Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2907 Could it be a senior figure from the Jun family?


When the creatures from several powerful clans heard this, their faces dropped.

What the hell, stealing money, right?

Imperial soldiers are no big deal either.

Even among the top 100 powerful clans, there are not many imperial weapons. Only some emperor-level warriors can devote their efforts to refining them.

In fact, Su Jinli naturally did this on purpose.

Look at the falling rain of enlightenment and the splendid brilliance of the Tao.

Lan Que felt his cheeks burning.

It was like being slapped a hundred times.

"Who is that person?"

Lan Que was really confused by the sudden appearance of Jun Xiaoyao.

But he's not stupid either.

Jun Xiaoyao preached, since it can induce such a vision.

Then it's obvious that he has real abilities and is not someone he can cheat on.

"I wonder if this person is stronger or weaker than the Heavenly King of my clan?" Lan Que thought to himself.

The Blue Demon Clan has a peerless monster named Blue Demon King, who is quite famous throughout the Eastern Cangmang.

Although it is not as good as those top-level monsters from the Overlord clan, it is still terrifying enough.

"let's go!"

Without saying anything, Lan Que and others left.

If they continue to stay here, they will only lose face.

The departure of several powerful clans did not cause any disturbance.

Because everyone was listening carefully to Jun Xiaoyao's sermon.

It can be said that Jun Xiaoyao's casual advice is enough to benefit many talented heroes for life.

Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and others listened carefully and felt astonished.

As disciples of the Immortal Dynasty's royal family, they naturally have emperor-level officials preaching to them on weekdays.

But even so, there is no comparison with the current Jun Xiaoyao.

It’s not what Jun Xiaoyao said, how profound it is.

On the contrary, his sermons can be understood by everyone.

This is more important than anything else.

Because this is something that only a teacher of all living beings can do.

The teacher of all living beings, when he preaches to all living beings, naturally wants to educate all living beings so that all living beings, regardless of wisdom or ignorance, can understand.

This is much more terrifying than talking about any profound avenue.

Not to mention that when Jun Xiaoyao was preaching, the atmosphere was so terrifying that it really seemed like a young god was preaching.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Jun Xiaoyao ended his sermon.

Everyone present felt that they still had something to say.

Many people have achieved breakthroughs in just three days.

For them, this is simply an impossible miracle.

Although those who can participate in the gathering of geniuses are some outstanding ones.

However, their various breakthroughs in enlightenment also relied on accumulation over time, and could not produce qualitative changes in just a few days.

However, Jun Xiaoyao's sermon made many people feel as if their own state of mind had been sublimated.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this change is a complete rebirth.

"Thank you, senior, for your advice. I will keep it in my heart, junior!"

"Senior, do you need followers? I am willing to serve you!"

These are geniuses and heroes who are more or less arrogant in their daily lives.

At this moment, everyone bowed and held their hands, showing respect.

Although Jun Xiaoyao looks younger than almost everyone present.

But they subconsciously felt that this should be a senior figure with a great background.

Otherwise, how could his attainments be so profound?

It is even less possible to have the ability to enlighten them.

Even the royal children of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty were all sighing at this moment.

"Is he an emperor?"

Jiang Wanyi looked around and thought to herself.

You should at least achieve enlightenment and become an emperor before you can speak such a great way, right?

In this way, the young man in white may not be of their generation.

In fact, Jiang Wanyi and others thought well.

Jun Xiaoyao is indeed not from their generation.

And it’s much smaller than them!

Facing those respectful looks and titles from seniors, Jun Xiaoyao looked calm and did not explain anything.

"I don't need followers for the time being. If you want, you can join the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty."

"In the future, there may be another opportunity."

As soon as Jun Xiaoyao said these words.

There are so many geniuses in the audience, so there is no need to say more.

They must be vying to join the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty and become followers of the prince and princess.

"Thank you...senior..."

Jiang Tianlan originally wanted to call him Young Master, but was unsure of Jun Xiaoyao's seniority, so he changed his name.

In his opinion, if Jun Xiaoyao can guide him, his strength is definitely above the emperor level.

"I don't think you need to call me that, I don't seem that old." Jun Xiaoyao smiled calmly.

"By the way, you still don't know the young master's name?"

Jiang Wanyi said from the side.

"Jun Xiaoyao."

Hearing this name, Jiang Tianlan, Jiang Wanyi and others had a look of surprise in their eyes.

"Jun's surname..."

They thought a lot.

If you are an ordinary person, when you hear this surname, you will naturally not think too much immediately.

After all, this surname is not unique to a certain family.

But Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is different.

Because the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty was originally founded by the Jiang family.

As for the relationship between the Jiang family and the Jun family, there is naturally no need to say more.

Jiang Wanyi and others naturally know the meaning of the surname Jun.

"Could it be that the young master comes from... that family..." Jiang Wanyi said subconsciously.

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly.


The princes and princesses of the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty present were all shocked, and their eyes could not help showing shock!

It was really that family!

"So that's it!"

They also suddenly realized.

No wonder Jun Xiaoyao was so transcendent and unfathomable.

If he was from the Jun family, it would be understandable.

After all, that family often produced various peerless figures.

They could also understand why Jun Xiaoyao would help.

After all, the relationship between the Jun family and the Jiang family was indeed very good.

Not only in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, they were so good that they wore the same pants.

Even in the vast starry sky, the cultivators of the two families would take care of each other.

Of course, there are not many Jun family members in the vast starry sky now, and they are all outside the vast.

This includes the former strongest of the Jiang family.

This is also one of the reasons why the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty is no longer at its peak.

However, there is still a trace of doubt in the hearts of Jiang Wanyi and others.

Why do they have a vague feeling of closeness and trust towards Jun Xiaoyao?

Although Jun Xiaoyao is a member of the Jun family, it doesn't make them feel this way.

Unless it's because...

They really want to ask, but after all, they just met Jun Xiaoyao, so it's not easy to find out more.

"By the way, Mr. Jun, are you willing to come to my Tianyu Immortal Dynasty?"

"Speaking of which, it was thanks to Mr. Jun that this gathering of geniuses was able to resolve the trouble."

"We just happen to want to treat Mr. Jun to a good banquet." Jiang Wanyi took the initiative to say, her eyes flickering.

"Yes, if Mr. Jun is free, we will naturally do our best to be the host." Jiang Tianlan also said.

"Okay." Jun Xiaoyao said.

The reason why he came here was that he was a little curious about the Tianyu Immortal Dynasty.

He also wanted to know what kind of atmosphere this supreme immortal dynasty established by the Jiang family had?

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