Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 231 Bloody battle! The real core (medium)

Roar—— Leng Xiao suddenly raised his head and let out a shrill dragon roar. A layer of powerful red light burst out from her body instantly.

It is strange to say that after seeing this layer of red, such a powerful golden bird demon suddenly stopped in the air, with a look of uncertainty flashing in its fierce eyes.

Leng Xiao changed. Her fiery figure suddenly increased a bit. Then, black scales quickly emerged from under the skin and covered her whole body. An indescribable powerful aura erupted from her body. It was not because of her. The strength is due to the aura in the blood.

Despicable bird demon, you dare to attack me. I'm tired of living. Leng Xiao roared fiercely. Except for the golden bird demon, no one dared to attack from the air. Attack her.

The golden bird demon's eyes flashed with light, and he suddenly uttered human words and screamed: Despicable human beings, how dare you pretend to be a demon dragon, go to hell.

As he spoke, he increased his speed and rushed straight towards Leng Xiao.

Leng Xiao knew that Yue Ye was right. Since the three tribes in Narik Province dared to take action, they would no longer have any scruples. There was no intention of leaving anyone alive. No matter what their identity was, it had no effect on them at this time.

Sister Yue, you have to hurry up!

Leng Xiao secretly screamed in his heart, exerted his strength with his legs, and rushed forward to face the golden bird demon.

It can be clearly seen that Leng Xiao's whole body is covered with pitch-black scales at this time, and cold-light spikes grow on her shoulders, knees, back and arms. As she rushes forward, her whole body emits a wave of... The blood-red light actually overwhelmed the golden bird demon who was far superior to her in terms of momentum.

Just as Leng Xiao was in trouble, Long Haochen below also encountered a powerful enemy. A mad demon covered in red scales had already rushed in front of him and launched a crazy attack.

This crazy demon is more than three meters tall, and its body is as majestic as a hill. The length of the spikes on both arms was a full meter and a half away, and the terrifying penetrating attack swept straight towards Long Haochen.

Dang, Dang, Dang. Long Haochen blocked three strikes in a row and took three steps back. Each step left a deep ravine on the ground, and the terrifying power was left on his Holy Spirit Shield. There were three dents. This was something he could barely resist with three times the endurance of the divine block plus the skill assistance of the light elemental elf and Han Yu.

Lin Xin made a prompt decision and stopped releasing the resistance fire ring. He applied a fire element shield to Long Haochen, and Lu Xi's holy light shield also fell at the same time. Only then did Long Haochen resist the red-blooded demon for the first time. There was no retreat again on the fourth strike.

What moved others was that in the face of such a powerful enemy, Long Haochen released the Holy Spiritual Furnace without hesitation, and a white light connected him to the red-blooded demon.

It was obvious that the red-blooded mad demon in front of him was the real commander of the demon army, just like the golden bird demon that fell from the sky. To be able to make Long Haochen, who was using Divine Control Blocking, so unbearable proved that the strength of the red-blooded mad demon in front of him had reached the seventh level. Fortunately, he was only a seventh-level junior with a spiritual power of about ten thousand, otherwise it would not have been so easy for Long Haochen to stop him.

The reason why the Scarlet-blooded Demon is called Red-blooded is not because his blood is red. To be precise, no demon has red blood. When this red-blooded demon attacks, his whole body will glow with intense blood, and his pair of spiked forelimbs will turn blood red, hence the name.

His attack power is extremely penetrating, even if the Holy Spirit Shield is equipped with a Holy Spirit Shield, it cannot offset the damage he causes to the shield itself.

Long Haochen felt sorry for his shield, but there was nothing he could do now. Except for him, no one from the other twelve members of the two demon hunting groups could block this seventh-level demon head-on. He absolutely couldn't retreat, he could only try his best to resist.

Facing a powerful enemy, Long Haochen fully demonstrated his strength under pressure. In terms of skills, he only used the two skills of Holy Light Qinshield and Divine Control Block. However, how can the strength he displayed cannot be described by these two skills?

The originally illusory steps under his feet suddenly became solid, and every step he took would leave a deep footprint on the ground.

The speed and strength of the red-blooded madman were all superior to his, but he was blocked by Long Haochen's divine defense and blocked his path, preventing him from taking a single step beyond his reach. It's impossible to get around it from the side. Coupled with the effect of the Holy Spiritual Furnace, before defeating Long Haochen, this powerful seventh-level demon had no way to defeat anyone else.

The footwork used by Long Haochen was directly inherited from Long Xingyu. In other words, although he now plays the role of guarding the knight, he actually uses the footwork to punish the knight.

This set of footwork was created by Long Xingyu. Long Haochen has slightly changed it based on his own abilities over the years, and it is called Jiulong Tread.

The so-called Nine Dragon Steps are actually nine types of footwork, suitable for different battles. For example, when Long Haochen faced a large number of enemy attacks before, he used the Nine Dragons Tread, which is the most flexible and suitable for group battles. But now when facing strong enemies, he used the Nine Dragons Tread, which is the most stable and suitable for group battles. A solid dragon-suppressing step.

