Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 209 Perfect Fusion, Second Evolution (Part 2)

Long Haochen smiled and said: Thank you for your hard work. It seems that you have refined a lot of elixirs!

Lin Xin patted his forehead and said, You are taking elixirs one by one like jelly beans. I can't help you if I don't do more!

Although Gao Yingjie can use the Holy Fire of Light, he will definitely not help. Only by relying on himself can these young people improve better.

At this time, he said to Long Haochen: You finally woke up. Although you missed the forty-nine days of the trial, it seems that you have made a lot of progress during this time. I suggest you integrate your partners first. With regard to your improvement, I will go and see what tasks you still need to perform next. The other demon hunting groups are not idle these days, and I estimate that your meritorious advantage no longer exists.

Yes. Long Haochen agreed, and everyone sent Gao Yingjie out of the barracks together.

The longer they were in contact, the more they admired the team leader. During the time when Long Haochen merged with the light elf Yating, Gao Yingjie was almost inseparable.

Cai'er had always been standing behind Long Haochen. When Long Haochen sent Gao Yingjie away and turned to look at her, he was surprised to find that Cai'er seemed to have changed a lot. The indifference between his eyebrows has faded a lot.

These days, Cai'er went out three times in total. When she saw Holy Spirit's Heart for the second time, Holy Spirit's Heart had returned to the memory of her teenage years. But the third time, Holy Spirit's heart just returned to the memory of when Cai'er was three years old. When Cai'er heard his voice, she actually heard Holy Spirit Heart, who had recovered the memory of being in her twenties, squatting in the corner and crying bitterly, but there were only two words in his mouth, her name.

After returning that day, Cai'er never went out again, but her mood fluctuated erratically for several days. Then, the indifference between her eyebrows gradually disappeared.

Seeing Cai'er's change, Long Haochen couldn't help but be greatly surprised, but now was obviously not the time to ask.

Back in the barracks, Long Haochen took out the inner spiritual power test gem and said with a smile: It seems that we have to test it again. Who comes first?

Sima Xian smiled and said: Of course, you, the leader, come first. After you fuse the light element elves, your spiritual power should change quite a lot. I have heard that the fusion of the element elves with the spiritual furnace can directly increase the internal energy of the fusion person. It’s spiritual. Your elf has evolved twice, so the increase for you will definitely not be small.”

What Sima Xian said was true. Long Haochen also clearly felt that his inner spiritual power had changed greatly. A golden halo had formed around the Holy Spirit Furnace, and the liquid inner spiritual power became more viscous. , the volume has also increased to a considerable extent.

Long Haochen knew very well that the viscosity of liquid spiritual power meant that his inner spiritual power was more powerful, and when using skills, the spiritual power consumed would be further reduced. At the same time, the power will be greatly enhanced. He was also very curious about the extent of his cultivation, so he did not refuse at the moment. He first held the inner spiritual power test gem and slowly poured his spiritual power into it.

After a while, except for Cai'er who couldn't see, everyone's eyes were dull.

Lin Xin swallowed hard, Three, three thousand...

Sima Xian murmured: It's three thousand one hundred and sixty-two. Level five and level six, captain, you are already a level six earth knight!

Not to mention them, Long Haochen himself was stunned. He never expected that the fusion between himself and Yating would directly increase his inner spiritual power by as much as a thousand. In this way, I am afraid that his cultivation would directly become the strongest one in the team.

Just as Sima Xian said, although Long Haochen's improvement was huge, it was closely related to his own constitution as the Son of Light. Yating's fusion with him attracted a large amount of rich and pure light elements. During the forty-nine days of fusion, Long Haochen's own Son of Light physique was completely stimulated again. What he didn't know was that every time Yating evolved, his innate inner spiritual power would increase a little.

Therefore, Long Haochen's innate inner spiritual power now reached as high as ninety-nine, second only to Cai'er's one hundred.

Although there are no other substantial changes from the fifth level to the fifth and sixth level except for the improvement of spiritual power. But this means that Long Haochen is one step closer to the Glory Knight. The changes at each level are vast. As the leader of the No. 1 sergeant-level demon hunting group, his continuous improvement is also improving the combat effectiveness of the entire team.

When this demon hunting group was first established, everyone felt a little awkward when calling Long Haochen the leader. After all, he was the youngest besides Cai'er. But as time went by, Long Haochen conquered everyone with his strength and performance in battle. Now it has become natural for them to call them leader.

Long Haochen took a deep breath, suppressed the joy in his heart, and said with a smile, Let's all test it too.

Everyone tested their inner spiritual power one by one. As expected by Gao Yingjie, there were considerable changes compared to the last test.

Chen Ying'er's innate spiritual power has reached the bottleneck of 2,000 points, and all she needs to do is reach the fifth level of evolution.

