Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 252 Seventh-level Demon Lord (Part 1)

Learning the skill of the golden light ball is very simple, just inject spiritual power into it. Of course, it takes continuous practice to truly understand the power of the skill.

The method of use completely appeared in Long Haochen's mind after he was affected by the golden light. It was obviously part of the memory brought to him by the eternal melody.

Without any hesitation, Long Haochen immediately learned Shura Slash. What he lacks now is frontal attack skills. He had personally withstood the power of this Shura Slash. Without the life sharing of his partners, he would have been severely injured by that blow.

The golden ball of light gradually disappeared under the injection of spiritual power. The method of using Shura Slash was deeply imprinted in Long Haochen's brain. The power is also quite amazing. Up to a thousand points of spiritual power.

It seems that its consumption is not as huge as the Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn, but don't forget that the Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn is a skill attached to the weapon. When using it, it requires spiritual power to stimulate Blue Rain and Light Hibiscus, and the Light Rain Hibiscus Thorn is very powerful. It's bigger and has a larger attack range. The attack range of this Shura Slash is only within the range of the weapon's spiritual power.

Of course, Shura Slash also has its advantages. Within a five-meter range, it ignores any enemy dodge skills. This alone is enough to make up for its huge consumption. After all, this is not a commonly used skill. Moreover, among the sixth-level skills, its attack power should be among the best, and it is suitable for warriors and knights to learn. If you add in the increase of the ripples of light, how powerful is this attack?

Tests come with rewards. Shura Slash can certainly increase Long Haochen's strength, but what is more important to him is his understanding of the tests in the Tower of Eternity.

The granting of spiritual power and skills, and it seems, is not limited to the abilities of the Necromancer. This discovery was undoubtedly more useful to him than the discovery of any treasure.

If you can continue to practice here, your strength will increase at least several times faster than your own practice!

Taking a deep breath, Long Haochen tried to calm down his agitated mood. It seems that I must find a way to persuade my friends to come together.

If it were another person, his first thought would definitely be to monopolize this place, but Long Haochen didn't think so. Although exclusivity can keep secrets and make oneself stronger faster. However, the demon clan is so powerful, can he fight against the seventy-two demon gods by himself? That is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

Children of light are not only kind, but also have many other positive qualities. From the beginning to the end, Long Haochen never thought of monopolizing this place.

Haoyue, let's go. Long Haochen shouted, jumped up, and landed on Haoyue's back.

Haoyue's three heads roared at the same time, their hooves flew, and they quickly rushed out of the gate of the Tower of Eternity.

The moment they left the Tower of Eternity, Long Haochen felt as if the eternal melody in his chest had turned into a piece of coal. The intense burning sensation made him groan. Immediately afterwards, a harsh roar broke out instantly.

Intense golden light burst out with Long Haochen as the center, protecting him and Haoyue. The screams could still be heard, but they were unable to do any harm to them.

Turning around and looking behind him, he saw countless resentful spirits outside the tower flying madly towards the Tower of Eternity at ten times the speed before. The gray-white light emitted by the Tower of Eternity rises like a flame.

In just a few dazzling moments, all those resentful spirits had already attached themselves to the Tower of Eternity. The next moment, Long Haochen saw a scene he would never forget.

At the top of this cone-shaped cave, a huge black hole slowly opened. The entire cave trembled violently, as if it might collapse at any time. Then, the Tower of Eternity turned illusory in the process of distortion of light. He got up, and the next moment, with a whoosh, he disappeared into the black hole.

The black hole closed, and the cave originally centered on the Tower of Eternity suddenly became empty. The sharp roar also stopped abruptly at this moment.

The hot and burning feeling in his chest gradually disappeared, but Long Haochen clearly felt that there was an inexplicable connection quietly emerging. It seemed that with just a thought, he could step onto the bridge of communication.

Haoyue was carrying Long Haochen, and Xiaoqing cast a floating technique on herself to reduce the weight, and climbed towards the mountain wall under the guidance of Long Haochen.

Although the terrain was dangerous when descending, it was not vertically downward after all. Haoyue's four sharp claws were extremely strong, so climbing was actually effortless.

Suddenly, Long Haochen was startled and raised his hand to touch the exploration gem hanging on his waist. His face suddenly became a little ugly. Because of the shock that the Tower of Eternity gave him, he had forgotten to turn off the detection gem before. If everything in the Tower of Eternity is remembered, then how should I explain it to the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group after I leave? How will you repay this mission after you go back?

He is not afraid to tell the Temple Alliance the secrets of the Tower of Eternity, but the key problem is that the eternal melody that is the key to the Tower of Eternity seems to have been integrated with his body. This will definitely cause him great trouble.

