Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 223 Moonlight Merchant Group (Part 2)

Dianyan nodded and said: Don't worry. If he can't handle a child, I don't have to hang around. It won't take long for him to lose all his prestige and give up his position. Then the income distribution will naturally be It will change.”

Three days later.

Yue Ye, the largest caravan in Xingxun City, departed from the south city gate and headed southeast.

The Moon Night Caravan is indeed one of the largest free merchants. It transported more than 200 trucks and nearly 2,000 people this time. This is why Dianxuan casually agreed to arrange for Long Haochen and the dozen of them.

Although they were just the guys responsible for escorting the trucks, Long Haochen and the others also wore two commoners, one cotton coat and one heavy coat. It has already entered early winter. Xingxun City is located in the central area of ​​the continent. Although it is not as cold as the north, they have to travel a long distance after entering the demon territory. Without enough warmth, they obviously cannot travel for a long time.

The tasks given to the thirteen men of the two demon hunting groups are very simple, they are to carry goods and take care of them. There is no need for them to drive the coach, there is a special coachman. Each wagon is equipped with four tall horses. Although the entire caravan has a large number of people, it is arranged in an orderly manner.

They left the city in search of stars and rushed to the southeast, even entering the southeast fortress in a grand manner. After taking a short rest, I don’t know what means the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce used to calmly leave the fortress on the second night and head straight towards the direction of the demons. This alone was enough to make Long Haochen and others amazed. I am very curious about the free traders.

It was a quiet night, and the caravan's torch was like a long dragon marching across the vast wilderness.

Yi Jun, the magician of the No. 4 Demon Hunting Group, seemed to have accidentally asked: Why do you think the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce allowed the Southeast Fortress to pass? It seems that we followed the merchant group out in the right direction this time. On the way. It can save a lot of trouble.”

Lu Xi smiled calmly and said calmly: Profit is of course the word. No matter how irreconcilable the conflict between humans and demons is, as long as what the Moon Night Chamber of Commerce does is of great benefit to humans, the alliance will naturally have reason to let it go. . If I guess correctly, our business group will receive the same treatment when we get to the demon clan.

While saying these words, he seemingly casually cast his gaze on the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21. Especially looking at Long Haochen's reaction.

Even though he was only wearing a coarse cotton coat, Long Haochen's handsomeness was still so eye-catching. Cai'er still wore a black veil, covering up her stunning face.

After listening to Lu Xi's words, Long Haochen smiled slightly and said, Captain Lu is right.

Lu Xi chuckled and said, I'm probably the oldest here, so I naturally have more experience.

Although the flavor in his words was very light, people with a discerning eye should still be able to hear the meaning. But to Lu Xi's disappointment, no one in the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group seemed to pay attention to what he was saying.

But after Long Haochen nodded to him, Cai'er who was beside Long Haochen suddenly turned her head and glanced at him. The sharp gaze instantly made Lu Xi shiver, and a chill from his heart made all the hairs on his body stand up.

What a strong killing intent. Lu Xi felt awe-struck and kept silent.

In the No. 4 knight-level demon hunting group, Dian Yan, Yi Jun, and Lu Xi had a very good relationship, and Han Daosi, who was originally an assassin, was also close to him. However, after carrying out this operation, Han Daosi remained silent. The reason was simple: Cai'er was there.

As for Bai Xiaomo, because he was rescued by Li Xin once during the three-month trial, and both of them were women, they were closer.

Lu Xi's original plan was to first use Long Haochen's status as a general-level demon hunting group to complete missions with higher profits. Secondly, he observed that Long Haochen made hasty decisions on important matters of their team, and subconsciously thought that the relationship between Long Haochen and his team would not be very harmonious. Therefore, his potential expectation is to gradually change the dominant position of both parties in the task.

Of course, these are just ideas for the benefit of your own team and are based on the premise of completing the task.

In the middle of the caravan, there was a luxurious carriage pulled by eight horses. This carriage was very special because it was not only wide, but also very tall. The carriage has eight huge wheels, each in a set of two. There are support rods on the wheels, and huge springs are connected to the support rods to reduce vibration. And these are just backup measures for carriages. It can be vaguely seen that there is a faint green light at the bottom of the carriage, which is the levitation technique. This was not cast by a magician, but solidified on the bottom of the car. In other words, the carriage itself was a huge piece of magical equipment.

Lifting such a large carriage cannot be accomplished with just one or two levitation techniques. And it requires constant consumption of magic crystals. Of course, the benefits are obvious. In this rugged wilderness, the carriage walked on flat ground without any vibration.

