000 merits, and he just paid back the debt not long ago. Lao Wu said to Zhang Fangfang very unconvinced.

Zhang Fangfang's face darkened and he said: Lao Wu, you are still so stubborn. What do you want me to say about you two? How hard did the brothers earn a hundred thousand meritorious deeds? That Captain Long is not simple. Remember. Come on, all the previous grudges must be forgotten. The war mission is about to begin. Although the emergency war mission is very dangerous, it also comes with great opportunities.

The fifth child wanted to argue, but was stopped by the sixth child, Boss is right, that Captain Long is not simple. Judging from his appearance, I am afraid he is not even twenty years old, but he can defeat you head-on, and you He has tried his best, and he won justly. This is an absolute gap in strength. I think he is at least the fifth level of peak cultivation. Even if he has not broken through the sixth level, with the existence of the light element elves, his strength is at the top of their level. He is also the best among demon hunters. If such a knight is given enough time to grow, his strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

Zhang Fangfang sighed softly and said: If you could have been more careful earlier and at least explored his origins, you wouldn't have lost so miserably. I went to ask about Captain Long's situation. He He is the champion of the individual competition of the new Demon Hunting Group Selection. The team he leads is also the first place in the team competition. Moreover, they have enough merit to advance without completing any official Demon Hunting Group mission. General-level Demon Hunting Group. Even with these three points, you should not provoke them. Let go of what needs to be put down. Anyway, we are not unlucky just once or twice.

Both Lao Wu and Lao Liu lowered their heads, Lao Wu's eyes were a little red, Boss, I was wrong. It's all my fault, and the team has fallen into this predicament. I'm sorry to everyone. I...

Zhang Fangfang's actual age is slightly younger than Lao Wu, but he has a big brother demeanor. He patted Lao Wu on the shoulder and said: Things have already happened. Can we get our merits back by blaming you? I I just hope that you won’t act recklessly in the future. Just treat it as another lesson learned.”

Cai'er failed to convince Long Haochen in the end. In his rare display of toughness, he finally bought Cai'er the Armor of Strength. Spend eight thousand meritorious deeds. Then he bought a brilliant piece of equipment called the Invisibility Necklace for Cai'er.

The invisibility necklace can cover one's own aura more perfectly and distort space, creating an invisibility effect.

Cai'er herself can't be truly invisible. She uses the terrain to hide her body. The invisibility technique that can truly hide in space, or even travel through space, requires a seventh-level cultivation level to learn. This invisibility necklace can undoubtedly greatly enhance her survivability on the battlefield, and combined with her existing abilities, she can better hide herself.

Because the necklace is an accessory equipment, it is rarer than the inner armor, so it cost a full twelve thousand merit to buy it. So far, Cai'er has spent 20,000 meritorious deeds alone to increase her strength.

Long Haochen didn't plan to buy too many things for himself. He was the leader and had to set an example. Therefore, after buying these two pieces of equipment for Cai'er, I just took her around the trading center without planning to buy anything else.

Just as Long Haochen expected, the number of demon hunters in the trading center continued to increase, and the prices of officially sold items remained unchanged. However, the prices of transactions between demon hunters increased sharply due to the increase in the number of demon hunters.

Lin Xin didn't know what he bought, but now he became a seller. Moreover, the number of people buying things around him turned out to be the most on the second floor of the entire trading center.

Long Haochen didn't plan to buy anything anyway, so luckily he brought Cai'er to his place to take a look.

Lin Xin is still doing his old business, selling medicines, and the sales are still quite expensive.

There are only a few main drugs. Jasper Body Protection Pills, which he originally called Dali Pills, can increase spiritual power by 500. There are also two types: Explosive Spirit Pill and Spirit Recovery Pill.

Because of the Great Rejuvenation Pill and the Powerful Pill, it can be said that these pills were eliminated by Long Haochen and the others. As for the Explosive Spirit Pill, twenty pills were enough for them to keep. Lin Xin is so smart. Fortunately, he took out his own inventory and came here to sell it.

The elixirs refined by Lin Xin obviously cannot be compared with the elixirs officially sold in the trading center, but what are the prices of the elixirs officially sold? A Holy Spirit Dana worth ten thousand meritorious deeds is cheap.

