Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2957: Ye Yu's chance, the location of the ancestors of Dimen, immortal life...

The Emperor's Fall battlefield is boundless and made up of many broken continents.

From time to time, there are geniuses and monsters who find opportunities somewhere.

This led to a fight.

After all, not everyone, like Jiang Chen or Yu Huatian, has special means to make a fortune silently.

In addition to this, there is another person who is also like a fish in water in this Emperor's Fall battlefield.

Of course it was Ye Yu.

Having the Heavenly Gate Artifact Spirit of Creation, he is also extremely good at sensing various opportunities.

He is worthy of the title of King of Leak Picking.

"A broken imperial weapon."

In a broken place on the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

Ye Yu discovered an imperial weapon.

Although it is dilapidated, it still retains some of its divine essence.

Even some of the fairy gold mixed with it can be extracted and is worth a lot of money.

"But this is not the main dish." Ye Yu said to himself.

He didn't come to the Emperor's Fall battlefield just to pick up these missing items.

Immediately, Ye Yu took out something, which was the bronze compass he got at the auction.

He alone cannot understand the mystery of this bronze compass.

But the creation Tianmen weapon spirit knew it.

Ye Yu also used this to roughly locate the ancestor of the Dimen, which was deep in the battlefield of Emperor's Fall.

So he was searching for opportunities while going deep into the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

More than half a month passed.

The monks from all forces also began to go deep into the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

Ye Yu also experienced some dangers on the way in.

There are ferocious beasts that have swallowed the emperor's blood, and there is a strange black blood mud.

It can be said that with Ye Yu's own cultivation strength, there will definitely be trouble.

But with the help of the Heavenly Gate Artifact Spirit of Creation, there was no danger.

Finally, Ye Yu arrived somewhere deep in the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

It is an extremely desolate place, with the dark starry sky in the background.

At first glance, it was vast and empty, as if there was nothing.

"Qi Ling, this place..."

Ye Yu frowned.

Did something go wrong?

"Ye Yu, sacrifice this compass and pour mana into it." The spirit of the creation Tianmen weapon said.

Ye Yu did as he was told.

Then, the creation Tianmen weapon spirit also activated the secret power.

Although it is still far from being restored, it can still initially use some abilities.

And with the infusion of secret power, the bronze compass suddenly lit up.

The Bagua patterns on it light up, as if there are star trails in the sky moving around.

Next, a scene happened that stunned Ye Yu.

The vast starry sky ahead suddenly changed with the trajectory on the bronze compass.

At the same time, dense formation runes emerged and spread across the void.

"Is this a...formation?" Ye Yu was a little surprised.

Using the stars as a formation, what kind of formation is this?

"This is such a big fuss. As Dimen is a member of the Earth Master lineage, this is nothing more than a small trick." said Creation Tianmen Qi Ling.

In Ye Yu's eyes, there was even more fiery brilliance emerging.

It seemed that he had indeed underestimated the profession of Source Master before.

This earth gate inheritance is really something extraordinary.

As the formation spreads.

Originally, this was a desolate place in the Emperor's Fall battlefield. ….

It also changed its appearance and revealed its true face.

The mountains and rivers are bulging, undulating like a dragon's spine, winding and majestic.

Astonishingly, there are mountains one after another, standing under the starry sky.

Ye Yu held his breath.

Even as an outsider, he understood that this terrain was very strange. It seems that the ancestor of the Dimen is indeed not simple.

But just when Ye Yu was about to rush into it.

The creation Tianmen weapon spirit suddenly said: "Ye Yu, be careful, retreat first!"

As soon as the words fell, many roars were heard in the undulating mountains and rivers.

"Is it another vicious thing that swallowed the emperor's blood?" Ye Yu said.

Along the way, he also encountered many such vicious creatures, which were formed by the creatures that wandered around the Emperor's Fall battlefield and devoured the remains of the Emperor's blood.

"No, it's a vicious thing contaminated with immortal matter!" Good Fortune Tianmen Artifact Spirit said.


From the depths of the black mountains, suddenly a surging gray mist came. It was an extremely strange and mysterious substance.

At the same time, black shadows suddenly emerged from the gray mist.

It turned out to be some ferocious monsters.

And one by one, they seemed to have fallen and lost their minds.

What's even more horrifying is that many of the ferocious beasts have rotten skin and even exposed black organs.

It looks like a dead corpse, but it still has the ability to move like a living thing, like some kind of undead creature, which is extremely frightening.

"That's...immortal matter!"

Looking at the gray mist coming in, as well as the many vicious figures in the gray mist.

Given Ye Yu's temperament, he felt a slight chill running down his spine.

He could feel that the gray mist seemed to be the opposite of all living things, carrying the power of darkness, death, and extinction.

If it is contaminated, it seems that it can fall into the eternal netherworld and sink into the darkness of ignorance forever.

But at a certain moment, Ye Yu's mind seemed to suddenly flash, and some kind of fragments flashed past.

In that fragment, he was also facing the sky full of gray fog, as if it was coming from another world.

Overwhelming the sky and corroding the entire universe!

"What's this…"

Ye Yu was stunned.

What is this picture?

Has he seen immortal matter before?

No, this must be his first encounter.

Ye Yu showed a slightly confused look.

However, the scene only flashed for a moment, and even made people think it was an illusion.

Ye Yu shook his head, now was not the time to think about such trivial matters.

"Qi Ling, what should we do now?" Ye Yu asked in his heart.

"With your own strength, it is impossible to break in."

"Anyone who enters the range of immortal matter will have their strength greatly suppressed even if they are temporarily isolated by means."

"You need to wait for others to come and disperse the pressure before you can sneak into it secretly." Good Fortune Tianmen Qi Ling said.

Ye Yu also nodded cautiously.

Although opportunity is important, it is obviously necessary to enjoy it with destiny.

But at this moment, the depths of the mountains were filled with immortal matter.

It seems that some kind of formation restriction has been touched, and formations rise into the sky with brilliance flashing.

It can be said that even from a very long distance, you can notice it.

at the same time.

In all directions and areas of the Emperor's Fall battlefield, monks could see the formations soaring into the sky flashing and brilliance surging.

"Could it be that a great chance treasure has appeared somewhere?"

Some monks' eyes immediately froze, and then they couldn't wait to escape.

That kind of fluctuation is obviously not an ordinary chance. UU reading

No one wants to be left behind.

Yu Huatian also sensed it and looked towards the place where the formation pattern shot into the sky.

He had a vague feeling before.

In his opinion, it would be too slow to become stronger through ordinary methods, and he must obtain more powerful power.

Jiang Chen on the other side was also looking into the distant sky.

"It is indeed not simple. Is this an opportunity..."

Jiang Chen thought to himself, as if he had a plan, and fled away.

It didn't take long for some monks to gather at this secret place.

However, when I saw the gray fog that filled the sky and the fierce things surging out of it.

Many people's expressions changed. (End of chapter)




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