Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 222 Moonlight Merchant Group (Part 2)

For example, in our Holy Alliance auction house, a large part of the items come from free merchants. Because they got many things back from the demons. Similarly, the demons also need them from Let’s get some resources here. Therefore, these free traders are caught between the two major forces of humans and demons, free from the outside. Neither side will deliberately care about their existence. Of course, it is not easy for those who can become free traders . Not only us humans, but also some high-level demons.

After hearing his explanation, Long Haochen immediately understood, Brother Dian means that we should find a way to contact these wandering businessmen and try to get into their ranks and enter the demon clan?

Dianyan nodded and said: Free traders will not live in border fortresses. It is not safe for them. I grew up in Xingxun City, so I can be sure that there are free traders here. If we want to go deep into the central area of ​​​​the Demons, we need to pass through four provinces of the Demons. It is unrealistic to kill them. The search near the borders of the Demons must be the most rigorous, and the target of the dozen of us is not small.

Long Haochen nodded slightly and said, Thank you, Brother Dian, for the timely reminder. According to your opinion, we will go to Xingxun City to rest, replenish food and water, and contact the free merchants at the same time.

Lu Xi, who was standing next to Dian Yan, smiled at him and secretly extended his thumb.

After traveling for eight days, the two demon hunting groups became familiar with each other, but invisibly, they were somewhat reserved towards each other. The meaning of comparison still exists. Dian Yan's suggestion just now undoubtedly proved to the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21 that their accompanying group was by no means useless. While earning face for the No. 4 Soldier-level Demon Hunting Group, it also helped a lot in this operation.

Long Haochen pulled Cai'er and jumped off Haoyue's back, saying: Since we are looking for help from free merchants, we must pay attention to conceal our identities. Everyone should change their equipment and clothes to be more simple, and then we will enter again. city.

Li Xin said, What about these mounts? Eleven strong horses cost a lot of money. As a knight, she naturally felt a little distressed.

Dianyan smiled and said, I'll handle it. You go into the city first, and then I'll find you. There's a pretty good Wyndham hotel in the south of the city.

The thirteen people changed their clothes, leaving Dian Yan to deal with their mounts, while the others quietly entered Xingxun City.

Long Haochen's caution makes sense. Since there are free merchants here, it is natural that there may be free merchants from the demon clan. The more careful they are, the greater the safety will naturally be.

Dian Yan's service efficiency was higher than Long Haochen imagined. Less than an hour after they checked into the medium-sized Wyndham Hotel, Dian Yan came back, and he brought someone back with him.

He was a tall, energetic old man.

Everyone else went back to their rooms to rest. Dian Yan took the old man directly to Long Haochen and Cai'er's room.

Although Long Haochen and Cai'er had been limited to small intimacy so far, they did not avoid suspicion and lived together directly. Because Long Haochen will never forget the small home Cai'er built in the barracks of Exorcist Pass. Of course, although they live in the same room, they spend most of the night practicing separately.

Brother Long, this is my uncle Dianxuan, the manager of the Yueye Merchant Group and the chief of the guard. I heard that we want to find a high-paying job, so I came here in person.

While saying this, Dian Yan also winked slightly at Long Haochen.

Long Haochen bowed slightly to the old man very respectfully and said, Hello.

Dianxuan couldn't help but be slightly stunned when he saw Long Haochen and Cai'er being so young and handsome. Then he nodded to them and said, I heard there are more than a dozen of you?

Yes. Counting Dianyan, there are thirteen of us in total, eight men and five women. Please take good care of us. Long Haochen is handsome and young. He looks respectful and simple at this time. Looking a bit shy. Not to mention Dianxuan, even Dianyan was a little confused looking at him at this time. Is this guy really the leader of the demon hunting group?

Dianxuan said in a deep voice: Our business group still needs some handymen. You are responsible for taking care of the truck, two silver coins a day. If everything goes well, after you come back, each person will be rewarded with one more gold coin.

Long Haochen was very cooperative and said with a happy face: That's great. Thank you, Mr. Steward. As he said that, he saluted Dianxuan again.

An imperceptible light flashed in Dianxuan's eyes, and he said calmly: Okay, that's it. The business group has a batch of goods and will set off in three days. Dianyan knows the gathering place, and you will come together when the time comes. Dianyan, you and me I’ll go back and get the guys’ clothes and put them on.”

Okay. Dian Yan agreed, and after looking at each other with Long Haochen, he turned around and left with Dian Xuan.

Long Haochen took Cai'er to the hotel door and then returned to the room.

Haochen, are you too hasty? Cai'er asked Long Haochen in a low voice after closing the door. Her temperament has become much gentler than before, of course, this is under the premise of not taking action.

