Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 268 Return! mission completed? (superior)

Yeah. Agares naturally couldn't give an answer, so he could only agree vaguely.

Fengxiu said: I come to you this time for two more things. Do you know the Li Xiao Cave discovered by the demon clan?

Agares nodded and said, I've heard a little bit about it, but that's the territory of the demon clan, and it's hard for me to explore.

Fengxiu said with some disdain: That fool Sammy Keen has lost hundreds of people over there. But he still keeps the secret and suppresses this matter. Can he hide it from me?

Agares pondered: Brother, do you mean to let me intervene?

Fengxiu shook his head and said: No need. After hearing about this incident, I used my mental power to explore the side of Li Xiao's cave. I didn't find anything, and there should be nothing valuable. Sami Keen just did it himself. It's just an insult. As for his subordinates, they may not have been injured in the cave. They might have encountered a human demon hunting group.

When he heard the word Demon Hunting Group, Agares' face suddenly turned ugly. As long as he was a demon, there was no one who didn't hate the Demon Hunting Group. These elusive and powerful human beings may become their formidable enemies at any time. Agares alone encountered more than ten assassinations by demon hunting groups. On one occasion he was even seriously injured.

Fengxiu frowned slightly and said, This matter is nothing, but not long ago, I felt that guy's aura.

Agares's heart moved, That guy? The one you mentioned last time...

Fengxiu nodded slightly, God damn it, An Luo, who ranked fifty-second, reported to me that I personally went to the Exorcism Pass. But there was no gain. However, this time I really felt the presence of its aura. , although it is very weak, the purity of that aura is true. It is very likely that the divine punishment has really come to this world. However, it should still be in its infancy and is far from strong enough.

Agares took a breath and said, Brother, we must not let the Divine Punishment become stronger, otherwise it will be a disaster for us! Back then, our ancestors united together to barely seal it, but in the end he still broke through the barrier. , so that we have to forcefully open the space to come to this world. Wasn’t the God of Scourge already dead during that time of hard fight? How could it be...

Fengxiu shook his head and said: You actually don't know the truth about this matter. The situation at that time was extremely complicated. The space was not opened up by us. At that time, the cultivation level of our ancestors was far from enough. Being able to tear apart the space It's just a punishment from God. As for the specific process, it's better that you don't know.

Agares nodded slightly, Brother, tell me, whatever you need me to do, I will obey.

Fengxiu said: Send out all the strong men in your clan, and I will conduct a carpet-like search in the demon clan. On the surface, it is under the banner of wiping out the human demon hunting group, but in fact, I am looking for the existence of Divine Punishment. Although Divine Punishment is weak, it is It will never be easy to deal with. Don't act rashly once you find something. We must take action personally to completely eliminate him. You must keep this matter a secret. Except for our three brothers, don't even tell Sammy Keen. So as not to cause panic among the people below.”


Fengxiu stood up and said, Let's go, come to my place for a drink. Relax.

Agares smiled bitterly and said: Let's forget it. When I heard the word God's Punishment, I felt like a thorn in my back. I'd better arrange to find it first. Brother, please give me a direction.

Fengxiu nodded and said: When I felt its aura, it was over there in Li Xiao's cave. However, when I felt it again, it completely disappeared. It was like it had never existed. There are only so many clues. You are in command I’ll leave this matter to you with the intelligence of our entire demon clan. I want to hear a reply within three months.”

I try my best.

Fengxiu's eyes turned cold, You can't just do your best, but you must do it. This is related to our life and death. Although we have never seen a real natural chasm, being able to force our ancestors to such an extent shows that their fear.

It was really hard for Long Haochen to wait, always with his head down, which was by no means a comfortable thing.

The Demon God Emperor finally left, and he no longer felt the terrifying look in his eyes. The strong men of the Moon Demon Clan standing in front were all called to the main hall by Agares, and he followed Yue Ye quietly back to the palace.

The two of them entered the palace. Yue Ye asked the maids to retreat. She and Long Haochen almost fell to the ground as if they were exhausted. The mental pressure is too much.

You know? I really wanted to kill you at that moment. Yue Ye said angrily.

Long Haochen smiled bitterly and said, It's my fault. I shouldn't have raised my head and looked at him like that. I didn't expect that the Demon God Emperor's mental power would be so sharp.

I didn't expect it? Yue Ye's voice suddenly rose, Do you know that your unexpected words almost cost me my life. Okay, you go quickly and stay at the address I told you before. I will Make arrangements for your departure as soon as possible.

