Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2749: The mysterious strong man, Fist Master, wants to win over to the emperor's court

At the end of this eighteenth floor.

There was a vague and hazy figure.

A head full of messy hair and dust.

His body was extremely dry and skinny, as if he was dehydrated.

The skin has a dark golden color, which must have been a special body refining method.

The most eye-catching thing is that this figure is imprisoned and has eighteen shackles on it.

The shackles were mixed with fairy gold.

Two of the shackles even penetrated Pipa's bones. It can be said that this figure has a very small range of activities.

But what is surprising is that his aura is extremely terrifying and fierce, as if it can break the universe.

Even in an extremely weak state, he can actually do this. I took Chai Junning with me and left Heavenly Prison.

Unable to rush directly to Jun Xiaoyao. Jun Xiaoyao's eyes dropped lightly. That punch was equally fierce and powerful.

Fist Master noticed the aura and his murderous thoughts dispersed. Say it.

I have used knives and swords all my life, and I only cultivated one pair of hands and practiced boxing.

Naturally, I said that in seven words, I had already punished him.

There are not many weaklings like Fist Master, even if you look at the Four Heavenly Immortal Realm. I also understand that it is convenient for Jun Xiaoyao to save me now.

The woman's tone was hot, with chilling and murderous intent. I can tell that Jun Xiaoyao is very young.

Winning over the emperor's court can become a low-end combat force.

That would not prove that women cannot be trusted. Although I live in the same place now, I am subject to many suppressions and restrictions.

Jun Xiaoyao is temporarily lurking in a foreign land to investigate some situations. All I can say is that I, the Lord of the Emperor's Court, am quite considerate. It occurred to me that no one could compete with me in boxing.

If it's Jun Xiaoyao, has he shown such a monster's performance strength?

After a long time, I was suppressed in the Heavenly Prison, so naturally I may have heard of Jun Xiaoyao's name.

"That'll be fine."

When the fist master heard the name, he was immediately stunned.

Jun Xiaoyao dispersed the white and dark aura under his body and released the aura of the Jun family's bloodline. He is said to be able to open the sky with his two fists, and he was the first person in the world to become a boxing master.

"When a small war breaks out between the two realms, we will find a way to release us on the spot." Can the quasi-emperor realm compete with my fist seal?

Then Jun Xiaoyao left the fourteenth floor. Just arrived inside.

But now, the would-be king is basically 100% sure.

"Why, if you meet a man you are satisfied with and take him in to make a cauldron, does he have no objection?"

"Fist Master?"

If those kind of characters grow up, they will be a minimal threat to the Four Heavenly Immortal Realm.

"Of course I have opinions."

Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly instead. This woman's eyes burst with divine light.

From that point of view, after a long time, I was suppressed on the same spot in that prison.

As a result, Daxin witnessed the birth of a real monster.

It was obvious that this person had suffered severe trauma and was subject to many restrictions. Jun Xiaoyao also said that he was vague for a short time, and just briefly talked about the situation. The quasi-king guarding the Heavenly Prison saw Chai Junning in front of Jun Xiaoyao and spoke without any hesitation.

He noticed the hot murderous thoughts released by the woman. "You are very courageous."

Of course, because there is no ordinary formation to suppress the entire Heavenly Hell. "The Jun family, a dragon appears..."

"Jun Xiaoyao? He is..." Jun Xiaoyao smiled calmly. "It really is......"

"There are very few foreign creatures that can come to this level." It was understood that the situation of Heavenly Prison was understood.

"When the time comes, we can't disturb the foreign front."

This man actually took action directly and punched.

"Perhaps we can't be lured back to the emperor's court. It's a win-win situation." Jun Xiaoyao thought for a moment.

Jun Xiaoyao murmured.

"Not an ordinary character." "This person..."

If his strength reaches its peak, he will definitely be a giant.

Then he saw the shocked, stunned, and petrified eyes of countless foreign monks and creatures all over the sky.

If it were any other Quasi-Emperor, even if he received that punch, he would be blown up directly, and his soul would be wiped out.

Hearing this, Jun Xiaoyao nodded secretly.

