Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 267 Stunning Maid (Part 2)

Demon God Emperor Fengxiu could be said to be lightly dressed. There were only four middle-aged men in black robes behind him, and there were not too many followers. Of course, this is only the number that entered the inner palace. Only His Majesty himself knows how many people are outside.

Today's Demon God Emperor is far from as powerful as he was at the Exorcist Pass Fortress. He only wears a simple black robe with a sword. He doesn't even look like a trace of aura leaking out of his body. He looks like an ordinary handsome young man. .

Raising his hand slightly, he supported the Moon Demon God Agares who was bending down to worship, Xian brother, do we still use so many etiquettes between us?

Agares smiled and said: There is a difference between superiority and inferiority, etiquette cannot be discarded! Your Majesty, please. He thought to himself, if I really don't pay attention to etiquette, will you not care? Of course, he just slandered him. Although he was the second-ranked demon god, in front of the Demon God Emperor, he was not much different from other demon gods. The supreme status of the Demon God Emperor was definitely not something he could shake, and he naturally had no intention of coveting it.

The Demon God Emperor nodded and followed Agares towards the palace. At this moment, suddenly, the Demon God Emperor paused and glanced in one direction.

It doesn't matter what he saw. With the Demon God Emperor's identity and cultivation level, he was slightly shocked, with a somewhat incredible look in his eyes.

His look surprised the Moon Demon God Agares, and he followed the direction of his gaze. What he saw was his beloved daughter Yue Ye.

Your Majesty, you... Agares felt a little nervous. He didn't want His Majesty to have any thoughts about his precious daughter. All along, although the Demon God Emperor was powerful, he still took good care of his subordinates and would not do anything to harm their feelings. But, on the other hand, if the Demon God Emperor has any thoughts about his daughter, can Agares stop it?

The Demon God Emperor gently shook his head and said: Nothing, let's go. After saying this, he muttered something in a low voice. Agares's ear was so amazing, he vaguely heard that the Demon God Emperor seemed to Saying: It’s really similar.

Agares was surprised, but he didn't know that someone was so nervous that his heart was broken.

When the Demon God Emperor looked over at that glance, Yue Ye felt that her blood was about to freeze. Her hands instantly grasped the hem of her skirt, and her body was as stiff as a rock. She didn't dare to move at all, and she just kept shouting wildly in her heart: It’s over, it’s over…

She was the person involved, so she could naturally feel that the Demon God Emperor was not looking at her, but at Long Haochen beside her!

Just when the Demon God Emperor walked in, Long Haochen couldn't help but raise his head again. However, such a simple action attracted the Demon God Emperor's attention. The Demon God Emperor's startled glance coincided with Long Haochen's raised head. Right on target.

Long Haochen felt almost exactly the same as Yue Ye. His mind went blank for an instant. The moment the Demon God Emperor's eyes met his, he immediately felt an extremely terrifying energy locking his body and isolating him. All contact with the outside world, that is to say, at that moment, even if he wanted to teleport away through the Bright Moon Contract, he was completely unable to do so.

Long Haochen regretted so much that he shouldn't have raised his head to look at this. He also believed that with the Demon God Emperor's cultivation, he would definitely be able to discover the nature of the spiritual power in his body. Do you really want to die here?

However, what happened next shocked him. The Demon God Emperor followed the Moon Demon God Agares and entered the palace. No action was taken against him, and neither did his men.

Why would he let me go? Didn't you discover my light attribute? With his cultivation level, it's impossible.

Long Haochen's heart was filled with doubts, but at the same time, he was also filled with joy. He almost couldn't bear to teleport away like this. But he restrained himself after all. If he left in front of so many people, how could Yue Ye explain it to the clan members?

The Demon God Emperor finally disappeared from everyone's sight under the leadership of the Moon Demon God. Everyone in the Moon Demon clan stood up one by one. In the process of standing up, a cold little hand reached Long Haochen's waist and pinched him a little. The skin and flesh were twisted one hundred and eighty degrees.

Long Haochen was in pain and his body twitched, but surprisingly he didn't resist. He feels guilty! If the Demon God Emperor hadn't taken action for some reason, he and Yue Ye would have been doomed.

I'm sorry. Long Haochen lowered his voice and said.

Yue Ye ignored him, her face still looked ugly, and her inner clothes were soaked with sweat. When the Demon God Emperor left with her father, she felt like she was going to collapse and almost fell to the ground. She knew the Demon God Emperor's methods better than Long Haochen, so she also had extreme fear in her heart. When this fear left, she had two completely different feelings in her body, exhaustion and climax...

