Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2765: The ancestors of the Jun family are shocked, my grandson really has the power of a gr

The rich voice carries a calm and authoritative tone.

Jun Xiaoyao recognized it. It was the voice of the Third Patriarch, Grand Emperor Jun.

In the past, there were many disputes in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, and Taihuang Jun and other ancient ancestors had been sitting in the Jun family and never left.

Now, after hearing this, Jun Xiaoyao felt a little weird for no reason. There were already some sounds of surprise and suspicion coming from all over the Jun family. "It's the voice of the Third Ancestor. Someone alerted him."

"Who came to my Jun's house rashly?"

Some people expressed doubts, but there was no sign of panic. In the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain, no one dares to be an enemy of the Jun family.

At least, no matter how bold you are, you won’t dare to cause trouble in the ancestral land of the Jun family.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't pay attention, and together with Jiang Shengyi, in an instant, they tore through the void and descended on the ancestral land of the Jun family.

A pavilion filled with ancient atmosphere is located in it.

Several ancient ancestors were sitting cross-legged here, and the third ancestor who spoke was also among them. "Ancestors, you are well."

Jun Xiaoyao spoke.

The eyes of several ancient ancestors, including Emperor Jun, fell on Jun Xiaoyao. "Xiaoyao, you are back"

Ancient ancestors such as Jun Taihuang, Jun Taihao, Jun Taiyan, and Jun Tai'a saw Jun Xiaoyao.

Even they showed a hint of surprise.

It had only been a few decades, but Jun Xiaoyao was back. For them, it is just a period of retreat.

But what shocked the ancestors the most was Jun Xiaoyao's cultivation. "Xiaoyao, your cultivation"

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly: "Ancestors, I will go see my relatives first, and then I will tell you some things in detail."

Jiang Shengyi also bowed slightly to the ancestors, and then left with Jun Xiaoyao.

"This is enlightenment, right?" "Absolutely."

"Is it so easy for Jie Hai to become enlightened?"

"No, I think it's still because of Xiaoyao's own reasons."

"It has only been a few decades. No matter how superior the cultivation environment is, it is impossible to become emperor so quickly."

"And the girl from the Jiang family was also rescued." "What on earth did he go through in Jiehai?"

The ancestors of the Jun family were all discussing, feeling incredible. How long has it been?

Jun Xiaoyao, a junior, already wants to be on an equal footing with them? This is like a dream, which makes people feel unreal.

Although the Emperor of All Eternals came before, the ancestors had all speculated and doubted it. But it still feels incredible, beyond imagination.

Here, Jun Xiaoyao didn't care about the shock in the hearts of the ancestors.

In fact, for Jun Xiaoyao, he felt that his cultivation speed was only okay.

Not particularly fast. He took Jiang Shengyi with him.

Go find Jiang Rou, Jun Zhantian and others. When I see my loved ones again. Jun Xiaoyao also sighed in his heart.

Jiang Rou looked at Jun Xiaoyao and couldn't believe it. She stepped forward to touch his face, and then her eyes blurred with tears.

"Xiaoyao, it's really you."

"My mother misses you day and night, but I also feel that it may take a long time for you to come back."

Jiang Rou cried with joy.

And Jun Zhantian, who is so old, can't help but have red eyes at this moment.

He patted Jun Xiaoyao on the shoulder.

Next, of course, is a family reunion.

After the initial excitement, Jiang Rou and others temporarily calmed down.

Only then did they realize that Jun Xiaoyao's cultivation was unfathomable. Jun Xiaoyao didn't hide it, he said it directly.

After hearing this, Jun Zhantian's old eyes widened and he laughed.

"Haha, I was indeed right. I have long said that my grandson has the appearance of an emperor!"

"No, he will become the emperor!"

Jun Zhantian was as excited as an old naughty boy. Jun Xiaoyao remained silent.

That's because he has trouble,

Plus his own monster.

