Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 24 Divine Awakening Son of Light (4)

Long Haochen used the blade, spine and even the hilt of the sword to resist the attack of the bamboo sword. For a moment, the shadow of the sword flickered, covering his entire body like a huge ball of light. Holy light energy is constantly blooming, cooperating with his pair of double swords for defense.

With an attack like this from Long Xingyu, as long as Long Haochen shows any flaws, the bamboo sword will fall on him immediately, which is many times more powerful than the original attack of the owl ants. But the strange thing is that Long Haochen actually blocked it like that. Although his expression was serious, for a moment, it seemed that Long Xingyu, even without the help of spiritual power, could not break through his defense.

It lasted for a full quarter of an hour. Suddenly, the light on Long Xingyu's bamboo sword lit up, and a little white light expanded instantly. The thousands of swords were united and pointed toward Long Haochen.

Long Haochen was still waving a pair of swords. He was far from the level of Long Xingyu who could send and receive things as he wished, but it was obviously not the first time he had encountered such a situation.

The hilt of the epee in his left hand that he was waving knocked against the epee in his right hand, and the epee in his right hand was immediately placed across his chest. At the same time, the long sword in his left hand swung away, with a flash of golden light, and a thrust hit the bamboo sword. .

There was a soft ding sound, and the heavy sword swung away. The trajectory of the bamboo sword's forward thrust did not change at all. However, with the help of the blockage just now, Long Haochen was able to stand firm.

There was a crisp sound, and a layer of golden halo suddenly rippled around Long Haochen's body, which was exactly what God was blocking. The spiritual power used by Long Xingyu's stab must be blocked by divine control in order to withstand it.

Very good. This time is good. Being able to turn movement into stillness means that every day's actual combat is not in vain. Long Xingyu withdrew his bamboo sword and nodded to Long Haochen with a smile on his face. But Long Haochen was panting, and his clothes were soaked with sweat. Even if his father doesn't use any spiritual attacks, he can still feel tremendous pressure.

Long Xingyu walked to Long Haochen, put his arm around his son's shoulders, and said with a smile: Go back and rest for a while. Your mother will probably prepare lunch soon.

Okay. Long Haochen also had a smile on his face.

Although he has been practicing hard every day for the past year and a half, this has been the happiest year and a half he has ever lived in his life. My mother’s face is filled with a smile every day, and her strong father guides me. Not only does this kind of life not feel boring to him, but it is full of happiness.

Just before the father and son were about to enter the wooden house, suddenly, Long Xingyu's feet stopped and a sharp light showed in his eyes.

Long Haochen also felt the change in his father's aura. The terrifying pressure like an ancient dragon made him breathless.

Long Xingyu let go of Long Haochen's hand and turned around slowly, tapping his toes on the ground. The next moment, Long Haochen was stunned to see a strong golden flame spitting out from his father's body, pushing forward His body actually flew into the air.

Although he had practiced with his father for more than two years, Long Haochen didn't know the extent of his father's true strength. At this moment, seeing his father soaring in the air with his spiritual power really shocked him. too big.

At the same time, two golden lights shot out from Long Xingyu's eyes, looking in the direction of Odin Town.

Before Long Haochen could react from the shock, the next moment, Long Xingyu had already floated down, his eyes already cold. The demons have a sneak attack force to invade. Let's go.

As he spoke, he grabbed Long Haochen's arm and jumped into the air again.

A pair of huge golden wings completely condensed from spiritual power unfolded behind Long Xingyu the next moment.

Spiritual power transformed into wings is the symbol of the sixth level radiant knight. But the wings behind Long Xingyu's back were fully spread out to a width of ten meters, and the golden feathers on them appeared finely, just like the real thing. It was not as simple as ordinary spiritual wings.

The huge wings spread out, and a ball of golden light enveloped Long Xingyu and his son. The wings suddenly flapped, and the father and son immediately headed straight towards Odin Town like a golden meteor.

What Long Haochen couldn't see was that at the moment Long Xingyu spread his wings, all the monsters and wild beasts in Mount Odin and the nearby forest were all prostrate on the ground, too frightened and desperate to move.

Seeing a golden world in front of him, surrounded by rich sacred energy, Long Haochen felt as if the spiritual power in his body was boiling. In a short period of time, his internal spiritual power at least doubled. Of course, this is only temporary, a temporary increase caused by the surrounding energy of the same attribute being too strong. But this also shows how powerful the sacred energy released by Long Xingyu is.

It seemed that only a few seconds passed, the golden light suddenly dispersed, and Long Haochen could see the situation outside again.

Odin Town has actually returned to Odin Town. Is it just these few blinks of an eye?

Long Haochen couldn't believe his eyes, but the fact was right in front of him. What was under his feet was the town of Odin where he had lived since he was a child?

At this time, Odin Town has completely lost its original tranquility and calm. Fires were lit in many places, and cries, screams, and rumbling sounds of destruction filled every corner of Odin Town.

Long Haochen saw at least a thousand strong, tall monsters wearing black armor. It is they who are wreaking havoc in the town of Odin.

These monsters are at least 1.8 meters tall, with wolf heads and human bodies. Waving scimitars in their hands, the townspeople of Odin Town were screaming miserably under their slaughter. And their ferocious wolf howls continued to sound.

There are nearly 20,000 people living in Odin Town, which has more than 3,000 households. But at this moment, it has become a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood. The strong smell of blood is rising from below, which is disgusting.

Dad, what are they? Long Haochen's voice was trembling with anger. This is the place where he grew up! He saw with his own eyes that a friend he knew just now was cut into two pieces under the scimitar of a wolf-headed man. The first half of his body was still lying on the ground in pain and misery, but his internal organs were scattered on the ground.

The demon werewolf of the demon clan. Long Xingyu's voice was like ice coming from the Nine Netherworld, and powerful pressure burst out of him at this moment.

The demon werewolves below felt the terrifying pressure from the air, and subconsciously raised their heads to look into the air. Seeing Long Xingyu with his huge wings stretched out, their eyes couldn't help but show horror.

Dad, let me down, I'm going to kill them. Long Haochen shouted excitedly.

Your strength is far from enough. Long Xingyu said solemnly: Haochen, haven't you always wanted to see dad's strength? Then, take a look.

A golden-red halo lit up from behind Long Xingyu, and a huge golden throne slowly appeared from the halo, shining with magnificent light.

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