Don't underestimate this footwork. Good footwork is extremely important in combat. It can not only strengthen oneself and weaken the opponent's attack, but also allow the practitioner to control the rhythm in the battle.

If there is only one red-blooded madman in the enemy, then if the other twelve people attack him while Long Haochen is blocking his opponent head-on, they might really make this red-blooded madman hate him here.

Unfortunately, what they are facing now is an overwhelming demon army. Although Long Haochen blocked the red-blooded mad demon from the front, he was also restrained by the red-blooded mad demon. Ordinary mad demons and bird demons need to be resisted by themselves. .

Dian Yan is a shield warrior, and the shield in his hand is much larger than Long Haochen's Holy Spirit Shield. However, at this time, the gap between him and Long Haochen was completely revealed.

Before the scarlet-blooded demon appeared, Long Haochen himself had blocked all the enemies rushing towards him within a range of more than ten meters in front of him. But at this time, Dian Yan could only block about three meters in front of him. You know, he is also a fifth-level warrior. But it was all efforts to block the three-meter-wide section. And such a defensive area is obviously not enough to block attacks from all partners.

On the side of the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21, Long Haochen went to fend off the red-blooded demons. Han Yu rushed forward immediately, using his heavy shield to protect his front. After all, they were fighting with their backs on the carriage and had nothing to worry about.

A layer of twisted ripples spread from above Han Yu's head, and the ten mad demons in front fell into a brief stagnation. Han Yu swept the heavy sword with his right hand, and the light sword shining with liquid spiritual power instantly cut the throats of these mad demons, but they did not fall to the ground and still blocked the mad demon warriors behind them.

The evil eye was suspended above Han Yu, its huge eyeballs spinning around. The skills it emitted were not very strong, just a mental shock. But it is very effective for these simple-minded, well-developed limbs. Assistant Han Yu firmly guarded the front. Among the two teams before, Han Yu was the only one who always obeyed Long Haochen's orders and did not attack with all his strength, and he was standing in the back row.

For a long time, because of Long Haochen's excellence and power, coupled with his different positioning, Han Yu rarely had the opportunity to face the enemy head-on. At this time, his combat effectiveness as a guardian knight was revealed. The No. 4 sergeant-level demon hunter on the other side Only then did the group realize that Han Yu was actually so powerful. Maybe he will be inferior to Long Haochen, but the difference will not be too big. This is a fifth-level knight! They couldn't help but wonder, such a powerful fifth-level knight did not enter the top sixty of the demon hunting group? Instead, he became Long Haochen's retinue?


Leng Xiao's body fell from the sky and hit the roof of the car hard, but the carriage was indeed hard. It was not damaged at all under such impact, but the purple light on Yue Ye's body on the other side of the shock trembled.

At this time, the moonlit night has obviously reached the most critical moment. Her body, rendered by the rich purple light, is almost invisible, and the mysterious scroll is almost reaching its end as it continues to open.

It's about to succeed.

Leng Xiao's strength is indeed strong. Even when facing a sixth-level powerhouse, he can still compete with his powerful bloodline ability and his own combat power of magic and martial arts.

Unfortunately, what she faced was a seventh-level powerhouse, and a peak seventh-level golden bird demon with the ability to fly. Although she could suppress her opponent in terms of breath, the gap in strength was too big.

The golden bird demon drove away Leng Xiao and did not pursue him. He raised the golden lightning spear in front of him and threw it at the moonlit night.

Amidst the ear-piercing roar, the golden lightning spear actually caused two golden cracks in the air. The air was completely distorted, and the detonating roar caused a thunderous explosion.

Even for the golden bird demon, this is an all-out attack. Seeing that Yue Ye was about to complete the act of activating the scroll, the Golden Bird Demon, as a seventh-level peak powerhouse, could naturally feel the horror of the scroll, otherwise he would not have appeared here in person. Although Leng Xiao must be killed, the more important thing at the moment is to interrupt Yue Ye's magic. As long as this blow is successful, the battle will definitely end in a short time.

Leng Xiao's face was already pale, and her body was still paralyzed by the attack of the golden bird demon. No matter what methods she had, it was already too late to rescue Yue Ye. A trace of despair appeared in her eyes that had turned blood red.


Desperate? How to do it? Vote! Just vote and it will be solved. hey-hey.

It’s been a great time writing these two days, and I believe everyone will have a great time watching it, too, to relax amidst the intense plot. Guess the identities of Leng Xiao and Yue Ye. For Shen Yin, Leng Xiao's role in Yue Ye is obviously the last one. That’s the spoiler.

Hurry up and vote. It’s the end of the month, I believe everyone has a monthly pass again. Why don't you smash the divine seal given to us? Although Laosan doesn’t have many updates now, it is still stable. More importantly, I really write more seriously than before. It’s worth everyone’s monthly pass.

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