Sima Xian's progress is the most obvious among all. In the last test, his inner spiritual power was 1,920, but now it has become 2,100. This is not just a numerical change, but also a substantial one. After he broke through the fifth-level bottleneck, his inner spiritual power actually increased by another hundred points. It can be seen how strong the light element emitted by Long Haochen and Yating was.

Han Yu also made a good improvement, from the original 2,270 to 2,390. In less than two months, the 120 points of internal spiritual power improvement was enough to make everyone present. Everyone is envious.

Compared to them, the improvement of others is relatively less.

Wang Yuanyuan's internal spiritual power increased from 2160 to 2210, while Lin Xin's internal spiritual power only increased by 20 to 2405. However, Cai'er's inner spiritual power has improved a lot. She is a saint of reincarnation, with an innate inner spiritual power of 100. Naturally, her cultivation speed is not comparable to that of others. In the past two months, her inner spiritual power has increased by a full 180 points, rising to 2,770, second only to Long Haochen's 3,162.

At this point, Long Haochen's cultivation has truly become the first in the team. Although this promotion was quite accidental, it further established his position in the team. More importantly, after possessing the light element spirit Yating, his cultivation speed will also increase in the future. After entering the fifth and sixth levels, Long Haochen also had a better understanding of the method of cultivating liquid inner spiritual power.

Haoyue has also been in a deep sleep, but its body has grown invisibly. From the time it came back from the mission until Long Haochen woke up from its deep sleep, Haoyue's body also grew from more than four meters long to more than five meters long. This is not just a change in length, its entire body has also become more majestic. The two protrusions next to the three heads, as well as the bulge on the back, became more obvious.

Long Haochen had completed the spiritual furnace fusion and woke up, but Haoyue was still sleeping. Obviously, he had not yet finished digesting the previous devouring of the magic crystal.

It's my turn. It's time to distribute the medicine. Lin Xin took out a pile of bottles and cans. Although his face was still tired, his eyes were full of excitement.

Wow, there are so many. Brother Youyao really deserves his reputation. Sima Xian said jokingly.

Lin Xin beat his chest and said: That's right, I have medicine. Come and I will distribute it to you.

The effect of the explosive pill seems to be good, so I made some more. Three pills for each person, just to be prepared.

The last batch of elixirs he made have been almost consumed. Although the side effects of the explosive elixir are obvious, it can have a sudden effect at critical moments, which has been fully recognized by everyone.

You don't need the Spirit-Gathering Pill anymore. I made a batch and sold it. The sales were better than I thought. It was so priceless. If I had known, I would have sold some before. This time I have enough materials. I I made a batch of great recovery pills. However, this thing consumes a lot of materials, and each person only has three pills. Each pill can restore 500 spiritual power within twenty seconds.

Although Lin Xin spoke in an understatement, everyone couldn't help but take a breath when they heard his description. What is the concept of restoring five hundred spiritual powers? Three pills for each person is enough to elevate their continuous combat ability to a higher level.

The last one was made by me using the flesh and blood of Bloodthirsty Beta as the main material. It's quite lucky. I tried it less than twenty times before making it. I tried one myself, and the effect was really great. Not bad. After taking the bloodthirsty pill, the external spiritual power will increase by five hundred, and at the same time it will enter a bloodthirsty state, which is somewhat similar to the madness of a bald man. The physical power will be greatly increased, and the degree of integration between the body and the internal spiritual power will be increased. This thing only It is suitable for melee combat. I estimate that it can increase the attack power of melee combatants by more than 20% after taking it, and it will last for ten minutes. More importantly, this thing has no side effects. Of course, it will increase as our power increases. As for reducing the effectiveness, it will basically have little effect after we break through the sixth level. But now it seems that it is still quite useful. The Bloodthirsty Beta is indeed a seventh-level demon! The same is three for each person. Bloodthirsty Beta Beta still has some flesh and blood, so I will mainly make this elixir and the Great Resurrection Pill next. Oh, by the way, the Bloodthirsty Pill and the Explosive Spirit Pill can be taken at the same time, which will have a superimposed effect. Hehe.

Everyone except himself and Chen Yinger received the Bloodthirsty Pill.

As everyone put away the pills given by Lin Xin, their eyes became hot when they looked at him. Wang Yuanyuan couldn't help but said: Lin Xin, you are really a genius!


Today is Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone. Repost one of my Weibo posts for you to see, hehe.

At noon, someone and his wife had dinner together. The wife said resentfully: Today is Valentine's Day, why don't you give me a flower? The person immediately turned his head, held his face in his hands, and came to his wife, A flower. Wife, You... someone sighed and said, You are not my lover, so why are you celebrating Valentine's Day? Even if I have to celebrate it, I should spend it with my daughter.

The third child hasn't celebrated Valentine's Day in many years because he has to write code! Seeing as I have worked so hard, it’s already the middle of the month, so please support me with a few monthly passes and recommendation votes. Thank you.

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