Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2956: The origin of the great emperor, the obscenely developed leek

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The actions of everyone undoubtedly showed Jun Xiaoyao's absolute intimidation power.

No one dares to go in the same direction as him for fear of conflict with him.

Jun Xiaoyao is in the ancient realm of Lingyang, with a spiritual body suppressing everything.

Now that he has arrived, others will not ask for trouble and abuse.

Even Zi Hengyang, Yu Huatian and others also withdrew their gaze and glanced in other directions.

Jun Xiaoyao naturally sensed their choice and smiled slightly.

It seems that this year's leeks are really a little cautious and have grown up.

But no matter this, Jun Xiaoyao will be happy and pure.

He walked through the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

The entire battlefield is vast and boundless, and at the same time it has a desolate feel.

Many broken fragments of the continent are suspended among the dark stars, revealing a cruel corner of the great catastrophe.

Jun Xiaoyao went all the way.

There are blood-stained stars, broken ancient monuments, dug graves, dark and deep space cracks, etc.

There are indeed many dangers hidden in the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

If you are not careful, the quasi-emperor will be robbed.

But these naturally don't count to Jun Xiaoyao.

His consciousness spread, and in the crisis-ridden battlefield of Emperor's Fall, he felt like he was in a deserted land.

"Su Jinli should like this kind of place very much." Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

It's a pity that the little koi went home for the time being.

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly missed the days of treasure hunting with Su Jinli.

It's not that he has any special feelings for Su Jinli.

I simply think that Su Koi is a koi that can bring good luck as its name suggests.

When you are with her, why don't you take the initiative to give me the chance treasure?

Save yourself the trouble and find it yourself.

Jun Xiaoyao was thinking casually, and at a certain moment, he arrived at a large rift valley.

Suddenly there was an evil spirit surging in it, and a giant **** snake as tall as a mountain spewed out **** clouds and corroded the void.

He rushed towards Jun Xiaoyao.

Its power can pose a threat to quasi-emperors.

"The evil thing that swallowed the emperor's blood..."

Jun Xiaoyao lowered his gaze and pointed it as a sword, beheading the **** giant snake directly, causing blood to rain.

This **** giant snake had obviously swallowed the emperor's blood essence and was extremely powerful.

Jun Xiaoyao entered the rift valley.

A burial ground was also discovered.

Among them, the remains of the emperor realm strongman were found.

And among some remains, there are still some faint glimmers of brilliance.

Jun Xiaoyao refined it.

It was a ball of extremely bright essence, vaguely flowing, filled with the aura of the emperor.

It is the origin of the imperial realm.

A strong person in the imperial realm will return his life to heaven after his death, causing the appearance of an emperor's death.

But there is also a chance to retain the imperial realm origin that I have cultivated.

Of course, if the source is burned out or the source is dispersed on its own, that's another story.

As a great emperor, Jun Xiaoyao naturally has his origin as a great emperor.

Moreover, his three pure bodies, including the Pluto body, all have their own great emperor origins with different attributes.

Prefers attributes such as Chaos, Hongmeng, and Netherworld.

It can be said that Jun Xiaoyao sacrificed himself casually, but his strength was far beyond that of the great emperors of the same rank.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at the ball of Emperor Origin in his hand.

The master of the Great Emperor's origin was only at the first level of the Emperor Realm during his lifetime.

His origin as a great emperor is extremely beneficial and attractive to quasi-emperors below the imperial realm.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, who is already the emperor, it is a tasteless thing.

The stronger the cultivation level during life, the higher the original quality and virility it leaves behind.

The origin of the imperial realm left behind after the death of a giant emperor is obviously much more powerful than an ordinary emperor.

If it is the origin of the giant in the emperor, it may still be of some value to Jun Xiaoyao.

However, this emperor's origin can be used by others.

For example, Ling Xi, Sang Yu and others.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao will build a force in the future, and also cultivate young emperors.

Naturally, resources such as the origin of the Great Emperor are also indispensable.


Jun Xiaoyao discovered some of the origins of the great emperor in this burial ground.

If it were an ordinary quasi-emperor, he would have been ecstatic and impatient to start refining.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, its only role is to train his subordinates.

After that, Jun Xiaoyao left this place and continued deep into the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

at the same time.

Other forces and monsters from all walks of life are also looking for opportunities.

It can be said that those who have the qualifications to enter the Emperor's Fall battlefield are not ordinary people, and each has his own means.

Not to mention those leeks who are blessed with great luck.

Somewhere in the Emperor's Fall battlefield.

There is a place littered with corpses.

Yu Huatian sat cross-legged among them.

In his eyes, strands of black light emerged.

There are powerful soul power fluctuations emanating around him.

The aura on his body, especially the soul power, seemed extremely condensed.

He is absorbing this remaining soul energy.

After a period of time, Yu Huatian exhaled a deep breath, his hands

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