Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2743: It's just a lost dog. Kill it casually. Goodbye...

[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

At first, the dark turmoil subsided.

The Immortal Emperor and others were sealed in the place of Guixu. The restricted areas of Jiutian were also swept away by the heroes of the Immortal Realm. Except for Dream Sky Realm, Kunlun Hill, Sword Tomb, and Immortal Tomb. The rest of the restricted areas were raided.

In the Sea of ​​Reincarnation, because of the Immortal Lord of Reincarnation, only some of the powerful men who had committed sins were killed.

The rest of the restricted areas were the main force in causing the unrest and were purged. But the Nine-Tian Forbidden Zone, after all, has existed forever, has a strong foundation, and has various means.

Although it was a bloodbath, it was impossible not to have a fish slip through the net. So after cleaning.

A few remnants of the restricted area escaped. But now, the seal of Guixu Land has been broken. Except for the fact that the Emperor Changsheng is nowhere to be found.

The ancestors of the remaining Holy Spirits are the Emperor Yutian Lord and the Heaven-Slaying Beast God, the three chief priests. They all took refuge in foreign lands and chose to cooperate with foreign lands.

And those remnants of the restricted area naturally came to foreign lands.

The man who spoke now was a remnant of the Holy Spirit Ruins, named Mo Liu.

It can be said that these restricted areas of the purge faction will never be weaker, or even stronger, than those in foreign lands, and their hatred for Jun Xiaoyao.

They were in the nine-day restricted area, high above, enjoying the pleasure of overlooking the creatures in the fairyland.

As a result, the situation suddenly changed and all restricted areas were bloodbathed.

They became rats on the run, and everyone shouted to beat them. Finally, he had no choice but to surrender to a foreign land.

Just ask them if they hate Jun Xiaoyao.

"It's just a dead person. No matter how many legends he has, he is still just a handful of loess."

The man named Mo Liu said coldly.

"Yes, Brother Mo is right. This man destroyed my restricted area and deserves to die. This is the retribution he deserves."

Another man appeared, his body covered with red scales, his pupils also glowing red, spitting out flames.

He is clearly a remnant of the Nine Heavens Restricted Area and the Beast Cave.

Beast Cave also has an sworn feud with Jun Xiaoyao. This man's true body is an eight-clawed fire dragon.

Like Mo Liu, his cultivation is in the realm of the God of Creation, and his strength is extremely strong.

When the other foreign monks present heard this, they didn't say anything. It is normal for Jiutian restricted area to hate Jun Xiaoyao. However, at this moment, a faint voice sounded. "This gathering of heroes is a gathering of monks from our world."

"When did even the bereaved dogs become eligible to participate?" As soon as these words came out, the whole noisy atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The expressions of Mo Liu and the Eight-clawed Fire Chi suddenly darkened.

The word "lost dog" was like a steel needle, piercing deeply into their hearts.

It's like tearing open their scars and adding a layer of salt. "who is it?"

Mo Liu shouted coldly.

The other foreign monks also showed incomprehensible expressions.

Although they also agreed in their hearts that these remnants of the Nine Heavens Restricted Area were indeed homeless dogs who had come to seek refuge in a foreign land.

But I have to say that they are not easy to mess with.

After all, there are three chief priests of the Nine Heavens Restricted Area standing behind them, near-god-level existences. Although the Holy Spirit Ancestor and others have not recovered from their injuries.

But the deterrent is there after all.

Therefore, no one would call them "lost dogs" in front of the creatures in the restricted area.

"What, you said it wrong?"

A figure with white clothes and white hair, wearing a bone mask on his face, said leisurely. It's Jun Xiaoyao.

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

He didn't expect to encounter creatures from the restricted area here.

He felt nothing but coldness in his heart towards these creatures in the restricted area who had caused dark turmoil.

Seeing Jun Xiaoyao, Mo Liu had a cold look in his eyes.

He said: "Our restricted area has a cooperative relationship with you, not a vassal. I hope you understand this."

Jun Xiaoyao has a restrained aura, and Mo Liu can't find out any details.

