Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 18 The Holy Mountain of Knights (2)

If you want to die, I don't mind sending you to meet the one who just died. Li Xin's cold voice was full of murderous intent.

The two strong men were also warriors, one holding a heavy sword and the other holding a stabbing sword and shield. Looking at Li Xin, her face shone with an uncertain light. They naturally knew that they were not being reasonable. Long Haochen was the bearded man who was killed in a duel. Even the city defense army could not interfere.

The warrior holding the heavy sword shouted angrily: My third brother just made a few jokes, and this guy killed me. Is this the kindness of your knights?

One of these two warriors is a third-level and second-level warrior, and the other is a second-level and eighth-level warrior. Together, they are naturally not afraid of Li Xin. But they couldn't help but worry about the Knight Temple behind Li Xin.

Li Xin snorted disdainfully, Are you blind? My brother is a disciplinary knight, not a guardian knight. The principle of a disciplinary knight is to eliminate evil and promote good. With my brother's temper, if your companion hadn't said that If it's extremely disgusting, how could he kill him? If you're not convinced, just go ahead together.

As she spoke, Li Xin's long swords in her hands transformed into a series of strange trajectories in the air, and pale golden light energy spurted out from her body.

Herod. With a long neigh, a tall and strong horse with wings on its back walked out from the strange and twisted trajectory.

This horse is an extremely rare pink color all over. It is about eight feet long and six feet high. The wings on its back are not very wide and it seems that it cannot fly with it. There is a small bulge on the top of its head. Its eyes were rose red, and as soon as they appeared, a rich energy aura burst out from it. There was an aura of majesty in her rose-colored eyes.

Li Xin touched the ground with her toes, jumped up, and landed on the horse's back. She looked at the two knights opposite, her eyes full of contempt and disdain.

Li Xin's nickname of Hell Rose comes from her mount, which is an underage rose unicorn. Even if it is still underage, it is still a true fifth-level elementary monster. With it, let alone a third-level warrior, even a fourth-level warrior would have to go around her when encountering her. Originally, warriors of the same level were no match for the knights.

She is a knight who has returned from the Holy Mountain of Knights? The warrior holding the shield exclaimed. The two looked at each other and did not dare to say anything more. They quickly picked up the body of their companion and left.

Many of the adventurers nearby were talking in low voices, These guys look like foreigners at first glance. They don't even recognize Hell Rose, the first genius of the Haoyue branch. They deserve to suffer. And she is still...

Sister. Long Haochen had been standing next to Li Xin before. After killing someone, his expression did not change much.

Li Xin jumped off the back of the Rose Unicorn and said with a smile: Silly boy, why are you here at the Adventurer's Guild? It turned out that she had heard Long Haochen inquire about the Adventurer's Guild before, and was worried that he would come to this place alone. Where the snakes were mixed, I followed them, just in time to catch up with the scene just now.

Long Haochen said: The teacher told me to take on a second-level mission.

Li Xin said speechlessly: Your teacher really trusts you. Let's go, I'll go with you.

Entering the Adventurer's Guild again, the eyes of the adventurers changed when they looked at Long Haochen. Not to mention that he had such a powerful sister beside him, but he just killed the ax warrior with just a few moves. The strength shown is definitely that of a quasi-knight!

Although these people didn't know Divine Barrier, they could always tell that Long Haochen was a quasi-knight at such a young age. Didn't the Knights Temple protect him like a treasure? How could anyone dare to make a mistake?

Knight, Sir Knight, I'll give you back the badge. The girl who was behind the counter came up as soon as they returned to the Adventurer's Guild and respectfully returned the badge to Long Haochen. After seeing the badge just now, she ran out to watch the battle and had a panoramic view of everything. At this time, she looked at Long Haochen with more curiosity.

The next thing was simple. Long Haochen chose a mission to hunt ten second-level mid-level monsters in Haoyue Swamp, a hundred miles north of Haoyue City.

Brother, let me go with you, otherwise I won't worry. Although there are no high-level monsters in the Haoyue Swamp, there are still three-level monsters, and there have even been four-level ones. Besides, it can be faster if I go with you.

Sister, this is not good. The teacher asked me to complete the task alone.

What's wrong is that you are completing the mission alone! Kill the monsters on your mission yourself, and I am only responsible for protecting you from being attacked by other monsters. That's it, let's go.

As she spoke, Li Xin pulled Long Haochen out of the Adventurer's Guild, directly got on her rose unicorn, and left the city.

This was Long Haochen's first time riding a mount, and he was greatly surprised.

Sitting on the back of Rose Unicorn was extremely stable, with Li Xin behind him. He could smell a faint fragrance of roses, and he didn't know if it was coming from his sister or the rose unicorn.

Soon the two of them left the city. To Long Haochen's surprise, when they left the city, not only did Li Xin not stop her horse, but the soldiers guarding the city saluted her.

After leaving Haoyue City, the Rose Unicorn released its speed, and a scene that shocked Long Haochen appeared. A layer of faint red light was released from the Rose Unicorn, and the surrounding temperature increased significantly. The speed increased sharply, but with the protection of the light red light curtain, he could not feel any wind blowing. The wings on the rose unicorn's back opened from time to time, making the running more stable. The speed was so fast, it was like Flying in the air is normal.

So fast! Sister, your mount is great. How can I own such a mount! Long Haochen is still a child after all, so how can he not be excited by such a novel feeling?

Li Xin smiled and said, As long as you answer me a question, I will tell you.

Long Haochen said: Sister, you ask.

Li Xin said: Have you killed anyone before? Otherwise, why didn't you react at all after killing the ax warrior? I will never forget the pain after the first murder. I vomited. Three days and three nights!”

Long Haochen scratched his head and said: I have never killed anyone before, but I have killed monsters. The teacher said that you should treat your enemies like monsters, without showing any mercy. Before you are sure that the opponent is dead, We must not relax. Since he is a monster, why should I feel uncomfortable? I have killed a lot of monsters. And I haven't looked at him since the last blow. In fact, even he himself didn't know , because the penance in the owl ant crypt has already made the emotion of fear far away to a great extent.

Li Xin said helplessly: I really don't know whether I should say that you are pure and flawless in your heart or that you are cold-blooded. However, your teacher is right, you must eradicate all evil.

Long Haochen was eager to know how he could get such a good mount as the Rose Unicorn, and hurriedly asked: Sister, how can I get this Rose Unicorn!

Li Xin said: Don't worry. In fact, even if I don't tell you, you will definitely know it in the future. Because like me, you are also qualified to go to the Holy Mountain of Knights to choose a mount.

Where is the Holy Mountain of Knights? Long Haochen asked curiously.

In our Knights Temple, the vast majority of knights can only choose horses or tame wild monsters to serve as their mounts. But there are some exceptions, which are the most talented young knights in each branch. Anyone who can pass the knight assessment to become a third-level knight or above before the age of twenty is eligible to go to the Holy Mountain of Knights with the recommendation of the branch temple. You are a knight when you are only ten years old. Become a knight before the age of twenty. No problem.”

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