Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 281 Collective Retreat (Part 2)

Lin Xin snorted twice, Aren't you just talking about me?

Sima Xiandao: But have you ever heard of it? There is a saying that a crowd of mouths can make a fortune, but accumulation of blood can destroy bones. If you give me fake medicine, hey, I can't tell. I can only go to Li Xin to have a good talk. That's it. You look like a slut, if you tell me that I make up a few of your ex-girlfriends, will Li Xin believe you?

You..., well, you're cruel. I'm scared. Lin Xin turned his head away with a look of grief and anger and ignored Sima Xian. Seeing him like that, the others couldn't help but chuckle.

Speaking of which, boss, last time Lu Xi heard that I could refine the conjoined spirit-enhancing pills, he expressed his desire to buy a set. The price was one thousand merit points, and you can bring your own materials. Do you think I agree or not?

Long Haochen asked: How long does it take you to refine this elixir?

Lin Xin said: About ten days. We should take a carriage from the Holy City to the front line, which should be enough. But I can't guarantee success.

Long Haochen nodded and said, Then give it a try. The power of an individual on the battlefield is very small. Having one more familiar team to help each other will obviously increase the survivability of both teams. Moreover, after three months of seclusion, Lu Xi and the others have made great progress in strength. Although they still cannot compare with Long Haochen and the others, given that no one in Long Haochen and the others has broken through to the sixth level, in fact, the difference between the two teams is The gap has been narrowed. Of course, this was under the premise that Long Haochen and the others had not purchased any equipment.

While they were talking, they had already arrived at the trading center. After entering, the seven people went directly to the second floor. Although there were brilliant equipment on the first floor, the quantity was too small. On the second floor, at least half of the items sold were of the brilliant level. It’s just that the total number of equipment sold on the second floor is much less than that on the first floor.

With the general-level tokens, the seven people passed the second-level guards. In order to save time, the seven people dispersed directly to find equipment suitable for them.

Each of them needs different equipment. Among them, the one who needs the least equipment is Chen Yinger. After having the natal summoned beast McDull, her main ability is reflected in McDull. And there was nothing she could do to increase the power of this pet. You can only improve your own spiritual power. Therefore, the equipment she is looking for is something similar to accessories that can enhance and stabilize spiritual power, preferably with defensive capabilities.

The ones who need the most equipment are Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian. Sima Xian's role in the team is completely that of a warrior, but now he is still wearing a priest's robe. Wang Yuanyuan has never worn armor, and his only real equipment is the shield of the giant spirit god. Relatively speaking, Han Yu and Lin Xin don't have too high requirements for equipment. If you have suitable equipment, choose it. If you don't have it, it doesn't matter.

Lin Xin's Fire Cloud Crystal has been transformed by a specialized alchemist master and turned into a peak-level fire attribute staff. He used to be the richest, and the robes he wore were also of the spirit demon level.

Separating from his friends, Long Haochen hugged Cai'er and started browsing on the second floor. Each floor of the trading center is divided into two parts, the equipment and items directly belonging to the trading center itself and the equipment and items sold by the demon hunters themselves.

Long Haochen first looked at the products sold in the trading center, and he planned to choose a close-fitting inner armor for Cai'er first. Cai'er's weapons don't need to be replaced at all. Her dark golden dagger with armor-breaking ability is already a brilliant-level equipment in itself. The left hand can use the Sword of Samsara at any time, and it can be negotiated whether to add more weapons. But defense has always been Cai'er's weak point.

Seeing him coming to the counter, a staff member from the trading center immediately came up to him and said respectfully: Hello, how can I help you?

Long Haochen thought for a while and said, I want to buy a brilliant-level inner armor for assassins, as well as accessories and equipment suitable for assassins.

The staff member nodded and said, Please wait a moment. After saying that, he turned around and walked into the inner room. After a while, he came out with a thick notebook.

Dear Demon Hunter, I just checked. There are four pieces of inner armor and three pieces of jewelry that meet your requirements on this level. Please choose.

As he spoke, he opened the thick book and turned to the fixed page. There is a detailed introduction to inner armor and accessories above.

Long Haochen held Cai'er's little hand, and while reading the introduction, he wrote it in her palm.

Each of the four inner armors has its own characteristics and focuses on different aspects. The first one is mainly to increase spiritual power, but it is suitable for assassins who are fire attributes. It is inlaid with fire attribute gems.

Cai'er's attributes are very special. She is not an ordinary elemental attribute. To be precise, it should be a killing attribute or even a death attribute. This is the change that the Sword of Reincarnation has made on her. This kind of elemental inner armor is obviously not suitable for her.

Among the other three, one of them was also the same and was abandoned directly.

