Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 253 Seventh-level Demon Lord (Part 2)

The demons came very quickly. Cai'er, who was quickly descending the mountain, soon saw that they had reached the foot of the first mountain and were preparing to climb here.

Like the group of demons they killed before, this group of demon reinforcements were also big demon cavalry. The nightmare under the great devil's body exudes a faint dark red light. If it weren't for this eye-catching sign, Han Daosi wouldn't have been able to see them from such a distance.

Thirty-three, Cai'er counted the number of enemies while approaching quietly. Sure enough, as Han Daosi said, the big demon headed by him was extremely powerful.

He is much stronger than the Demon Commander, and more importantly, he has a pair of bat wings spread diagonally behind him. The nightmare horse he was riding had four hooves on the fire, and red light shone from time to time on its pitch-black body, like red-hot coals. This is at least a sixth-level monster. The demon commander who can ride it is probably seven levels strong.

Cai'er and Long Haochen had also killed the seventh-level bloodthirsty beta, but that time they were more lucky. In addition, Long Haochen's Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn and her Reincarnation Soul Furnace exploded together.

In terms of true strength, although she and Long Haochen were extremely talented, they could only compete with low- to mid-level sixth-level demons at best.

The seventh-level demon is no longer a demon commander, but a demon lord. A word difference, but a world of difference in strength.

This demon lord held a dark red giant sword, and dark red light flashed in his eyes. Cai'er had no doubt about his power.

The most important quality of an assassin is calmness. No matter when, they must be as cold as ice.

Cai'er came down alone with a simple purpose: to slow down their climb to the top of the mountain while killing their opponents as much as possible.

Hidden in the darkness, Cai'er seems to have become one with the mountains, without any trace of human habitat. Even assassins who are much more powerful than her may not be able to possess the breath gathering technique of her level.

The demon lord at the front passed quickly. Cai'er had no intention of acting rashly and waited quietly for the demon cavalry to pass by. It was not until the last demon cavalry passed quickly not far in front of her that she was like a wisp of smoke. Came out quietly.

The Nightmare Demon Horse's perception is quite good, but at this moment, it has no idea about Cai'er following behind.

The so-called stealth technique is not about invisibility, but about using all available environments to conceal one's existence as much as possible. At this moment, Cai'er was hiding in the shadow of the last demon cavalry. Although the environment was dim, there was still some light from the stars and the moon in the sky. Cai'er did not rush to take action, but quietly followed these demon cavalry to prepare for the mountain climbing.

The demon lord was the first to ride his huge nightmare to the peak where the Howling Cave of Fear is located. The demon cavalry came up one after another. They were almost no different from human cavalry. They were orderly and did not make too much noise. .

Just when the last big demon was about to climb the mountain on his nightmare horse, Cai'er, who was hiding in the shadows, took action.

She accelerated suddenly without warning, and even when she came to the back of the nightmare horse, she was not noticed by the other party. At this moment, she was like a ghost, her spiritual power burst out instantly, and the dark golden dagger disappeared in a flash.

With Cai'er's current level of cultivation, how could she not succeed in sneak attacking a fourth-level demon? The dagger sank directly into the back of the big demon's head. At the same time, the dagger slashed downwards, instantly severing the central nerve connecting the big demon's neck and head.

Cai'er's assassination can be described as perfect, so much so that the big demon didn't even let out a scream, but just grunted before falling down.

Cai'er's movements did not stop. The moment the big demon fell down and stepped off the nightmare horse to react, her left hand had already turned into a palm and slapped the big demon, bombarding his body like a cannonball. Flying forward, at the same time, the dark golden dagger in his right hand instantly pierced the back of the nightmare horse.

This stab was so accurate that it happened to be at the gap between the two vertebrae of the Nightmare Demon Horse. The powerful spiritual power burst out instantly, and the Nightmare Demon Horse let out a shrill roar. The next moment, the body was paralyzed on the ground.

Cai'er did not deal another blow to the nightmare horse that had lost its combat effectiveness. Instead, she used the cover of the big demon's corpse to instantly retreat into the darkness and disappear.

Retreat immediately with one strike and never hesitate to fight. This is what a good assassin must do.

Upon receiving a sudden attack, the Great Demon Cavalry suddenly became agitated. The leader of the demon lord suddenly turned around, roared, and shouted a demonic language. Immediately afterwards, a layer of dark red light spread from his body, instantly covering all the great demon cavalry. At the feet of each nightmare horse, there is a dark red halo with a diameter of two meters.

As expected of a lord-level demon, this is a group amplification skill. At the same time, two red lights burst out from the demon lord's blood-red eyes, and instantly swept towards the direction where Cai'er had just disappeared, and the red giant sword in his hand also lit up with a dazzling light.

