Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 230 Bloody battle! The real core (Part 1)

Among the two teams, only Long Haochen knew how to use the Soul Gathering Halo. It was a secret skill he learned specifically for the team.

The crisis on the roof of the car was temporarily resolved, and he had to quickly return to the team to take command, because he clearly saw that everyone, whether it was General No. 21 or Private No. 4 Demon Hunting Group, was red-eyed.

The general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 was slightly better. At least Wang Yuanyuan had not yet used the true power of her giant spirit shield, and Sima Xian also restrained from using madness. But the members of the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group, including Li Xin, are already doing their best. Dazzling lights continued to erupt, killing the demons crazily.

The little girl Bai Xiaomo's eyes were all red. She was chanting spells one after another. Big thorns were growing wildly outwards. There were already more than a dozen plants that could spit out sharp thorns around her body. There are also seven or eight of those sluggish pods. Her pretty little face was completely pale, but even so, the curses in her mouth still did not stop. There is no doubt that she is now overdrawn. If this continues, life will be overdrawn.

Long Haochen jumped down from the carriage, dodged and rushed to Bai Xiaomo's side. He lightly bumped her back with his shoulder, instantly interrupting her spell.

What are you doing? Bai Xiaomo turned around and roared viciously at Long Haochen.

Long Haochen said angrily: Have you forgotten my instructions? Save your spiritual energy. Can you kill all the demons? Preserving yourself is our most basic requirement.

Go away, what right do you have to take care of me? Do you know that my father and mother died in the hands of these bastard bird demons. Go away, you don't need to take care of this girl.

Pa— Long Haochen raised his hand and slapped Bai Xiaomo to the ground, Asshole. Do you think your life belongs to one person? Your life belongs to the team. It doesn't matter if you die, do you want to Involving your companions in dying with you? From now on, you are not allowed to release magic, otherwise, I will knock you unconscious.

Long Haochen's roar was full of no doubt. After leaving these words, he did not stop for a moment and rushed to the front in a flash. He kicked the desperate Dian Yan back three steps. At the same time, he swept the Holy Spirit Sword with his left hand, and the sword spine hit Wang Yuanyuan's shield, making a loud clang.

Shrink your formation, do you want to die? As he said this, Long Haochen's body suddenly burst into a powerful golden halo, and the heavy sword with both hands swept out, and the two light swords struck the light elemental elf Yating. The increase turned into a holy sword slash, and seven or eight mad demons were chopped into two pieces. At the same time, the Zhanran sun's fire soared into the sky, forcing back the bird demons that were swooping down in the sky, giving the two members of the demon hunting group a short respite.

The fighting lasted only about ten minutes, but until they stopped at this moment, everyone realized that they were out of breath. Although no one was injured, the series of all-out efforts just now consumed their internal and external spiritual energy greatly.

Long Haochen turned around and glanced at everyone coldly, From now on, anyone who disobeys my order will be immediately expelled from the Demon Hunting Group.

Groups of exploding fireballs with a diameter of more than half a meter fell from the sky and landed in front of Long Haochen. In the violent explosion, a large number of attacking demons were thrown away.

The fireball was fired by Haoyue on the roof of the car. When Long Haochen turned around again to face the demons, the Blue Rain and the Hibiscus of Light in his hands had been put away and replaced by the Holy Spirit Shield, the Holy Spirit Shield that comes with the Holy Spirit Suit. The quiet release caused a layer of white light to ripple around everyone's body. Coupled with the effect of the spirit-gathering halo, more than ten people in the two demon hunting groups felt relieved.

Li Xin, Yi Jun, you are responsible for air defense. Lin Xin, when there are many enemies, take my signal and use all your strength to resist the ring of fire. Dian Yan, fight the enemy side by side with me. Wang Yuanyuan, Sima Xian, you protect both wings. Cai'er, Han Daosi, you are responsible for wandering and picking up leaks. Naturally, this whole group refers to the two demon hunting groups as a whole.

At this moment, Long Haochen had truly assumed the task of commanding the two teams. Surprisingly, no one refuted his words. The same goes for everyone in the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group.

Everyone saw the powerful strength displayed by Long Haochen on the roof of the car. The demon hunters of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group were shocked to find that Long Haochen was much more powerful than they imagined. Especially when the twelve big bird demons were killed, the shock was stronger than any words.

When Long Haochen jumped off the carriage and returned to the battle formation, he let out a series of roars. He even did not hesitate to attack his own people, but he also woke up everyone who was fighting in a bloody battle.

yes! Now is not the time to compete with the number of enemies killed. The most important thing is to get out of here alive first.