The number of potion masters is extremely scarce, and elixir selling is the smallest among the trading centers. Moreover, an emergency war mission is about to begin. A suitable elixir may increase your chances of survival!

This caused the price of the pills sold by Lin Xin to rise. In his inventory, Jasper Body Protective Pills are the most numerous, and at this moment, they have been hyped to 400 merit points each.

Merit cannot be compared with money. You know, killing a green double-sword demon is only ten merit points. Four hundred meritorious deeds is not a small amount.

But among the demon hunting team that carried out the mission this time, the generals were the most numerous. There were more people buying them, and although the price was high, they still sold quickly.

As for the Exploding Spirit Pill, it was directly sold for a high price of 1,000 merit points, and the Spirit Recovery Pill also cost 600 merit points. And no counteroffer.

In Lin Xin's own words, the reason why I didn't hold an auction was because everyone was a demon hunter.

Long Haochen naturally wouldn't stop him. Although Lin Xin seemed to be taking advantage of the situation, selling all the elixirs he didn't need to his own people would increase everyone's survivability on the battlefield, which was ultimately a good thing. . After all, merit is a dead thing, that is, combat power and recovery medicine can only save lives.

After a whole afternoon of hard work, everyone's purchases were completed.

Captain, it's done. Let's go back. All the friends gathered around Long Haochen, looking at him and Cai'er with smiles on their faces. Looking at their looks, Long Haochen felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything wrong. On Lin Xin's side, the pills were also sold out, and everyone returned together. Return to the villa to rest.

Back at the villa, Long Haochen said: Everyone, please don't leave yet. Show us the equipment you purchased so that we can get acquainted with each other. This time, the targets they purchased were all brilliant-level equipment, and each piece was of comparable quality. It's good to enhance their own cultivation, and their respective abilities will naturally change. Only when you become familiar can you maintain the tacit understanding you had in the past.

Lin Xin said: Let me tell you first. What I bought are all consumables. I can't attack, but I have medicine. All the money I paid for selling the medicine was exchanged for magic scrolls. When the critical moment comes, I can even smash the scrolls for a while. Among them, there are ten fifth-level scrolls, five sixth-level scrolls, and one seventh-level scroll that I spent 10,000 merit points to collect at a high price. I will tell you the specific functions one by one on our way to the front line. As for the equipment On the other hand, I didn’t buy anything. With the increase of the Fire Crystal Staff, I don’t need other equipment for the time being. I’ll wait until I break through the sixth level.”

Long Haochen said: Okay, Yuanyuan, what about you?

Wang Yuanyuan said: My Giant Spirit God's Shield is just a weapon. There is no need to add more weapons, and I am not good at defense. I still prefer to use a shield with both hands. So the weapons remain unchanged. I bought a set of brilliant-level space attribute armor. It’s called Space Guardian, and it cost 32,000 meritorious deeds.”

Speaking of this, her face turned a little red. Among the equipment purchased this time, her armor was the most expensive.

Long Haochen smiled and said, What skills does it come with?

Wang Yuanyuan said: It comes with a solidified fifth-level space shield. I only need to release one-fifth of the spiritual power equivalent to a space magician using this skill to activate it. At the same time, it also has the effect of enhancing the spirit gathering by 30%. Among its own materials There is Mithril in China and Canada, which will improve my overall strength in all aspects.

Long Haochen gave a thumbs up and said: It's worth it. If you buy this armor outside, it will cost an astronomical amount of money. Yuan Yuan has a good sense.

Wang Yuanyuan smiled and said: It can be used up to the seventh level at least. I won't change my armor before the seventh level. Obviously, she was very satisfied with her new space protection armor.

Long Haochen said: Did you buy anything else?

Wang Yuanyuan stuck out his tongue and said, This cost more than 30,000 yuan. If I buy anything else, I will overspend.

Long Haochen said: Where are the others? Who speaks first?

Chen Ying'er jumped and raised her hands, saying: I'll come, I'll come. I didn't buy anything expensive. I just bought some elixirs specially for Warcraft. Brother Yao doesn't know how to refine this stuff. I think my McDull is about to advance. A total of four thousand merit points have been spent.

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