Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2908 Entering the Imperial City of Heavenly Revelation, related to Emperor Tianji, meeting J

After the gathering of geniuses in Daosang Ancient City ended.

Jun Xiaoyao and Su Jinli also left with Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and others and went to Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

The news about the gathering of geniuses also began to spread around.

After the sermon, the Dao essence left by Jun Xiaoyao lingered in Daosang Ancient City for a long time.

Many cultivators came here to admire it and were amazed.

Many people were curious.

What is the relationship between the mysterious young man in white and Tianyu Immortal Dynasty?

Why did he not hesitate to offend the top 100 races such as the Blue Demon Clan to help Tianyu Immortal Dynasty?

The core base camp of Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is located in Tianyu True Realm.

After passing through some realm teleportation arrays.

Jun Xiaoyao and Su Jinli also came to Tianyu True Realm.

Came to its core place, Tianyu Imperial City.

Looking from a distance.

Tianyu Imperial City is built on a vast central continent.

The towering city walls are like towering ancient mountains.

Countless array runes flow on them, exuding an aura that makes even the great emperors palpitate.

In the imperial city, the continuous palaces are endless.

It is said to be an imperial city, but the interior of it is like a world.

There are countless beautiful mountains and rivers, caves and blessed places, pavilions, towering imperial palaces.

The entire imperial city seems to be a divine palace.

It has survived countless disasters and will never fall.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at the Tianyu Imperial City and nodded secretly.

The atmosphere of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is indeed good.

It is worthy of being the first immortal dynasty at its peak.

Of course, it is still a huge monster now.

"Mr. Jun, please!"

Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and others led Jun Xiaoyao, Su Jinli and others into the Tianyu Imperial City.

On the way here, they also learned about Su Jinli's identity. She was the eldest daughter of the Su family, a giant of the Wanjie Chamber of Commerce.

Her identity was definitely not low.

Jiang Tianlan and others took Jun Xiaoyao and Su Jinli to roam around the Tianyu Imperial City.

Along the way, they also introduced him to various regions, customs and people, including some situations of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

If it was just a simple friendship.

Then Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and others would naturally not be so sincere.

But Jun Xiaoyao, on the one hand, has the identity of the Jun family, and his own strength is unfathomable.

On the other hand, they also have an inexplicable sense of closeness and trust in Jun Xiaoyao.

Therefore, even if they have not known each other for a long time, they are very sincere to Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao is happy to do so.

Although he is a very protective person.

But if the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty Jiang family has a different attitude towards him, he will naturally not be warm-faced and cold-butted.

Now it seems that the relationship between the Jiang family and the Jun family is deeper than Jun Xiaoyao thought.

Just as Jun Xiaoyao was thinking.

He suddenly felt an inexplicable touch.

His eyes suddenly looked towards a place.

There, there was a pavilion that soared into the sky, towering like a divine tower, piercing the vastness.

"Where is that..." Jun Xiaoyao asked.

Jiang Wanyi explained: "Mr. Jun, that is a transcendent place in my Tianyu Immortal Dynasty, called Guantian Pavilion."

"It is an institution that observes the destiny, derives the stars, and observes and detects the national destiny of my Tianyu Immortal Dynasty."

"It was founded by the strongest person in my Jiang family, Emperor Tianji."

"Emperor Tianji?"

Jun Xiaoyao showed a trace of inexplicable in his eyes.

He remembered that when he dealt with the Lord of the End of the World, Darkness, he had used many causal objects to summon the true spirit of the strongest.

At that time, he summoned a wisp of the true spirit of Emperor Tianji of the Jiang family.

Emperor Tianji has a special status in the Jiang family. He is of an extremely ancient generation and is good at deducing the cause and effect of Tianji.

Now it seems that the Jiang family of Jiutian Immortal Realm and Tianyu Immortal Dynasty really have an inseparable relationship.

It can even be considered that Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is part of the Jiang family's power.

Is Jun Xiaoyao considered to have returned to his mother's power?

"Is Mr. Jun curious about Guantian Pavilion?" Jiang Tianlan asked with a faint smile.

"A little bit." Jun Xiaoyao said.

At this time, a figure appeared over at Guantian Pavilion, and seemed to notice Jun Xiaoyao and came across the sky.

It was a man in a feathered Taoist robe, with a jade-like face and a very special temperament, with a mysterious charm.

It was naturally Jiang Chen.

He saw Jiang Tianlan and others, and smiled faintly.

"It turned out to be the fifth prince and the seventh princess. You are back from the genius gathering."

"Brother Jiang Chen."

Jiang Tianlan and Jiang Wanyi also nodded slightly to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's eyes turned to Jun Xiaoyao on the side.

Then his eyes paused, and his expression seemed to be surprised for a moment, and there was a hint of astonishment.

But it was only for a moment.

Jiang Chen's expression returned to calm.

But this scene was clearly captured by Jun Xiaoyao.

"I wonder who this brother is..." Jiang Chen asked.

Jiang Tianlan smiled and said, "By the way, let me introduce you."

"This is Jun Xiaoyao, the young master of the Jun family."

"Young master Jun, this is the young master of Guantian Pavilion, Jiang Chen."

Jiang Tianlan introduced both parties.

"Jun family..."

Jiang Chen showed a hint of surprise.

As a member of the Jiang family, he naturally knew what the so-called Jun family meant.

"So you are the young master of the Jun family, I am sorry for the disrespect." Jiang Chen said.

Although he said so, his expression was calm.

Jun Xiaoyao also nodded slightly, as a gesture.

But his eyes were very deep.

Because this Jiang Chen obviously gave him a very special feeling, very unusual.

And just now, when Jiang Chen saw him for the first time, he seemed very surprised, as if he had discovered something.

It must be said that this vast starry sky is really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and talented people are emerging in large numbers. You can meet people with great luck, or leeks, everywhere.

However, Jiang Chen is a member of the Jiang family after all.

Jun Xiaoyao will not directly harvest him as a leek.

But the premise is that Jiang Chen must also be quiet, not make trouble, and not commit suicide.

Otherwise, Jun Xiaoyao will not be soft-hearted.

Although he protects his family members.

But if Jiang Chen wants to make trouble, he is not a family member.

And then, Jiang Chen also joined them and casually wandered around the Tianyu Imperial City.

Although the Tianyu Imperial City is an imperial city, its scope is not much less than that of a continent.

It is built on a central continent.

On the way, Jiang Chen's eyes occasionally fell on Jun Xiaoyao.

It seemed that he wanted to find out something.

Jun Xiaoyao turned a blind eye and didn't care.

He not only possessed the great method of stealing the sky and changing the day, but also the small destiny technique, and he himself was a person of nothingness.

As long as Jun Xiaoyao didn't want to, no one could find out anything from him.

After wandering to a certain place.

Jun Xiaoyao looked at a distant view, and saw an extremely majestic mountain, magnificent and magnificent, surrounded by a mysterious aura.

"That is..."

Jiang Tianlan explained: "That is the Holy Mountain of Tianji, on which there is an ancient monument of Guantian left by Emperor Tianji, which is the holy place of our Tianyu Immortal Dynasty."

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