Hoping for a chance, Long Haochen poured spiritual power into the exploration gem to check what it recorded.

A ray of light shot out from the exploration gem and turned into a circular image with a diameter of one meter in front of Long Haochen. The light curtain began to record when he entered the cave. Under the control of spiritual power, Long Haochen adjusted the detection gem to display the record. speed.

Because the exploration gem was hung on Long Haochen's waist, it was naturally impossible to take pictures of the process of him comprehending the ripples of light. It could only record the process of Long Haochen resisting Li Xiao every time.

Gradually, with Long Haochen's adjustment, the image finally reached the moment when he arrived underground. He kept recording until the moment when the two resentful spirits rushed towards him.

At this point, the light curtain suddenly became blurry and disappeared the next moment.

there is none left? Long Haochen looked at the exploration gem in surprise, injected spiritual power again and looked again, but the result was exactly the same as before. In the end, the image only stayed at the moment when Long Haochen was attacked by the resentful spirit.

The Tower of Eternity actually blocks the recording ability to detect gems?

Even as Long Haochen continued to check the gem records, the entrance to the Howling Cave of Fear was not peaceful either.

Someone is coming. Han Daosi, who was in charge of watching outside, suddenly ducked into the cave.

This cave was dug by themselves. The mountain is hard, so the cave is not very deep and can only accommodate everyone to sit down. Of course, after Haoyue left, the space in the cave was still much larger.

At this time, it was still dark outside, and there was still some time before dawn.

They are demons. I dare not get close. There are about thirty of them. The leading demon is more powerful than the demon leader we intercepted. They just came down from the opposite mountain peak. When I look at them from our side, they seem to be attracted by them. Found.

Han Daosi has a special ability that can enhance his vision at night. That's why we can see the movement on the opposite mountain.

Get ready to fight. Lu Xi, I have never commanded a team battle. You are responsible for commanding the battle. No matter what, we must persist until Haochen returns. Cai'er said in a low voice.

None of them expected that the demons would come so quickly, but no matter how the demons got the news, they had to fight before Long Haochen came back. Otherwise, if these demons entered the cave, they would have to fight with Long Haochen. Morning encounter?

A demon that is more powerful than the demon leader is obviously not that easy to deal with. Cai'er's beautiful eyes were like stars in the dark night, shining with a faint light and even a bit of determination.

Long Haochen has been gone for such a long time and has not returned yet. She is calm on the outside, but inside she is more anxious than anyone else. Fortunately, with the existence of the soul chain, she was sure that Long Haochen was not in danger, otherwise she would have gone to find him long ago.

Lu Xi knew that now was not the time to be polite, so he nodded and said: Haochen is not here, and we lack the core guardian knights. During the battle later, we will rely on the cave to hold on. Attract them here first. All the legal professions are in the cave. Inside, the melee profession will guard the entrance. Cai'er, you and Han Daosi are harassing the enemy outside. Li Xin, you are also outside, supporting us in the air with the flying ability of the Rose Unicorn.

Lu Xi's commanding ability is not bad. Maybe he doesn't have as strong a view of the overall situation and prediction ability as Long Haochen, but he can definitely be regarded as an average commander in commanding a battle.

Han Yu, Dian Yan, Wang Yuanyuan and Sima Xian walked out of the cave. Han Yu stood in the center without hesitation and quickly put on his equipment. Cai'er and Han Daosi were hidden in the darkness.

Li Xin is a disciplinary knight, and standing firm is not what she is good at, so Lu Xi arranged for her to provide support outside and take advantage of the Rose Unicorn.

However, in order not to expose herself prematurely, she chose to climb up the cave first, ready to summon the Rose Unicorn at any time. After all, the Demon Clan didn't know how many people they had.

Han Daosi held a pitch-black dagger in each hand. He chose a very clever hiding place, behind a rock above the Howling Cave of Fear. But at this time, he discovered that Cai'er had disappeared.

I sighed secretly in my heart, this is the gap! He had never thought of targeting Cai'er. Cai'er who couldn't see before was so powerful, let alone her who had regained her sight now. Even though he was a member of the Assassin's Temple, he only vaguely knew that Cai'er had presented herself as a blind girl because she practiced very special techniques.

Melting into the darkness, Cai'er did not stay near the cave, but quietly walked down the mountain. In team combat, the role of assassins is actually limited. What an assassin is best at is attacking and killing, and the night in front of her is obviously the most suitable for her. If you act alone, you don't need to worry about the safety of your teammates. Only in this way can her attack power be displayed to the greatest extent.

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