Well, I'll leave now. Long Haochen changed out of the maid's clothes, returned to his original appearance, apologized to Yue Ye again, and left quickly.

Watching his leaving figure, Yue Ye finally relaxed completely, but there was no relief in her eyes, but thoughts.

Your Majesty should have discovered him. But why didn't your Majesty take action? Could it be to save face for dad. But this is completely unnecessary!

I don't know if it was because Long Haochen's presence threatened Yue Ye's safety, but only two days later, news came from Yue Ye. The caravan is being assembled and will set off for the Temple Alliance in two days. Let Long Haochen get ready.

After experiencing bad luck and hardships, the goddess of luck finally came to Long Haochen and the others. The order given by the Demon God Emperor Fengxiu was to let the Moon Demon God Agares preside over the search of the entire demon territory, not to order the Undead Demon God Samikina. In this case, who would go and find out who Agares is? Where is the team that loves my daughter?

What's more, after the Moonlight Caravan experienced the tragedy in Narik Province not long ago, the Demon God Emperor was furious and severely punished Narik Province. It was even up to the demons to make up for the losses of the Moon Night Caravan.

Under the combined effect of these reasons, even though the demons began to investigate the entire territory, Long Haochen and the others still returned to the Temple Alliance smoothly and without any setbacks.

Yue Ye did not follow the caravan, but gave Long Haochen a way and time to contact her so that Cai'er could ease the restrictions on her body.

Following the Moon Night Caravan into the Southeast Fortress, the two demon hunting groups did not stay. Instead, under the leadership of Long Haochen, they left the fortress directly and arrived at Xingxun City not far away. Until the moment they checked into the hotel, everyone Only then did all the people's nerves relax.

They simply stayed here for three days, and they all fell asleep for three days.

Tiredness is not just physical, but also mental and psychological. Ever since the day they left the Temple Alliance and started this mission, their spirits had been in a state of high tension. After experiencing life and death for several times, in the end, he still failed to complete the task for sure.

When they returned to the Temple Alliance, their first feeling was that they were home. This is the first mission for the two demon hunting groups, and they are far from being able to fully adapt to this thrilling life. Now they all need this relaxing process too much.

After three days of rest, everyone's spirits and emotions had recovered a lot, and then they set off again, heading straight for the Holy City. Both teams need some rest and rest. Although they may not have completed the task this time, the gains have been huge. It has unprecedented benefits for their own training, strength improvement and experience gain.

They rented a carriage for the return journey, which was not very fast. It took them fifteen days to return to the Holy City. These fifteen days are also a time for them to summarize their experiences and gains from this trip.

Long Haochen collected all the merits of his companions and was shocked to find that the total number of merits they obtained during this mission was as high as more than 20,000. This number was something he never expected. He was really surprised to obtain so many meritorious deeds just by killing.

In fact, the reason why there are so many is mainly because of the leading role played by their general No. 21 Demon Hunting Group in various battles. Especially for the killing of powerful demons, almost all sixth- and seventh-level demon enemies were destroyed in their hands. It’s no wonder that they don’t have many meritorious deeds.

The gains from the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group at the rank of non-commissioned officers are far less great. The total merit income is less than 10,000. However, they have accumulated all the merits during the trial, and now the total merit of the team is more than 10,000. . Long Haochen did not hide the benefits of being promoted to the general-level demon hunting group, and after experiencing this mission, the overall strength of the No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunting group has also been tempered and improved through life and death. They have decided The first priority after returning is to upgrade the level of the demon hunting group.

After discussion among the seven members of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21, they did not share the merits equally this time. After this period of time, their trust in each other has reached a considerable level.

Evenly sharing merit is certainly fair, but it also restricts the development of the team. Therefore, everyone jointly decided to allocate the merits and use them wherever they are most needed. This is obviously the most suitable for team development.

The long-lost Holy City finally appeared in front of the two demon hunting groups fifteen days later, and they all had the urge to burst into tears.

At Long Haochen's suggestion, the two demon hunting groups did not return to their villas to rest first, but went directly to the demon hunting group's mission tower to deliver their tasks.


A new chapter is about to begin. The Enhancement Conference will be held as usual at 12 o'clock tonight. Three updates will be delivered at the same time. Let me give you a refreshment in the new week. Brothers are welcome to come and get the essence. Remember to speak more than 40 words.

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