At the beginning, the members of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group of the No. 4 rank were somewhat obedient to Long Haochen's orders. With so many demons in front of them, it was all meritorious service! In addition, almost everyone has a deep hatred against the demons and the side effects caused by the demons' cannibalism, so naturally everyone becomes indifferent when it comes to killing.

Long Haochen descended from the sky, gave up his strongest attack, and became a guardian knight. Whether it was the Holy Spirit Shield or the Spirit Gathering Halo, it affected everyone in the team.

The murderous intention in their hearts quickly subsided. Listening to Long Haochen's unquestionable roar, everyone subconsciously did what he said.

Boom - The Holy Spirit Shield swept across and knocked back the two mad demons. At this time, Long Haochen even gave up the attack completely. Whether it was the Holy Spirit Shield or the Holy Spirit Sword, they all blocked. Relying on his own strength, he can resist all frontal enemies.

The previous battle was very exhausting for our partners. They need time to recover their spiritual and physical strength. Otherwise, how will they break out later? Therefore, at this time, he could only rely on his own strength as much as possible to buy time for his partners.

Standing at the back, you can clearly see that Long Haochen always maintains a special pace at his feet, which is fast, effective, and more importantly, balanced. His whole body is like a wall. Within a horizontal range of more than ten meters, he will appear wherever an enemy rushes towards him. The golden light blocked by the Divine Control continued to appear on him. Only when the golden light was extremely powerful, he would occasionally slash out a light sword to harvest the lives of some demons. While tossing and turning, the spirit-gathering halo always enveloped everyone. It can be said that at this time, Long Haochen displayed the realm of the strongest guardian knight at the level of the earth knight.

And just a moment ago, when he was on the roof of the car, he was a powerful disciplinary knight.

The role of a strong person in the team may not be particularly important, but a strong leader is the real core and soul of the entire team. Long Haochen used actions to tell his partners what to do. The other twelve people are also the leaders of the younger generation of the Temple Alliance, but at this moment, in their eyes, Long Haochen seems to have reached another level completely. Even Cai'er is no exception.

Perhaps, with the help of the Reincarnation Spirit Furnace, Cai'er's attack power could still surpass Long Haochen, but in terms of overall outlook and command ability, she felt that she was far from being able to compare with Long Haochen. This has nothing to do with her feelings for him, it is the most authentic judgment.

Cai'er suddenly thought that even if she and Long Haochen didn't have such a close relationship, if they could really be in a team, he would still be the final leader. He grew up so fast.

On the roof of the car, Leng Xiao was also observing Long Haochen. The death of twelve large bird demons bought her enough time. Ordinary bird demons swooped down from the sky and posed no threat to her at all.

Who is that young man? Since when did my sister have such a number one figure in her caravan? Is he really only level five? Also, what exactly is this three-headed monster? Why do I feel palpitations from it? And it seems to be due to the suppression of blood? No, this is not possible. My bloodline is the most noble. Even the most powerful person in the human race cannot surpass me in bloodline!

Yue Ye has been sitting silently on the roof of the car, her eyes always fixed on the scroll suspended in front of her, and everything in the outside world seems to have nothing to do with her.

The rich purple was rising crazily, and the purple moon in the sky became extremely clear. The scales she sang were becoming slower, but also more solemn. There seemed to be a bit more moisture in the air, which was condensed by sticky magic elements.

The color of the bright purple moon gradually changes to black, and the illuminated sky gradually dims.

A long and shrill roar sounded high in the sky, and then, a bright golden lightning fell from the sky and struck straight into the moonlit night.

Leng Xiao was taken aback, and he flashed in front of Yue Ye. On the staff in his hand, a ball of extremely strong blood light turned into a shield to block the golden light.

There was a loud bang, golden snake lightning scattered in all directions, Leng Xiao's shield was shattered, and even her body was stained with a bit of golden lightning. Her whole body trembled, her legs became weak, and she almost fell down on the roof of the car.

In the sky, a golden figure swooped down like a hurricane. It was clearly a bird demon, but its entire body was a brilliant golden color, and the spear in its hand was in the form of golden lightning.

He was about two meters tall, and a pair of golden wings on his back cut through the sky, bringing up two dazzling golden lights. Swooping towards Leng Xiao.

Among the entire family of golden bird demons, there are no more than three golden bird demons. One of them is their clan leader. Although the golden bird demon in front of him does not have the strength of the eighth level, it still stands at the peak of the seventh level. Entering the lightning, it is fast, sturdy, and full of powerful oppression.


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