Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 23 Divine Awakening Son of Light (3)

Regarding the mystery of the Son of Light, even within the Knights Temple, no more than ten people actually knew about it. Long Xingyu was not worried about his son's talent being exposed.

Haochen. Your divine awakening has been completed. Did you know that now, with the combined internal and external spiritual power, you are equivalent to a real knight?

Ah? So easy? Long Haochen was greatly surprised. At this time, he could also feel that there seemed to be a warm air flow in his body, which would move with his thoughts.

Easy? A wry smile appeared on Long Xingyu's face, and he thought to himself, this guy is so full that he doesn't know how hungry he is when he's hungry. Generally, when a knight awakens and has twenty innate spiritual powers, he will praise the God of Light.

Your talent is very good, but it is only brought about by the divine awakening. In your future cultivation, you will have to make great efforts to reach higher levels. Do you understand? Let's go back and talk.

Dad, I will definitely work hard.

Bai Yue stood not far away and watched this scene silently. When she saw Long Xingyu walking back to the cabin with Long Haochen in his arms, a smile appeared on her face. She is not a martial artist, but she understands her husband. She could clearly see the shock on Long Xingyu's face before. How powerful her husband was, yet he was shocked by his son's talent. It seems that Chenchen made the right choice to take the path of becoming a knight. However, if one day, their father and son really have to face that person...

Back at the wooden house, Long Haochen first changed into the coarse clothes he brought, and then continued to listen to Long Xingyu's teachings.

Long Xingyu said in a deep voice: Now it's time to tell me your choice. Protection or punishment?

Long Haochen did not think or hesitate, and said firmly: Dad, I want to be a guardian knight.

Guardian Knight? Long Xingyu was stunned for a moment, Are you willing to give up the powerful attack and personal combat power of the Punishment Knight?

Long Haochen said persistently: Dad, you said that fighting against the demons is a matter for all of us. After all, one person's power is small. If I can become a guardian knight, I can protect him better. The people I want to protect. At the same time, I can help more people survive on the battlefield.

Long Xingyu was obviously disappointed. He sighed and said, However, in the end, those who can really challenge the seventy-two demon gods are the strongest human beings with the most powerful individual combat capabilities.

Long Haochen asked subconsciously: Then the guardian knight can't challenge the devil?

Hearing his question, Long Xingyu's eyes suddenly lit up, Yes! The innate inner spiritual power is ninety-seven, the son of the divinely awakened light has enough spiritual power to support it, why can't he learn more? Punishment Being a guardian is just a classification. Maybe you can create miracles. Dual cultivation may be the most correct choice to truly bring out the talents of the Son of Light.

Long Haochen seemed to understand something and said with a surprised look on his face: Dad, you mean, you want me to practice the abilities and skills of the Punishment Knight and the Destruction Knight at the same time?

That's right. From now on, I will teach you the training methods of the Punishment Knight. Two years later, you will go to the Haoyue Branch Hall to start practicing the secrets of the Guardian Knight. Perhaps this will slow down the speed of your spiritual power improvement. However, As long as you can combine punishment and protection, you will become an unprecedentedly powerful knight in the future.

Time passed day by day, and the inheritance of knights continued on the top of the calm Odin Mountain. In the blink of an eye, a year and a half has passed.

When——, amidst the crisp sound, a layer of golden light suddenly lit up from the young man's body, and then, a burst of brilliance like the sun condensed into a blade of light and shot through the air.

The bamboo sword was swung lightly, but the golden light blade was shattered in front of a small bamboo sword.

Yes, your Yaori Slash has basically acquired the divine essence. All that's missing is the increase in heat and spiritual power.

The one who used the bamboo sword to block the dazzling light blade was none other than Long Xingyu, and the boy who used the light blade was naturally Long Haochen.

A year and a half later, Long Haochen is almost twelve years old. Compared with when he was still living in Odin Town, he has undergone earth-shaking changes now.

He is only twelve years old and is nearly 1.6 meters tall. He does not look strong, but his slender figure has perfect proportions. His black hair is flowing behind his head, and his crystal clear light golden eyes are discerning. The originally pretty face was transforming into handsome. But it's still stunningly perfect. With his calm temperament and his figure, even if he said he was fourteen or five years old, some people would definitely believe him.

At this time, Long Haochen held an epee in each of his hands. They were standard knight weapons, six feet long, eight inches wide, and an astonishing four inches thick. This kind of knight's heavy sword weighed more than fifty kilograms, but it seemed as light as nothing in his hand.

In one and a half years, Long Haochen learned a lot from his father. His internal spiritual power has not improved much, just from the innate ninety-seven to one hundred and twenty, but his external spiritual power has reached the peak of a third-level knight, a full two hundred.

Adding the two together, there are three hundred and twenty, which is already the level of a fourth-level knight. It is not far behind the 330 points of spiritual power of a fifth-level knight.

If it weren't for the fact that Long Xingyu wanted to lay the solid foundation for him, I'm afraid his improvement speed would be even more terrifying.

Even with Long Xingyu's sternness, he still showed a satisfied smile when looking at his son who was only eleven and a half years old but had already reached the level of a fourth-level knight. This is absolutely unprecedented in the history of the Knights Temple. With his talent back then, he only had such cultivation when he was fifteen years old.

However, as the external spiritual power reached its peak, Long Haochen's progress in spiritual power also slowed down significantly. After all, he can only enhance his cultivation by improving his internal spiritual power. Unless he can advance to the fourth level of the Great Knight, it will be possible to improve his external spiritual power again.

When Long Haochen heard his father's praise, he couldn't help but reveal a bright smile on his face, Dad, this Sunrise Slash is very powerful, but it also consumes fifty points of my inner spiritual power, and even my outer spiritual power. Consumption. My spiritual power is still too low.

Long Xingyu smiled and said: You are only eleven years old. Do you know that Yaori Slash is a skill that only the great knight level should master. You can't rush for success in practice, you have to do it step by step. Okay, prepare for defense. Let's see what you do today. How long can I hold on?”

After hearing what his father said, Long Haochen suddenly became stern. The hands holding the sword tightened unconsciously.

Long Xingyu moved. His body seemed to be weightless. He just dodged and handed the bamboo sword in front of Long Haochen.

Lifting the heavy sword with his left hand, Long Haochen quickly took a step back and at the same time swung away the attack of the bamboo sword. It was obvious that Long Xingyu's bamboo sword did not contain spiritual power.

However, the next moment, countless bamboo shadows appeared around Long Haochen's body like mercury pouring down the ground.

Long Xingyu has disappeared, only the endless bamboo shadows are stabbing at Long Haochen from all directions and various tricky angles. But Long Haochen seemed to be used to this situation. A pair of swords flew back and forth in his hands, and their speed was not slow at all. The popping sound kept sounding like rain hitting banana trees.

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