Inside the carriage, there are tables, chairs, and a wide and comfortable soft couch. On the soft couch, there were two girls lying on it, picking up a crystal longan fruit on the small table of the soft couch and putting it into their mouths.

Compared with the cold outside, the inside of the carriage was as warm as late spring. The two girls lying on the couch were only wearing long skirts.

The girl on the left is wearing a long white dress, elegant and noble, just like her gentle, pure and even somewhat holy face. She has a straight nose, and her most distinctive feature is her pair of black eyes, which seem a little out of keeping with her own temperament.

The girl on the other side of the soft couch is wearing a long red dress. Compared with the well-proportioned body of the girl in the white dress, her figure is much hotter. Lying on the soft couch and leaning against the cushions, he suddenly revealed a slightly exaggerated S-shape. What is even more attractive is that matching this devilish figure is a face that looks very simple and young. What about a standard childlike giant...

Sister Yue, you can take off the magic eyes now. It's really uncomfortable to wear this thing. The girl in the red dress said coquettishly.

The girl in the white dress smiled and said: Take it off, we are out of human territory anyway. As she said that, she raised her hand and wiped it in front of her eyes. The next moment, her black eyes changed color and turned into a moving one. Soul purple.

This purple color is pure and noble, but it has a bit of enchantment, which matches the holy aura on her body to create a unique temperament.

The girl in the red dress also made the same move. The next moment, her black eyes turned pink, giving her angelic face a bit of coquettishness.

Sister Yue, you must be able to make a lot of money from this batch of goods. The girl in the red dress said with a smile.

The girl in the white dress sighed softly and said: Xiaoxiao, how can it be that easy? My goods are mainly spices, oils, cotton, metal, human silk, rare wood, etc., and more importantly, there is a lot of food. These convoys are just a cover-up. All the things that really need to be transported are here. As she spoke, she pointed to the ruby ​​ring she wore on her right hand to the girl in the red dress.

The girl in the red dress said puzzledly: Isn't this a good thing for us demons? Isn't the thing we lack most the most is food?

The girl in the white dress said: That's why it's so troublesome. It's not just one or two ethnic groups that are short of food. These things I put are popular wherever I put them. Do you think that all ethnic groups will be so abiding by the rules and let me take them? Are these things being transported to the Central Bank? His Majesty the Demon God Emperor will not care about the following matters. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful along the way. The most annoying thing is that we can't use guards above level six.

The girl in the red dress was startled and said: Sister Yue, you mean there will be tribesmen coming to plunder? How dare they! Sister Yue, you are the princess of the Moon Demon Clan. This generation of Moon Night Witches is named after the Moon Night. They are not afraid of the moon. Is it the demon’s revenge?”

The girl in white dress Yue Ye chuckled, My silly sister. Do you think our people will be as scrupulous as humans? If they don't have enough food, some of their people will starve to death. In comparison, we, the Moon Demon Clan, will At least the revenge will not appear immediately. This year's autumn offensive is not going well, and there is a serious food shortage. Under such circumstances, my caravan is a big piece of fat! Don't say it's me, Yue Ye, even if you tell them that you are cold Xiao’s identity will be ignored by them.”

Leng Xiao, the girl in the red dress, pouted and said, What should we do? Did they really let them rob us?

A cold light flashed in Yue Ye's eyes, It's not that easy. I have already notified the tribesmen to come and respond. My people will be here in five days at most. I just hope that the tribes on the border will not react too quickly.

Leng Xiao asked doubtfully: Then why don't we set off a few days later?

Yue Ye smiled and said: Human surveillance is also strict in the border areas. If humans see that there are powerful demons coming to meet us as soon as we leave the border, what will they think? My business will last for a long time.

Leng Xiao smiled and said: Sister Yue, it seems that I came to the right place to go out with you to practice this time. I can really learn a lot of things.

The smile on Yue Ye's face suddenly faded, and she suddenly sat up from the carriage, It came so fast.

Leng Xiao was stunned for a moment, but her expression soon changed, How could it be so fast? They must have been preparing to ambush us.

Yue Ye's eyes flashed with cold light, The only explanation is that there is a traitor in the top management of the Chamber of Commerce. Don't go out while you are in the carriage, I will take care of it. As she said this, she got out of the carriage in a flash.

At this time, Long Haochen, who was following the team forward, suddenly raised his head and looked in a direction in the dark night.

If there is an enemy, everyone should be prepared to respond. Try not to use your signature abilities. Priests should not heal unless it is absolutely necessary. No one should release their spiritual power. Rely on trucks to defend yourself.

A series of orders sounded in the ears of the two members of the demon hunting group.


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