But at first glance, it gives the impression that he is not that easy to mess with. Therefore, Mo Liu did not dare to go too far.

"I understand, I understand, but our world is so powerful, there is no need to cooperate with dogs."

Jun Xiaoyao doesn't talk much, but he is absolutely poisonous. It's enough to break one's defenses. "You're going too far!"

Mo Liu couldn't bear it any longer, and his breath burst out. However, Jun Xiaoyao just looked downcast. boom!

Mo Liu was completely crushed to the ground, with broken bones and tendons. He looked horrified.

This white-haired man does not look like a figure from the older generation, but his cultivation is so unfathomable!


Mo Liu screamed, wanting to say something. But boom.

His body was directly crushed and turned into a pool of blood foam.

On the other side, the Eight-clawed Fire Chi showed surprise when he saw this, turned around and wanted to leave. But Jun Xiaoyao just raised his eyes lightly.

An invisible soul power slays the Eight-clawed Fire Chi.

The Eight-Clawed Fire Chi dragon revealed its true form, which was a huge chi dragon with eight claws.

He resisted with all his strength, but he was still crushed instantly, and even his soul was directly destroyed.

In the blink of an eye, the two remnants of the restricted area died!


Some of the powerful foreigners around were frightened when they saw it.

"To kill two Gods of Creation so easily, could this white-haired man be the Taoist Priest of Chaos?"

"Such a young Taoist Priest of Chaos?" Some people looked surprised.

In their imagination, Jun Xiaoyao was the Taoist Priest of Chaos, and he was already extremely defiant.

Although the death of the two forbidden creatures caused discussion, it did not cause too much trouble.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

In fact, the creatures in foreign lands have no feelings towards the creatures in the restricted area, they are neither cold nor hot.

So I don't care about their life or death.

This small disturbance soon passed, and the gathering of heroes continued. Next, there were exotic creatures who began to pick jade peaches.

Some people also gave it to Jun Xiaoyao with a respectful message.

Obviously, Jun Xiaoyao's performance just now has attracted some attention. Jun Xiaoyao tasted the jade peach, which was fragrant and sweet.

It can be said that this jade peach can make a monk make great progress. But for Jun Xiaoyao.

At his current level, the resources and energy consumed every step forward are unimaginable.

Therefore, the stronger the person, the more difficult it is to break through.

But after a breakthrough, you will be far stronger than others. At this time, a foreign monk spoke.

"By the way, some time ago, I captured a few creatures from the Nine Heavens Fairyland at the border area. I wonder if I want to exchange them?"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and a cage emerged, in which several creatures from the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm were imprisoned.

"I have one too. He is the proud son of an ancient clan in the Nine Heavens Fairyland. It would be good to use it as a servant. It can be exchanged for various ancient medicine scriptures."

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

Immediately, the place became lively.

Some foreign monks began to exchange prisoners of war.

The faces of those Jiufu Immortal Territory prisoners of war were filled with humiliating hatred.

They are all outstanding people in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm. Now, it is actually being traded as goods.

When Jun Xiaoyao saw this, a coldness flashed in his eyes. But he didn't do much.

Because Jun Xiaoyao, even if he could save one person or two people, he couldn't save them all.

If he takes away all the prisoners of war here, it will definitely make people suspicious. Therefore, Jun Xiaoyao did not act rashly.

And this time.

A man with **** hair and a **** robe suddenly spoke.

"I practice a skill and need a cauldron. I wonder if any of you have a suitable one."

"It's best to be a woman with good blood. If so, I can give you a lot of money in exchange."

Some people heard the sound and looked.

"It's Xue Lingfei from the Blood Demon Imperial Clan. I wonder what evil skills he wants to practice."

"Tsk, tsk, but it would be miserable to be the woman of his cauldron. Even death is a luxury." Someone commented.

Immediately, a foreign monk spoke.

"I did catch a woman with a good background. She is the princess of a divine dynasty in the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain."

"I wonder if it suits you?"

As the monk said this, he also held out a cage, in which a miserable but still beautiful woman was imprisoned.

Jun Xiaoyao cast his eyes lightly and paused slightly.

Some people died, but not completely…

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