Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2742: Styx State, Guyi Mountain gathering, the remnants of the restricted area

[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

the next period of time.

Jun Xiaoyao and Jiang Shengyi stayed in Tushan temporarily.

Jun Xiaoyao casually gave some pointers to Tushan Wumei and Tushan Mingfei. It made their cultivation level rise to a small level.

Even Concubine Da, the Nine-Tailed King, took the initiative to invite you to discuss the Dharma and Tao with Jun Xiaoyao.

It’s just talking about the Dharma and Tao.

Although Da Fei also wanted to do other things. But it was no longer something she could do if she wanted to. This made Concubine Da feel a little regretful.

After the Disaster War, she should have kidnapped Jun Xiaoyao back. At that time, it was absolutely difficult for him to resist.

It's not like now, where you can only stare at it, and you can't even put it in your mouth if you want to eat it. "Concubine Da, what are you thinking about?"

Jun Xiaoyao looked at Concubine Da.

He was obviously invited to discuss the Dharma and Taoism.

Why did Da Fei keep propping her chin up, staring at his body and drooling. It made him feel like a piece of meat on a plate.

"Look at how handsome you are."

Da Fei said, blinking her charming fox eyes, her curled eyelashes were very long.

You are speechless.

Good guy, this is testing his determination.

It must be said that Concubine Da was so charming and charming that anyone of the opposite **** would not be able to stand her.

But Jun Xiaoyao is a serious person, and there is also Jiang Shengyi.

No, even if Jiang Shengyi is not around, he is not such a casual person.

Jun Xiaoyao is a good man who keeps himself clean.

"Hey, people just think that I have a big regret in my life." Concubine Da sighed with resentment.

Except Da Fei.

The five foxes also often come to Jun Xiaoyao.

Although they all admired him deeply, it was difficult for them to do anything with Jiang Shengyi around.

They still have a bottom line.

I just learned from Jun Xiaoyao to cultivate and attain enlightenment. Sometimes Tushan Mingfei would come to join in the fun. Surrounded by a group of foxes, it was painful and happy.

Jiang Shengyi seemed very relieved and was not always by Jun Xiaoyao's side.

She is also practicing and enlightening herself, and wants to achieve enlightenment as soon as possible and catch up with Jun Xiaoyao's pace.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed. A gathering of heroes is about to take place.

Jun Xiaoyao set off alone.

The gathering place of the heroes is located in the Styx State, one of the ten major states in the foreign land.

It is also the location of the God of War Palace.

Jun Xiaoyao remembered that he had joined the God of War Palace, where he met King Luo and Luo Xiangling, and became the God of War from a foreign land.

In fact, if you think about it, it's only a few decades apart. But there is a feeling of being in another world.

Perhaps, it was also because Jun Xiaoyao was in a different realm now and his state of mind was also different.

Thinking of Luo Xiangling.

Jun Xiaoyao also sighed slightly.

This is also a woman who works silently behind his back. Her dedication may not be as shocking as Jiang Shengyi's. But just like herself, like flowing water, silent and breathless.

Jun Xiaoyao calmed down, suppressed his emotions, and headed to the place where the gathering of heroes was held.

Guyi Mountain is an ancient sacred mountain in the Styx State.

What's special about it is that there is a jade peach tree with a semi-elixir level growing on the mountain.

Miracle medicine is rare in the world.

Even Jun Xiaoyao only got an Emerald Immortal Lotus before. Later, when he attained enlightenment and became emperor, he used it as material. Therefore, the semi-elixir medicine is already considered a top-notch product.

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

This time the heroes gather together, the jade peach tree matures.

The heroes from the foreign land can discuss various matters regarding dealing with the fairyland while tasting peaches.

Soon, Jun Xiaoyao arrived at Guyi Mountain.

Guyi Mountain is steep and towering, shrouded in divine flowers. There are many pavilions and pavilions, all of which are filled with people.

And on the top of the mountain, the jade peach tree, which looks like a carving of emerald and jasper, shines brightly and releases a dazzling brilliance.

Each jade peach is crystal clear, like jade carvings, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Jun Xiaoyao went straight to the top of the mountain.

Those who can come here are all beings with extraordinary status from various races in foreign lands. Among them, there are even powerful figures from the older generation who are at the quasi-king level.

However, it is not from the Ultimate Imperial Clan.

Rather, they were some powerful men from the Mesozoic Era from the major imperial clans. Of course, there are also some outstanding descendants of the Imperial Clan.

Jun Xiaoyao found someone among them who he had met before. It was a young man whose whole body was shrouded in brilliant divine splendor.

It was Emperor An Lan's son.

Back then, Jun Xiaoyao came to a foreign land. There are so-called Seven Little Emperors in foreign lands. Emperor An Lan is one of them.

At that time, Jun Xiaoyao had killed the God-Eating Emperor and others among the Seven Little Emperors. As for Emperor An Lan, he had no conflicts with Jun Xiaoyao. So still live well.

But now, the so-called Seven Little Emperors are really as dust in Jun Xiaoyao's eyes.

It is already a completely negligible figure.

Emperor An Lan sensed the sight and looked at it.

What he discovered was a man in white clothes and white hair, wearing a white bone mask on his face, with a dark temperament and an unfathomable presence.

He was stunned for a moment, then nodded to Jun Xiaoyao. Jun Xiaoyao ignored it.

Emperor An Lan paused.

After all, he was also the emperor's son of the Anlan Imperial Clan, yet he was ignored like this. "Ha... when all the heroes gather together, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon is indeed an interesting existence."

Emperor An Lan thought about it and didn't care.

Next, more and more people arrived, which can be said to be a gathering of heroes. Many people were talking and discussing many things.

"This time in our realm, we must invade the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

"That's right, even if the great ultimate disaster is no longer there, the ancient ancestor of natural disasters in our world can still open the door to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

Some strong men from foreign lands were talking loudly. Others are also talking about other things.

"By the way, you should also have heard that the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm's Eternal Emperor List has arrived. It seems that a mysterious and powerful emperor has attained enlightenment."

"This is not a good thing for our world."

"Indeed, a great emperor may not be able to change anything, but at this time, he became enlightened and transcended the list of emperors of all ages."

"To some extent, this is not a good sign for our world."

"I didn't expect that there would be such a monster in the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm." "This reminds me of a person I once had, the one from the Jun family." After talking about this, all the heroes present fell silent.

You are free.

This is a name that is like a taboo in a foreign land. He ended the disaster with his own hands, leading to a disastrous defeat in the foreign land.

"To be honest, if he hadn't fallen, I might really think that this mysterious emperor is him."

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[Sign in the Ancient Holy Body at the beginning][]

Someone said. m.

Although the foreign land hates Jun Xiaoyao extremely.

But I have to admit that Jun Xiaoyao is indeed a peerless monster that is rare in ancient times.

"That would be too exaggerated. Even if he is still alive, it is impossible for him to become an emperor in just a few decades."

Someone objected.

"That's right, it seems like I'm overthinking it."

At this time, a man suddenly spoke with a cold tone. "What do you do with this person? He is just a dead person."

This man has an unusual temperament, and his pupils are the color of pearls.

And it can be seen from his aura that he does not seem to be a foreign creature. Some foreign creatures looked at it and just smiled.

No wonder this person hates Jun Xiaoyao so much.

He is a creature from the Nine Heavens Forbidden Zone, the Ruins of the Holy Spirit.

Some people died, but not completely…

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