The red light in the demon lord's eyes was obviously also a detection skill. Unfortunately, he didn't find what he wanted to find. Cai'er seems to have become a prosperous person.

A sharp look flashed through the eyes of the demon lord, and with a shout, the great demon cavalry set out again, but this time the demon lord no longer walked at the front, but stayed in the center of the team, guarded by the great demon cavalry. Even the speed of traveling has slowed down a bit. His fierce eyes scanned the surroundings from time to time, looking for possible clues.

Of course Cai'er didn't leave. She was still hiding in the darkness, but the demon lord couldn't find her. The death of a big demon cavalry did not cause the demon team to panic, but instead the defense became stronger. Cai'er discovered that in addition to the demon lord sitting in the center, there were actually two sixth-level demon commanders among these big demon cavalry. At this time, they were working in tandem to protect the head and tail of the team, which greatly increased Cai'er's strength. Difficulty of sneak attack.

The demon lord was so angry that he didn't even order his subordinates to collect the corpse of the dead demon, nor did he care about the seriously injured nightmare demon horse. His green-faced and fanged appearance became even more ferocious in anger, and he continued to enhance his senses to search for Cai'er's traces.

At this moment, suddenly, there was a soft sound as the Great Demon Cavalry team appeared diagonally in front of them. The demon lord and the demon commander at the front reacted very quickly and jumped out almost at the same time.

Especially the seventh-level demon commander. When he suddenly erupted, he was like a ball of blood. He flew directly from the back of the nightmare demon horse, raised the heavy sword in his hand, and rushed towards the direction of the sound like lightning. He was in mid-air. , the bloody giant sword has been slashed out, and the dazzling blood burst out instantly with a fishy smell. This sword covered a range of more than ten meters, and the hard rocks wherever it passed made a popping sound, and the bloody light burst out. Where it was enveloped, the rocks melted, as if falling into a magma hell.

Unfortunately, no matter how powerful the demon lord is, his attack must really hit the target. Just as he was sweeping away a large piece of rock with his majestic sword, screams could be heard from behind.

The demon lord suddenly turned around, just in time to see a black shadow instantly disappearing in the darkness. The attack of the sixth-level demon leader behind the team also fell into the air at the same time. Another big demon cavalry was riding from the back of the nightmare demon horse. Sliding down, it seemed that he was no longer alive.

Roar—— This time, the demon lord was really irritated. He raised his head to the sky and let out a deafening roar, followed by a series of rapid spells. Scarlet blood burst out with him as the center, turning into a layer of blood. The thick blood-red light shield enveloped all the great demon cavalry. This time, if Cai'er wanted to make a sneak attack again, he would have to destroy his defense first.

Cai'er secretly sighed in her heart. She was worthy of being a seventh-level powerhouse. She made the right choice in the shortest time. If the demon lord didn't use group defense magic, she still had many ways to complete the sneak attack.

After the group defense magic was released, the demon lord led the great demon cavalry to suddenly accelerate up the mountain, and the nightmare horse galloped at full speed, heading straight for the direction of the Howling Cave of Fear.

The inability to carry out sneak attacks did not make Cai'er anxious, and she still followed calmly. Now is not the time to go all out.

The speed of the nightmare horse is indeed very fast, and the mountain is not too steep. Seeing that they are getting closer and closer to the location of the Howling Cave of Fear.

A large number of thorns suddenly appeared in front of them. These thorns were more than one meter high and extremely tough. The big demon cavalry walking in the front had to use their spears to clear the way, and their forward speed also slowed down a bit.

The eyes of the demon lord sitting in the center flashed red, and he shouted something. The sixth-level demon leader at the front immediately took action, raising his spear high, and a dark red flame swept out, immediately burning the thorns in front.

Just as the thorns were burning, suddenly, a strange energy wave appeared in the center of the great demon cavalry, and then, a huge silver-white light burst out in the center of the entire cavalry team.

The sharp space elements were filled with powerful tearing force. The first few nightmare horses immediately leapt up with a roar, their bodies flashing with red light. Coupled with the group defense skills released by the demon lord, they were not completely torn apart.

The demon lord roared angrily, and the nightmare horse he stepped off raised a pair of front hooves, and then landed heavily on the ground. The dark red light filled with darkness and flames spread instantly, actually suppressing the rapidly erupting silver light.

However, this silver light was not completely useless. At least the group defense skills deployed by the demon lord were destroyed.


There will be an update at 12 o'clock tonight, and a special summons will be issued. Come and take a look then. There will also be a refinement conference. Everyone is welcome to speak, and it should be 40 words or more.

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