This torture made her look extremely pale. Fortunately, no one would pay attention to her now, everyone's attention was still on the Demon God Emperor.

The main hall of Moon Demon Palace.

The Moon Demon God asked the Demon God Emperor to sit on the throne, and he accompanied him respectfully.

Your Majesty, why are you here in person? Just ask someone to say hello and I will come over. Agares said with a smile.

Fengxiu waved his hand, and the four subordinates he brought with him and the subordinates of Moon Demon God Agares all retreated, leaving only these two demon gods in the main hall. From this simple detail, we can see how terrifying Fengxiu's position is in the demon clan. Even the members of the Moon Demon God do not dare to disobey his orders at all.

There are no outsiders now, so you and I don't have to be so outgoing. I came to see you. One of us has something to do, and the other also came to see you. We brothers haven't been together for a long time, and we are usually busy with various matters. Wait. You can come back with me later. How about we have a drink tonight? I’m not willing to drink the human wine that Yue Ye’s niece brought back last time.”

Agares smiled and said: Then I'm not cute anymore. I haven't had a drink with my eldest brother for a long time. Don't you know, that girl Yue Ye didn't leave much for me, most of it was sent to you. If you go, I, as a father, will be jealous.

Fengxiu smiled slightly and said: What's there to be jealous of? If you want to drink, just go to me. The only ones who can call me big brother are you and the third child. Do we three brothers have anything to do with each other?

Agares sighed softly and said: Lao San is always studying his divination and other things. I went to see him twice, but he was turned away both times.

After hearing Agares' words, Fengxiu's face became a little more serious, The third child has indeed been in seclusion for a long time this time. He is our great prophet, and he must be in the process of divination. I encountered some trouble. This is not a good thing. I hope he doesn’t bring bad news.”

Agares said with some disapproval: What bad news can there be? Humans? Although they have strengthened over the years, they still dare not come out of their turtle shells. If it weren't for the big brother who wanted to keep them in captivity, we would do it together. , can humans really resist?

Fengxiu shook his head and said: Second brother, don't be careless. After all, humans have had tens of thousands of years of reproduction and reproduction on this continent, and it is not so easy to wipe out. If we really go all out to deal with them, then , the final result is likely to be a lose-lose situation for both sides. Although we have a greater chance of winning, what if such a chaotic situation attracts others? At that time, how can we deal with both sides losing? Although I have never regarded humans as too much of a threat. , but we can’t act rashly. The time has not come yet.”

After Agares was silent for a moment, he asked Fengxiu: Brother, I have always wanted to ask you, what exactly do you mean by the timing? When can we launch a general attack on humans? Let them develop It’s not possible to go down! Human potential cannot be underestimated.”

A leisurely look flashed in Fengxiu's eyes, This opportunity lies with us. I need our tribe to accept the existence of humans more and even regard humans as part of our tribe. At that time, we will take action to deal with it. Templar Alliance moment. What I want is not destruction, but assimilation. Otherwise, our future will not develop at all. We need human potential.

Agares was shocked, Brother, are you saying that we must fully accept humans?

Fengxiu nodded and said: Humans have many advantages and profound heritage. Every decree I have issued over the years is to assimilate with humans. First, complete the process of assimilation with humans in our territory, and then slowly figure it out. .One day, we will let humans become a part of us, and by that time, we demons will be even stronger. My goal is not limited to our world, but I hope that in my lifetime, I can launch a cross-border war like my ancestors. Plane war.”

Second brother, what if you pass on the position of Demon God to Yue Ye? Let her pass on your abilities. Fengxiu suddenly said.

Agares was shocked and said, Brother, how is this possible? The clansmen will not agree to it.

Fengxiu said calmly: As long as you have my support, who dares to cause trouble? Since we want to completely integrate human beings, we must start from ourselves. Don't look at the slow progress of this child Yue Ye. If she can pass on your Ability, future achievements will definitely be above yours, this is the advantage of human potential.”

Reminiscent of the Demon God Emperor's glance at Yue Ye before, Agares couldn't help but feel a little wary. Could it be that His Majesty wants to devour my Moon Demon clan? its not right! With his strength, there is no need to do this. Moreover, the Heaven-defying Demonic Dragon Clan has always wanted to maintain the purity of their bloodline.

Fengxiu's eyes moved slightly and said: I just said casually. You think about it, I respect your opinion, if you don't want to, forget it. Besides, you are still young, so you are not in a hurry.


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