If it were anyone else, they might not be able to bear this comment, and the outcome would not be too good.

"And Shengyi, you are back too."

Jiang Rou took Jiang Shengyi's jade hand again, her eyes red. She really felt sorry for Jiang Shengyi.

He gave everything for Jun Xiaoyao, and even gave his life in the end. Fortunately, Jun Xiaoyao did it and fulfilled his promise. Brought Jiang Shengyi back from Jiehai.

"Sister Jiang Rou"

Jiang Shengyi was filled with emotions when he saw his old friend. "What did you call me?"

Jiang Rou's face suddenly paused.

Jiang Shengyi's beautiful face was immediately stained with a little glow.

She didn't seem to be used to it yet, but she still whispered: "Mother.

"Jiang Rou showed a satisfied smile.

Then, she seemed to think of something.

"By the way, Xiaoyao, go and meet Luo Li." Jun Xiaoyao was surprised: "Luo Li is here too?"

Jiang Rou said: "Since you left Jiehai, this girl has often come to Jun's house to accompany me."

"Even though this girl looks pretty on the surface, she has grown up a lot after going through these things."

"My mother feels a little distressed. You can't let her down." When Jiang Luoli was mentioned, Jiang Rou's eyes were slightly red.

In her heart, Jiang Luoli has long been her daughter-in-law. "Xiaoyao, let's go take a look." Jiang Shengyi said.

She also missed Na Nizi. "good."

Since Jiang Luoli was at Jun's house, he had no reason not to go. Because Jiang Luoli often stayed at Jun's house.

Therefore, the Jun family specially prepared a training place for Jiang Luoli.

And I don’t know if it was Jiang Luoli’s request, but it happened to be very close to Jun Xiaoyao’s former residence, the Tiandi Palace.

It can also be seen from here that Jiang Luoli misses Jun Xiaoyao.

Perhaps, the place where Lijun Xiaoyao once lived

Fang Jin would also give her the illusion that Jun Xiaoyao was still there.

Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi quickly arrived outside the palace where Jiang Luoli was. At this moment, the entire palace was filled with spiritual energy, turning into wisps of rain and mist. It was as if I had arrived at the Immortal Palace.

The dense mist even transformed into mysterious and strange phenomena such as cranes, colorful butterflies, and unicorns.

"This situation is not simple." Jiang Shengyi said.

Jun Xiaoyao smiled lightly: "Luo Li's nannizi is also a transformed Yuanling immortal body, which is also not simple."

"Just because of various resource limitations, there are indeed not many immortal materials in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain."

"If she is given sufficient resources, the Yuanling Immortal Body will grow at a terrifying rate."

Although in the concept of ordinary people, whether it is the Yuanling Taoist body or the Yuanling Immortal body.

They all prefer the so-called auxiliary constitution.

Many powerful people, or monsters with special physiques, want to raise a Yuanling Taoist body.

Not only in dual cultivation, it is not weaker than the Taiyin Holy Body, Xuanshao Body and other top-level furnace physiques.

And you can even read the book www.uukanshu. com provides assistance. However, many people ignore it.

The Yuanling Immortal Body itself is also an extremely terrifying physique.

It is said that if you practice to a certain level, you can even sense and communicate with the immortal world.

Directly absorb the vitality of the Immortal World from there.

Of course, in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm, Yuanling Dao bodies are unique. Not to mention someone with a Yuanling Immortal body like Jiang Luoli.

"Looking at this situation, Luo Li must be practicing very hard." Jiang Shengyi said, with a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Let's go and have a look." Jun Xiaoyao also breathed out lightly. He and Jiang Shengyi pushed open the palace door.

The extremely rich spiritual energy spreads out along with a little bit of fairy light. And right there in the mist.

An exquisite figure sits cross-legged among them, like a jade figure carved from heaven, with graceful bells and graceful aura.

It’s Jiang Loli!

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