Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2764: Returning to your home in the Wild Heaven Immortal Realm, which fellow Taoist is comi

Jun Lingcang had a smile on his face.

A simple sentence, but it made Jun Xiaoyao feel deeply. This is a family connected by blood.

Why is he in a hurry to return to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm. His family is here, his roots are here.

No matter where he is, the Jun family is always waiting for his return. Ye Guchen also walked up to Jun Xiaoyao. ??

That iceberg face that was always cold and expressionless. At this moment, he also showed a rare smile.

"Brother Jun, I originally thought that when you came back, I might have broken through to the Quasi-Emperor."

"When the time comes, we can still compete." "Now, well, I think I still need to sharpen myself." Ye Guchen regarded Jun Xiaoyao as a brother.

However, he is also a lifelong opponent.

Only when there are opponents and competition can there be progress.

Ye Guchen is already a monster enough. He is the first to hope to break through to the Quasi-Emperor.

This speed is already extremely terrifying.

But no matter what, Jun Xiaoyao was too evil and always hit people. Even Ye Guchen was helpless.

He was also cheating.

But compared with Jun Xiaoyao, the evil king, he is still a little behind.

"Brother Ye, don't be humble. I have many fateful encounters in Jiehai, and this is how I can become emperor."

"With Brother Ye's strength, he must be close to breaking through to the Quasi-Emperor." Jun Xiaoyao said with a faint smile.

"Boss Jun, if you go back, Emperor Jun's Court will definitely be boiling." The little **** demon ant was also very excited, jumping up and down.

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao become emperor, he seemed to be even happier than himself.

"Yes, it's time to go to the Emperor's Courtyard later. After all, I, the Lord of the Emperor's Courtyard, am not very responsible." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

"Boss, if you become emperor, you will be a huge supporter. From now on, I will be able to walk sideways in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

"I am the patron king!"

Little God Demon Ant

Clenching his fists, he was excited, and the two ant tentacles on his head were trembling with excitement.

Jun Xiaoyao was speechless. It turned out that this was what the little devil ant was excited about.

"By the way, cousin, why did you come to Bianhuang?" Jun Lingcang asked. Shouldn't Jun Xiaoyao return directly from Jiehai?

Jun Xiaoyao also briefly explained the twists and turns. Then, three figures in black robes appeared.

It was Jiang Shengyi, Luo Xiangling and Yu Yunshang.

"Cousin, you really brought Miss Jiang back. It's really disappointing." Seeing Jiang Shengyi reappear, Jun Lingcang also sighed.

Jun Xiaoyao accomplished his goal.

"Okay, we can go home and catch up on old times later, but right now, we need to report the situation."

"There is also a quasi-emperor with the body of Pluto appearing in a foreign land." Jun Lingcang said. A quasi-emperor-level Pluto body cannot be ignored.

However, Jun Xiaoyao shook his head and smiled. "It doesn't have to be like this, that Pluto body is also mine." Jun Lingcang and the others were stunned again.

How many surprises or shocks does Jun Xiaoyao want to give them? Jun Xiaoyao explained again.

Including the foreshadowing of Pluto's body.

The previous scene was naturally a cruel trick set up by Jun Xiaoyao. Let Pluto save Princess Takiya's life and win her heart completely. After listening, Jun Lingcang and the other three were speechless.

Jun Xiaoyao was indeed as dark-hearted as ever.

He is still the same person as before, nothing has changed.

"By the way, there is no need to publicize my return for the time being." Jun Xiaoyao said as if he had thought of something.

"Brother Jun, what are your thoughts again?" Ye Guchen asked.

"That's right, I think we can make the foreign land bleed once." Jun Xiaoyao showed a cold expression.


He would never allow foreign lands to interfere with the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

In this case, he would teach Foreign Land an extremely painful lesson. And if he is still alive, news of his return from the Boundary Sea will spread.

If you want to cheat another foreign land, you will have a lot of trouble.

The truly advantageous layouts are hidden in the dark. He wanted to leave an indelible impression on a foreign land.

This is also the reason why he left Pluto in a foreign land. Afterwards, Jun Xiaoyao and a group of people returned to Bianguan from Bianhuang. Jun Lingcang and others went to the border and briefly explained the situation.

The creatures of the Blood Dragon Bird Clan and the Sky-Swallowing Toad Clan were stunned for a moment when they saw Jun Lingcang and others coming back alive.

I secretly thought that people from foreign lands would not be so useless.

After that, Jun Lingcang and others only revealed that a mysterious emperor took action and saved them.

This caused quite a fuss.

The great emperors at the border are all sitting in the depths and will not take action easily.

Some people also speculated that it was the mysterious emperor who had transcended the list of emperors in the world before?

All of a sudden, various gossips began to spread. Jun Xiaoyao did not go to the border.

Instead, he went directly to the Desolate Heaven Immortal Realm through the ancient teleportation formation. Looking into the wilderness of the fairyland.

It's foggy and the rules are changing.

Jun Xiaoyao and others appeared outside the Huangtian Fairyland.

Jiang Shengyi looked at the Desolate Heaven Immortal Realm with her beautiful eyes, her expression a little dazed. "What's wrong? Is it because I'm afraid of being close to home?"

Noticing Jiang Shengyi's expression, Jun Xiaoyao said.

Jiang Shengyi nodded his chin slightly: "I always have a feeling of being separated from another life, as if I have come to a previous life."

Jun Xiaoyao said: "That's true. You are a new student now." Jiang Shengyi is different from Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao is the sea of ​​reincarnation.

And Jiang Shengyi really came back from between life and death. Her emotion was more profound than Jun Xiaoyao's. "Let's go, there are many people waiting for you."

Jun Xiaoyao took Jiang Shengyi's hand.

They fell into the Desolate Heaven Immortal Realm and came to Huangzhou, one of the three thousand Daozhous. This is where the Jun family resides.

Everything is the same as before, no big changes. It is still magnificent and unparalleled in its prosperity.

Ancient cities are located among them.

Fairy mountains and islands are scattered all over, with flowing springs and waterfalls, and lush vegetation. There are ancient medicines growing and spiritual birds flying over.

And in the heart of the Jun family.

The towering pavilions are towering, resplendent and dazzling.

There is an ancient formation that is circulating all the time, hiding in the void. Various sacred mountains, fairy mansions, treasure towers, and palaces stretch for countless miles.

The majestic fate of the clan seems to have turned into reality, forming various strange phenomena.

The Jun family has been passed down forever.

Jun Xiaoyao has only left for a few decades, and UU Reading is just a blink of an eye for such forces.

So, nothing much has changed.

But for Jun Xiaoyao, it felt like a young boy who left home and returned home.

After all, he was in Jiehai. Although he only stayed for a few decades, he was reincarnated and rebuilt. It's like living through another life.

But now, it's back to its original track. "Let's go in."

Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi looked at each other and smiled. They entered Jun's house.

With Jun Xiaoyao's current cultivation level, entering Jun's house was like entering a deserted place. The main reason is that he has the blood of the Jun family and will not trigger some defensive formations.

However, Jun Xiaoyao had just entered the depths of Jun's house.

A faint voice came from the depths of the Jun family's ancestral land.

"If any Taoist fellow who comes here wants to visit my Jun family, you can do it openly and openly, and there is no need to be so low-key."

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