Sealed Divine Throne

Chapter 17 The Holy Mountain of Knights (1)

The girl behind the counter hurriedly whispered: Little brother, you should leave quickly. This is not the place you should be. Ignore them. These adventurers live a life of licking blood with the tip of a knife. Under pressure, they often Some bad behavior. But they shouldn't dare to do anything to you, after all, this is a guild.

After saying these words, the girl suddenly discovered that there was something called determination in the clear eyes of the young man in front of her.

He shouldn't insult my mother. As he said this, Long Haochen took something out of his arms and handed it to the girl, then turned and walked towards the bearded girl.

The ten-year-old Long Haochen was not as tall as the chest of the bearded man, but his pace was extremely steady.

Yo, yo, yo, everyone, look at this little chick. He's still angry. Tsk tsk, look at this pretty little face! It's tender and watery. Even if it's really a chick, send it to Huajie Liuxiang Go, that is also a first-rate prostitute.

The bearded man had a double-edged battle ax in his hand. At this time, he propped the battle ax on the ground, leaned on it, and looked at Long Haochen with a playful look on his face.

Long Haochen walked to a stop about ten feet away from the bearded man. His face was very calm, his waist was straight, he made a fist with his left hand and put it on his right chest, performing a standard knight's salute.

The next moment, he took out a white glove and threw it at the opponent. At the same time, he drew out the two swords from behind, with the sword tips pointing down, and said in a deep voice: Your Excellency insulted my mother. I, Long Haochen, as a quasi-knight of the Knights Temple I challenge you. To the death.

Long Haochen's voice was clear and clear, and everyone around him could clearly hear it. For a moment, the adventurers who were laughing and noisy all fell silent. The bearded man was also stunned.

However, the bearded man reacted in an instant, Haha, I'm laughing so hard. Look! This little bastard must have heard too many stories, and he even learned the knight challenge, and he's a quasi-knight. Your nipples are hairy. Are you ready? I agree to your challenge, come on! Come and bite me! Hahahaha.

Long Haochen raised the sword in his right hand and pointed it coldly outside, Please. Although it was his first time to come to the Adventurer's Guild, he knew he couldn't do anything here, even if it was a formal challenge from a knight.

After saying this, he had already walked out first.

The bearded ax warrior followed without hesitation, followed by a large group of people watching the fun. Only the girl sitting behind the counter was looking blankly at the badge in her hand. First-class quasi-knight, is he really a quasi-knight?

After walking out of the Adventurer's Guild, the warm sunshine did not resolve the gloom in Long Haochen's heart. At this moment, Xingyu's teachings echoed in his heart. No need to say anything to your enemies, use the sword in your hand and the blood of your enemies to wash away the shame.

The bearded man also came out, picked up his double-edged battle ax, raised his hand and pointed at Long Haochen, Come on! Little bastard, let grandpa teach you a lesson. When grandpa beats you, I won't kill you, just give him to you You can sell it to Huajieliuxiang and earn a few gold coins...

Just when there was another round of laughter nearby, Long Haochen moved.

Charge, rapid pace sounded instantly, Long Haochen increased his speed to the extreme in an instant, and people on both sides could clearly see that there was a touch of white on the fine iron swords in his hands.

The pure white blade is indeed the pure white blade often used by the lower knights of the Knights Temple.

In an instant, the laughter stopped abruptly, and Long Haochen was already in front of the other party.

The bearded man was also surprised when he saw Long Haochen's charge. He also knew the Pure White Blade, and his expression suddenly changed. He never expected that this child was actually a member of the Knights Temple and had offended the six saints. How could an ordinary adventurer like him survive in the Knights Temple, the head of the temple? No matter what, just kill this guy first, or run away immediately if the worst happens.

While thinking about it, his beard grew evil, he picked up the double-edged ax with both hands, and struck Long Haochen with a heavy slash. He is a second-level and third-level warrior in the warrior profession. The spiritual power exceeds one hundred and twenty. This step-over slash is also unique and powerful.

However, Long Haochen had to face World of Warcraft almost every week on his way home for a year, and he had no practical experience at all. The key is that at this time, he still remained calm.

Stomping the ground with his right foot, he used the technique of interrupting his charge when facing Li Xin again, and this time he connected it with another technique.

The two swords were put on the rack, and the divine block was completed the moment before the double-edged ax fell.

How accurate judgment is required to do this! Without mental strength that is different from ordinary people, Long Haochen would never be able to complete this connection.

There was a loud bang, and the double-edged battle ax struck hard at the intersection of the two raised swords.

Many people couldn't help but close their eyes. The contrast between Long Haochen's figure and beard was too strong. In the eyes of many people, he had to choose such a block in a hurry. But how much spiritual power can he have at such a young age? Moreover, the heavy strike of Beard has the same effect of increasing attack power as the Pure White Blade, and it is still a heavy weapon. The adventurers watching the battle seemed to have seen the scene of swords breaking and people dying.

However, the fine iron sword in Long Haochen's hand did not break. In the beard's horrified mood, the double-edged battle ax rang out, and the door in his chest opened wide.

Long Haochen's divine block couldn't even be broken by third-level knight Li Xin, so how could it be broken by a second-level warrior like him?

At this moment, Long Haochen seemed to have a ray of light on his body, and the two swords crossed in his hands almost completed a cross cut.

With two puffs, the two iron swords struck the leather armor on Beard's chest in no particular order. The iron swords had no edge, but the sound of broken bones was instantly heard from behind the leather armor.

The bearded eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

Long Haochen's divine block was not very advanced yet, and he could not borrow Li Xin's spiritual power. However, the bearded man's spiritual power was only slightly higher than his, and he borrowed twenty points from Long Haochen's divine block. The spiritual power, coupled with the increase of the pure white blade and Long Haochen's own spiritual power of more than 100 points, the power of this blow has even exceeded Luo Xi's own full blow. How could the ordinary leather armor on his body be able to withstand it.

Third brother. Two exclamations rang out, and two big men from the crowd rushed out. It was obvious that they were in the same group as the bearded man. Adventurers are a very dangerous profession, and they usually work in teams.

However, they rushed out too late.

Poof - after the cross cut, Long Haochen's sword in his right hand received a thrust without hesitation. The sharp edge of the iron sword instantly penetrated the bearded man's throat and then withdrew it like lightning.

Assholes. The two strong men who rushed out rushed straight towards Long Haochen.

Stop. A cold voice sounded, and then, a pale golden light rose into the sky behind Long Haochen, forcefully knocking back the two adventurers who were rushing towards him.

Li Xin stood there with a cold expression on his face, his swords in his hands spread apart on both sides of his body, and a halo of light golden spiritual power rose up on both sides of his body, demonstrating his strength as a third-level knight.

Ah, it's Hell Rose... Someone in the crowd suddenly exclaimed.

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