Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2750: Opportunity of Daoyuan Ancient Palace, Princess Takiya’s invitation

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"Congratulations to Brother Dao for bringing home this beauty."

"But I feel that if the news comes out today, Brother Dao will be famous in our world."

"It will also attract the attention of the princess of the Ming Ling clan, which is really enviable." Emperor An Lan said.

"The Mingling Clan"

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly remembered what Concubine Tushan Ming said before.

It seems that in the near future, there will be a birthday party for the princess of the ultimate imperial clan.

That was an opportunity to get close to the ultimate imperial clan.

It seems that this Mingling clan is the ultimate imperial clan of that side.

"Brother Dao, are you interested in attending the birthday party of Princess Takiya." "If you are chosen, you might be able to become the consort of the Ming Ling clan. The benefits are endless."??

Emperor An Lan said this with a hint of envy in his tone.

His identity is indeed extraordinary, but obviously, he still cannot catch the eyes of Princess Takiya.

But Jun Xiaoyao is different.

Just the record he set in Heavenly Prison is amazing enough. With a quasi-emperor cultivation level, he can fight with emperors and above.

Even if he didn't make it through in the end, he would still be an eternal monster.

Only people like this are qualified to be noticed by Princess Takiya. "Maybe I'll join in the fun."

Jun Xiaoyao just said lightly. He took Luo Xiangling and left.

Obviously, the news from this place will spread to foreign lands in a very short time. Jun Xiaoyao is not afraid of his identity being revealed.

If nothing else works, he can leave directly.

His current strength is different from the last time he came to a foreign land. Last time, he was able to play around in foreign lands.

This time, he will naturally not panic. "The Prince Consort of the Ming Ling Clan" Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself.

Perhaps we can use this to get a glimpse of some mysteries of the Ultimate Imperial Clan. "Xiaoyao, it's only been a few decades and you're back, what about you?" Luo Xiangling hesitated.

She knew it.


The purpose of Jun Xiaoyao's reincarnation in the world sea.

Although part of it is to solve the sequelae left by the use of small fate techniques, such as lifespan and luck, etc.

But his most important thing is to go to Jiehai to retrieve Jiang Shengyi. Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly.

"Come with me."

Jun Xiaoyao took Luo Xiangling back to Tushan. She also let her meet Jiang Shengyi.

Luo Xiangling had no emotions such as jealousy.

She was just happy for Jun Xiaoyao.

He finally found the person he valued most.

Of course, Luo Xiangling also had a little bit of envy in her heart. Jiang Shengyi also had no objection to Luo Xiangling, and was very generous. She knew that Luo Xiangling was always behind her, silently paying for Jun Xiaoyao. Later, Luo Xiangling also temporarily stayed in Tushan to recover from his injuries. With Jun Xiaoyao's nursing help, Luo Xiangling naturally recovered very quickly.

And the fact that Jun Xiaoyao broke the record of Heavenly Prison was like a huge stone smashing into the sea, setting off huge waves in a foreign land.

Jun Xiaoyao broke the record of breaking through the Heavenly Prison, which was the second best.

The most important thing is that he can fight against the Great Emperor with his quasi-Emperor cultivation. Although I didn’t clear the level in the end, it was already extremely incredible. Fighting against the Emperor across realms represents supreme potential.

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

If there are no accidents, enlightenment is basically a certainty, it just depends on the length of time.

And such an existence, destined to become an immortal king in the future, will naturally attract attention from all directions.

This means that a new immortal king may soon be born in the foreign land.

And the new immortal king was born.

Perhaps it can be compared with the mysterious emperor from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm who transcends the list of emperors throughout the world.

"Ye Junlin, I have never heard of this name.

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Go ahead. "

"It's normal if you haven't heard of it. The mystery of the Ultimate Imperial Clan is not something we can pry into at will."

"In this way, Princess Long Ye of the Ming Ling clan will be holding a birthday party soon. The name Ye Junlin should ring in her ears."

"I heard a rumor that there are creatures from the Netherworld clan who came out of the Unspeakable Land, perhaps to win over Ye Junlin."

"Tsk tsk, that's understandable. After all, he is the future immortal king. Who doesn't want to win over him?"

"I don't know, what clan does Ye Junlin come from?"

The entire foreign land has been discussing things about Jun Xiaoyao recently. Jun Xiaoyao also stayed in Tushan for a while. ??

Then, they went to Daoyuan Ancient Palace.

If you have to break through the ten levels of Heavenly Prison, you will be eligible to enter Daoyuan Ancient Palace.

Among them are opportunities such as the source of innate principles, as well as some inheritance from the emperors and clans of foreign lands.

As a great emperor, Jun Xiaoyao may not need it. But for the Pluto body, this is quite good qualifications. After Jun Xiaoyao, he also came to Daoyuan Ancient Palace.

This ancient palace is extremely ancient and is one of the oldest places of opportunity in foreign lands. There are also many other exotic creatures here.

Including Emperor An Lan and others also appeared and chatted with Jun Xiaoyao. After that, Jun Xiaoyao entered Daoyuan Ancient Palace.

Stayed for half a month.

It can be said that most of the innate Taoyuan in the Taoyuan Ancient Palace have been refined and absorbed by Jun Xiaoyao.

Other geniuses are lonely inside!

I only got a little bit of leftovers.

But they dared to be angry but dared not speak out, and they did not dare to offend Jun Xiaoyao at all. Because this is tantamount to offending a future immortal king!

After half a month of practice, Jun Xiaoyao's Pluto body has taken a step closer and is not far from enlightenment.

Jun Xiaoyao is looking forward to waiting for Pluto to attain enlightenment.

When the time comes, when he takes action, one will transform into four, becoming the four great emperors. And they all have peerless physiques that defy the heavens.

Just ask how to lose?

After the training, Jun Xiaoyao walked out of Daoyuan Ancient Palace.

However, a living being came here, UU Kanshu attracted the attention of all parties.

It was a knight who came through the air. Under his seat was a black dragon horse, covered with black scales and with a mouth full of fangs.

His aura was very strong, with a fierce power. He came directly to Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao looked calm and looked away.

The knight dismounted, handed Jun Xiaoyao an invitation, and said.

"I come from the Ming Ling clan. My young lady heard about your name and specifically asked me to send you an invitation."

"I hope that your Excellency can come to our clan for a banquet when the time comes." Jun Xiaoyao raised his eyebrows slightly.

It seems to be Princess Takiya from the Ming Ling clan. Sure enough, I learned his name.

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

This is also in Jun Xiaoyao's plan.

One link after another.

He definitely doesn't want to be a scumbag, he just wants to find out some information about the Ultimate Imperial Clan.

Jun Xiaoyao accepted the invitation and said calmly: "I will go." "Then I'll be waiting for you."

The knight was also very straightforward, turned around and rode away. Many people around saw this and started talking a lot.

"As expected of the ultimate imperial clan, even an attendant knight has such fierce power."

"It's really enviable that Princess Takiya can actually send the invitation in person."

"You know, even some of the top imperial clan's elites do not receive such treatment."

Many people looked at Jun Xiaoyao with envy, jealousy and hatred.

There are not many people who can make Princess Takiya send the invitation in person.

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