Looking at Cai'er's shining eyes, Long Haochen pulled her into his arms and hugged her gently. Her soft and fragrant body gave people a feeling that he couldn't put it down.

This steward should know our identities. We were just acting on each other just now. Long Haochen said with a smile.

Cai'er was stunned for a moment, then raised her little face that had been leaning into his arms, He knows our identity? It's just our first meeting, do we really have to trust him?

Long Haochen smiled slightly and said: It is precisely because of this that he is more trustworthy. You also know that every official member of the Demon Hunting Group will be investigated in detail and strictly by the Holy Alliance. In other words, Dian Yan's identity No problem. I can doubt Manager Dian, but I won't doubt Dian Yan. Although Dian Yan didn't say it explicitly, it was equivalent to telling me that this was not the first time that the demon hunting group entered the demon territory through free merchants. That's it. Just like the demons will also send spies to enter the Holy Alliance in this way. It just depends on the cover-up. I believe that Dian Yan will also not tell Dian Xuanming about our identity, and Dian Xuan will not ask, This is like an unspoken rule. As for what we will do when we get to the demon clan, it has nothing to do with them.

Cai'er said with some confusion: I still don't quite understand. Aren't the Yueye Merchant Group afraid that we will bring them trouble?

Long Haochen shook his head and said: What trouble can there be? If it can easily accommodate a dozen of us as handymen, the size of the business group must be quite large. Since free merchants can exist, they will naturally have their own methods. Just wait, Dianyan He will explain it to us when he comes back soon.”

Cai'er looked at the sunny smile on his face and couldn't help but think to herself that he was not yet fifteen years old, but he was so smart. Could it be that this was also a function of the Son of Light's physique?

It had been less than half a year since meeting Long Haochen again, but Cai'er could clearly feel that Long Haochen was changing at an alarming speed. Not only the strength, but also the mentality and temperament are changing. Especially after coming back from this trial, he has gained an extra quality, which is not only attractive and charming, but also convincingly calm and wise. It's as if he was born to be a leader. At least in the general-level Demon Hunting Group No. 21, no one pays attention to his age anymore.

Sure enough, as Long Haochen said, it didn't take long before Dian Yan returned and knocked on the door again. Long Haochen let him into the room.

Captain Long, I was in a hurry just now. Let me give you a detailed introduction to the Moon Night Merchant Group. The Moon Night Merchant Group is one of the largest business groups among free merchants. There are not only humans in the business group, but also high-level demons. . They do not have high requirements for hiring team members, and they will not even carefully review them. This is also an unspoken rule for free merchants. However, there is a prerequisite. In addition to their own core members, all recruits must not exceed the sixth level of cultivation. . This is also an important reason why they can travel between the human and demon worlds. Every time they pass through the border, both sides will review this aspect. Once a strong person beyond the sixth level is found trying to muddle through, they will be detained immediately. And we There are no sixth-level experts in both groups, so I proposed to enter the territory of the demon clan through free merchants before.

Long Haochen nodded slightly and said, Brother Dian, why didn't you explain it in more detail when we were outside the city?

Dianyan was slightly startled, but his expression soon returned to normal, I forgot at the time. And the matter has not been settled after all. Now that there is a suitable business group, of course I have to tell Captain Long about the situation.

Long Haochen said: Thank you, Brother Dian. Let's prepare separately and set off together when the time comes.

Dian Yan didn't stay long, looked at Long Haochen with a somewhat meaningful look, then turned around and left. But he didn't know that Long Haochen's eyes looking at his back also had a somewhat restrained light.

After leaving Long Haochen's room, Dian Yan did not return to his residence to rest, but walked into Lu Xi's room.

Lu Xi was sitting there drinking water. When he saw him come in, he pointed to the sofa in front of him and said, Sit down and talk. How is it?

Dianyan said: The matter has been settled. My uncle and his business group's itinerary is to go to the central central province of the demon clan. Following them can avoid most troubles. The business group will stay in the central central province for about a month. , sell and purchase goods. When the time comes, we can also return with the business group to minimize mission operations.

What was Long Haochen's reaction? Lu Xi's eyes flashed slightly.

There was a hint of disdain in Dian Yan's eyes, He's just a kid with a yellow mouth. How old is he? So what if he is strong? You don't just rely on your strength to perform tasks. But he can still cooperate.

Lu Xi's face darkened and he said: We can gradually influence Long Haochen's authority in the group, but we can't really break up. After all, we are in a cooperative relationship. Our ultimate goal is to strive for the best interests of our group. So, you have to pay attention.”

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