Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 210 Perfect Fusion, Second Evolution (Part 2)

Lin Xin flipped up her long dark green hair and said proudly: Of course. I am also currently developing drugs that can be taken to assist cultivation after the fifth level. However, this is more difficult, and we need to try further. The main materials come from the eight-eyed magic eye warlock. There are still a lot of materials, and I hope the experiment can be successful.

As time goes by, Lin Xin's role as a potion master in the team is constantly expanding.

Yinger, this is for you. Lin Xin took out another small cloth bag and threw it to Chen Yinger.

Chen Yinger took it and asked doubtfully: What is this? Are they all pills?

Lin Xin shook his head and said: Silly girl, this is a magic crystal. How can your pig not have the combat power of this thing? I bought them all at the auction house. One is level six, and the other dozen or so are all level five. It’s a level 1 monster. Use it sparingly. This thing is too expensive. Half of the money I spent selling medicine was spent on it, and the rest was purchased for materials.”

Wow. Thank you, Brother Lin. Chen Ying'er blinked at Lin Xin with her watery eyes, making him feel a little nervous.

Come on, I'm doing this for our team. Sister Ying'er, although you are very beautiful, for the sake of my life safety, you'd better not look at me like that. I don't want Yang Wenzhao to come back and fight for me.

Chen Ying'er happily put away the magic crystal, snorted and said: What's wrong with Yang Wenzhao? How dare he take care of me? I don't like him. I like Sister Yuan Yuan. Even if I have sex with Sister Yuan Yuan, I won't take advantage of him.

Pfft, cough... Sima Xian coughed violently, glanced at Wang Yuanyuan, and said, Lilies and the like are such a waste of resources.

Wang Yuanyuan's expression remained unchanged and he said: What's so good about a stinky man? Hum.

Sima Xian and Lin Xin looked at each other, each showing a hint of a smirk. Lin Xin said, How much merit can I get if I sell what Ying'er just said to Yang Wenzhao?

Chen Ying'er said leisurely and contentedly: It's up to you how much you want, but I'll share half of it anyway.

Long Haochen put away the elixirs and a smile appeared on his face. Their No. 1 Demon Hunting Group had been established for some time. As we get to know each other better, everyone gradually gets into their roles and is able to perform their respective duties. The overall combat effectiveness is constantly improving.

Haochen, follow me to the city quickly. While everyone was chatting, Gao Yingjie's urgent voice suddenly came from outside.

Everyone rushed out to greet them, only to see Gao Yingjie flying over with a solemn look on his face. Without saying much, he just waved his arm and said, Follow me. After that, he turned around and left.

Long Haochen did not dare to neglect and led his companions to follow quickly. I don’t know what happened, but it’s obviously not good.

Cai'er's sense of smell had recovered by now, and she naturally followed Long Haochen out of the barracks. A group of seven people, led by Gao Yingjie, quickly climbed to the top of the city.

When they arrived at the top of the city, Long Haochen was surprised to find that the entire exorcism pass city wall was surprisingly quiet.

The other nine demon hunting groups had already arrived at the top of the city and were responsible for the defense of a section of the city wall that was about a hundred meters wide. Seeing Long Haochen and the others coming, they naturally gave up an area of ​​more than ten meters to them.

Long Haochen took a brief look and immediately discovered that the expressions of the demon hunters of the other nine demon hunting groups had changed. They were more windy and calm, and less impetuous. Obviously, these nearly fifty days of training have made them all make great progress. In terms of running-in, it has also surpassed the No. 1 sergeant-level demon hunting group.

Gao Yingjie stood beside Long Haochen, pointed forward, and said in a deep voice: Look.

Long Haochen then turned his gaze outside the city wall. It didn't matter what he saw, and he was immediately shocked.

It's not just the Exorcism Pass that's quiet, it's also very quiet outside. However, it's not that the demon army has withdrawn. On the contrary, the demon army is arrayed in front of the Exorcist Pass. In the silence, a huge aura of murder is constantly coming towards them. The attack came in the direction of the Exorcist Pass.

The demon clan's formation today was unexpectedly neat. At the front are ten square formations of double-sword demons. It seems that there are at least more than 5,000 double-sword demons in each square formation.

Behind the double-sword magic square formation is a phalanx of ten magic eye warlocks with 500 people. Behind them are the Rook stalkers. The further back they go, the more powerful the demon clan's arms become. When he reached the last row, Long Haochen could vaguely see dozens of huge creatures standing there silently. Even looking from such a distance as the Exorcist Pass, one can vaguely see that the powerful demon's body is probably more than fifty meters long.

The demons gathered not only on the ground, but also in the air.

The large number of demon air forces gathered in the sky were like dark clouds, covering the sky. But they are also quiet. Magic birds, magic vultures, two-headed magic vultures, beta flying demons and various flying demons each arranged their own formations as units. It seems that he is waiting for the order to attack at any time.

In the center of the Demon Air Force, there are ten huge beings with bodies over ten feet in length. Those turned out to be giant black dragons.