Although I have not broken through it, it has not yet set a record. Jun Xiaoyao planned a lot.

If we try to think of another way to take Fist Master out, it will really mean that Zangdu is hiding or living.

The intersection of fist seals and fist strikes seemed to shake the entire hell. Jun Xiaoyao reported his real name.

"Brother Ye Dao, it's really hidden and exposed..." Emperor An Lan also smiled bitterly.

"Master Quan's guess was wrong, you are a member of the Jun family." But I have heard of Jun Xiaoyao.

Moreover, my fellow locals decided to take Chai Junning out.

"There are quite a lot of weak people from the Four Heavenly Immortal Realm imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison." Even if the creatures of the Hell Bird Clan came, they would not dare to say anything.

I still don’t know the blood and aura of the Jun family.

And even so, the aura he exudes is far beyond that of ordinary emperors.

Because although that lineage is weak, it can still compare with the Ultimate Imperial Clan. It is also unimaginable for such a young emperor.

Only then would Fist Master understand.

Could it be that the Four Heavenly Immortals haven't completely counterattacked the foreign lands yet? Jun Xiaoyao also became interested and took action directly.

What surprised me even more was that I could feel Jun Xiaoyao's aura, only in the quasi-emperor realm.

Naturally, I would rob a prison or something right now. This would be too impulsive. "That punch!"

I originally wanted to come to Heaven Prison to perform.

Jun Xiaoyao is definitely the evil quasi-king of the ultimate imperial clan, and he is someone I can provoke.

If so, the fluctuations between the two people cannot easily shake the entire mountain range into powder.

Countless gravel rolled down.

Later, when I was a child in Jun's family, I also read the biographies of many weak people.

However, Jun Xiaoyao's imperial-level aura didn't even shock me. Then Jun Xiaoyao thought about it for a while, and his breath shook and became a little more chaotic.

"But, how could he..."

I thought that the plump, thin and strong woman in front of me looked exactly like the legendary boxing master.

It can be seen that this person has an extraordinary origin.

But it is definitely something that a mere quasi-emperor can contend with.

I said calmly: "You are not interested in the name of the pavilion."

The surging fist light boils, and the eight reincarnation worlds rotate with the fist edge.

What's wrong with a quasi-king of the ultimate imperial clan who takes a prisoner of war to make a furnace?

"Who is he? A person like him appears in a foreign land!"

Before, Jun Xiaoyao returned to the eighteenth floor and rescued Luo Xiangling. A little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

However, he was restricted and suppressed. This would-be king is very knowledgeable and could not talk more.

From then on, I also discussed the Dharma and the Way with the weak members of the Jun family.

"Master Quan, you would have thought of ways to save us before." Jun Xiaoyao said. The man spoke again.

I also punched, it was the Eight Paths of Samsara Fist! The would-be king swallowed secretly.

The woman was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said: "Your name is Fist Master." Li Shuo, who had not yet seen the Mingzhao clan, was also shocked.

It cannot be said that Jun Xiaoyao will return to the Four Heavenly Immortal Realm.

"Furthermore, the weaklings such as Fist Master have been imprisoned for countless years. I am afraid that due to their family members, the young master has disappeared long ago."

"Fist a weakling like him, he should be the only one in the Heavenly Prison, right?" Jun Xiaoyao asked.

Quan Zun looked at Jun Xiaoyao leaving and sighed.

He hasn't finished thinking about replenishing the combat power of Junditing yet. "Thank you very much." Quan Zun said.

"What's his name?" Fist Master Remo asked. Among the bad images there is one named Quan Zun.

At the same time, my true realm aura was also revealed. Jun Xiaoyao gave Quan Zun water from the fountain of life and asked me to heal my wounds secretly. But the surname Jun reminds me of the Jun family.

Ye Junlin's name reached the fourteenth floor.

But this fist seal was also terrifying and fierce, as if it had broken through the sky and shaken the sun and the moon!

Before leaving the fourteenth floor, Jun Xiaoyao thought to himself. Fist Master is still confused.

Fist Master said: "Indeed, there are at least seven of them. There are not even some weak emperors here. They are all suppressed in the same position."

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