Among the last two pieces, one is to enhance defense, which can release body-protecting spiritual power close to the body, and its defense power is comparable to the level of elemental shields. It also comes with a skill called toughness. The vital points of the chest, abdomen, and back protected by the inner armor are enough to withstand three attacks from a sixth-level strongman without being damaged.

The other one is more inclined to the aggressiveness of assassins and has a strong spirit gathering effect. Although it is the only one in terms of increase, it can become a brilliant equipment, which shows how powerful its spirit gathering effect is. It can at least increase the assassin's attack power by 20% to 30%.

After Long Haochen told Cai'er the functions of the two pieces of equipment, the two people had differences of opinion. Long Haochen naturally preferred the Hard Armor with good defense, while Cai'er wanted to choose the Spirit-Gathering Armor.

Because Cai'er cannot hear or speak, communication between the two can only be achieved by constantly writing on the palms of her hands. While they were arguing, a gentle voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Excuse me, is this Captain Long Haochen?

Long Haochen subconsciously turned around and saw a young man behind him. Of course, this young man was much older than him, looking about twenty-seven or eight years old.

The young man is tall, a head taller than Long Haochen. Although Long Haochen is not fully developed yet, his height is close to 1.8 meters. In other words, this young man's height is close to Sima Xian.

But he doesn't have Sima Xian's tough aura. He has broad shoulders and a straight waist, with a somewhat gentle and elegant aura.

Standing next to Long Haochen, it is really difficult to call him handsome, but this one can definitely be said to have an honest appearance, with a slightly round face and soft eyes. He gives off a sense of loyalty and honesty at first glance. .

Hello, who are you? Long Haochen asked with some confusion.

The young man said sincerely: I am the leader of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 8. My name is Zhang Fangfang. Hello, both of you. Captain Long, can I have a few words with you?

Hearing the words General No. 8, Long Haochen frowned subconsciously. Three months had passed since the incident. Could it be that this person is here to cause trouble today? But it’s no wonder, that’s one hundred thousand meritorious deeds after all! No one can remain calm.

It turns out to be Captain Zhang. Hello, I'm Long Haochen. Tell me. Although Long Haochen had some thoughts in his mind, his attitude was very polite. No matter what disputes there are between the two parties, after all, we are all a group of demon hunters.

Zhang Fangfang said: I'm here today to apologize to Captain Long. Why don't you come over. The last sentence was shouted to behind him. At this moment, his honest face showed a bit of stern majesty.

The two people came to Zhang Fangfang reluctantly. When they saw Long Haochen, their faces were really ugly. Aren't they the fifth and sixth sons of the general-level demon hunting group No. 8?

Zhang Fangfang winked at them, and the two of them bowed slightly to Long Haochen. Lao Wu smiled bitterly and said: I'm sorry, Captain Long, we shouldn't lie to each other. We were wrong, and we promise not to do it again in the future. Please forgive me if this happened.

Long Haochen shook his head and said: The matter is over. Besides, it was you who suffered the loss. How can we let you two apologize?

Zhang Fangfang said: No, I must come to apologize. I had wanted to disturb Captain Long for a long time, but I saw the sign of retreat hanging at the door of your villa, so I waited until now. As for the meritorious deeds they lost, then They deserve it. But it's also my fault for not taking care of them. As the leader, I have the unshirkable responsibility. I apologize again to Captain Long. As he said that, he also bent down to salute Long Haochen, and he was older than Lao Wu and Lao. Six is ​​more serious, bowing at a full ninety-degree angle.

As soon as this attitude was revealed, Long Haochen's original impression of the No. 8 general-level demon hunting group suddenly changed significantly. He quickly stepped forward to support Zhang Fangfang and said, Captain Zhang, please don't do this. This matter is in the past.

Zhang Fangfang straightened up, sighed, and said: I'm not afraid of Captain Long's jokes. Our demon hunting group is probably the most unlucky in the history of the demon hunting group. At the beginning, we were not long after we formed the group. After that, I encountered the situation of being deceived by the senior demon hunting group, just like they did. I was defrauded of a very important five thousand meritorious deeds. That time, our group almost collapsed. Later, we finally got on the right track. This time something like this happened again. To be honest, there were several times when I wanted to give up the position of group leader. But after spending time with my friends for a long time, everyone has feelings. How can I say give up? Can you give up? Don’t do to others what you don’t want others to do to you, I’ve already taught them a lesson.”

Long Haochen suddenly realized that they had also been deceived. Although he had a bad impression of Lao Wu and Lao Liu, he had a good impression of Captain Zhang.

If it were him, he might have returned the merit of winning, but he is also the leader of a demon hunting group now, and he has to take into account the interests and ideas of his partners, so naturally he cannot say this.


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