Seeing this scene, Long Haochen and others couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. What are the demons trying to do? Are they all out? More importantly, there were some powerful demons that they had never seen on the battlefield before. In other words, the demon clan has mobilized the real main force.

A tense atmosphere lingered at the exorcism gate. Although this majestic pass has protected mankind for thousands of years. However, the demon army's lineup is unprecedentedly powerful. Once a full-scale attack is launched, a bloody battle is bound to occur. Everyone tightened their weapons and waited silently for that moment to come.

Long Haochen and others did not dare to neglect, each put on their own equipment and set up a defensive formation.

On such a majestic battlefield, their personal power seems very small, but no matter what, they will do their best to kill as many demons as possible. This is no longer a question of merit or not. Preserving the exorcism barrier is vital to the entire human race.

The tense atmosphere was not only on the city walls, but also in the higher-level city towers.

All the memories of Holy Spirit Heart have been restored, and he stood quietly in the center looking at the demons in the distance. Around him were all the generals from the Exorcist Pass. Everyone's expressions were serious. The demon army was unprecedentedly powerful. Obviously, this time the demons were not just consuming the population.

There was doubt in the eyes of the Holy Spirit, Are the demons crazy? Why did they suddenly mobilize a large army? Even the Black Dragon Guards of the Demon God Emperor have arrived. Are they ready to fight to the death to break through?

At this moment, an old voice came from behind Holy Spirit Heart, There are only two possibilities for the demons to do this. The first possibility is that, as you guessed, the demons plan to go all out to break through my exorcism level. If so, Then let them come. Our Exorcist Pass can hold its ground for thousands of years, and our Assassin Temple has thrived for thousands of years. I can’t say that I will be able to withstand the full-scale attack of the demons. But it will definitely make them pay an extremely heavy price. .”

The Holy Moon Knight walked forward slowly and came to the Holy Spirit Heart. Seeing his appearance, the tense expressions of the generals on the top of the city obviously relaxed. Having a ninth-level powerhouse stationed in the city is a great encouragement to the confidence of the generals and soldiers.

Holy Spirit Heart did not salute his grandfather. He was now the top military commander at the top of the city, and everything was for the public at this time.

What about the second possibility? Holy Spirit asked.

Sheng Yue said: The second possibility is that a big figure from the Demon Clan has arrived. When the Demon Clan has important matters to negotiate with us, they will also put on this appearance for the purpose of force deterrence. To enhance the probability of success of the negotiation.

After listening to his grandfather's words, the Holy Spirit suddenly felt a little enlightened, In this case, the second possibility should be more likely. According to the spies' investigation, the Demon Clan has no intention of recruiting large-scale troops. If it is really the case, If we want to take a comprehensive approach and launch a holy war, then it will definitely not be just my corner of the Exorcist Pass that will be oppressed.

Sheng Yue nodded appreciatively and said: Yes, that's right. I just don't know what trouble the demons are going to make this time. The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and let them come over. I just don't know what kind of trouble the demons will have this time. Who is coming from the sub-demons? I estimate that they are at least the top ten demon gods. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be able to mount such a big battle.

Holy Spirit asked: Sir Xia Zhe, over there at the Assassin Temple...

Shengyue nodded to him and said: Don't worry, we are ready. If they really attack with all their strength, I, the Assassin Temple, will not be a vegetarian.

It wasn't until this moment that Holy Spirit's heart truly relaxed, Now we just have to wait.

While their grandfather and grandson were talking, suddenly, from behind the demon army formation in the distance, three huge light pillars soared into the sky, and the intense light burst out instantly with powerful spiritual power. Even though it is very far away from the city, it can still be clearly felt on the city. It is the light of the Demon God Pillar.

Ho--, ho--, ho--

The demon clan, which had been very silent a moment ago, suddenly burst into roars when the three demon pillars shined.

That was an army of hundreds of thousands of demons! At the same time, it roared, and the huge sound caused the Exorcism Gate to tremble like the earth was shaking.

Even soldiers who have fought hundreds of battles can't help but change their expressions in the face of such fierce power. However, the difference between them and ordinary people is that ordinary people are likely to collapse to the ground when faced with this situation. But these warriors who have fought a hundred battles clenched their weapons tightly, and the fighting blood in their bodies boiled instantly under the pressure of the enemy's fierce flames.

Those three demon god pillars are none other than the fifty-second demon god pillar, the flame lion demon An Luoxian, the sixty-first demon god pillar, the winged cow mad demon Sai Gong, and the seventieth pillar demon god, the green demon riding demon type Er.

These three demon gods had tried to intercept the Knights of the Radiant Angels before, so Long Haochen naturally recognized their existence at a glance.

He is truly worthy of being a demon! Their aura can actually make hundreds of thousands of demon army so excited.

This was Long Haochen's idea, but on the tower, the face of the Holy Moon Knight changed.

No, could it be that he is here...


Hey hey hey, guess who is here? Keep asking for monthly tickets. If you don't give them, this guy who is about to appear will run in front of you.

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