Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2731: Breakthrough in Yuan Shen level, Sky Tribulation level, self-created Yuan Shen method

The dimly flowing purple energy submerged the entire Young Emperor's Palace.

There are isolation formations around to prevent others from disturbing you.

The strong Hongmeng power circulates.

Where Jun Xiaoyao sat cross-legged, a Hongmeng universe seemed to be formed.

It was like a sleeping **** that was about to wake up.

But this obviously cannot be transformed in a day or two.

At the same time, Jun Xiaoyao also began to refine other qualifications for the Three Lives Emperor.

For example, his three-generation Taoist body.

Although it is also very powerful, it can condense the Taoist fruits of all worlds and practice together in three generations.

But Jun Xiaoyao felt that compared with Hongmeng Dao Body, it was still inferior.

It's not that the Third World Taoist Body is not strong, but it's not that attractive compared to the Hongmeng Taoist Body.

But Jun Xiaoyao was not prepared to waste it.

Don't forget, he still has the soul of the third generation.

This is also the secret of three generations of practitioners.

Although Jun Xiaoyao can no longer transform into a third-generation Taoist body.

But he can extract the essence and integrate it into his own soul of the third generation.

Jun Xiaoyao's soul is also very strong and has reached the Hengsha level of Dzogchen.

Before, the reason why it was difficult to break through was because his realm was limited.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao has entered the imperial realm.

His soul can naturally take further steps.

In addition, although Jun Xiaoyao also has many soul skills.

But for him who is now in the realm of the Great Emperor, those Yuan Shen Laws also feel vaguely inadequate.

Only the Yuanshen method he signed, Dream Bubble, was pretty good.

But that is the supreme soul defense method.

It's not an attack attribute.

So Jun Xiaoyao was also thinking about whether he could learn a new Yuan Shen attack method to eliminate those old Yuan Shen methods.

Immediately, Jun Xiaoyao refined the essence of the three worlds of Taoism.

Then, the spirit of the third generation shines brightly.

Three little Yuanshen figures sit cross-legged on the flower of the avenue, filled with a hazy atmosphere.

The essence of the Taoist body of the third generation permeated the air.

The three souls suddenly became more confused.

It's like really sitting cross-legged in the past, present, and future.

Jun Xiaoyao felt that the power of his soul was soaring crazily.

He didn't hesitate and revealed all his previous knowledge at this moment.

Such as the soul source, and some treasures that assist the cultivation of the soul and soul, all are refined.

And after refining these.

Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual cultivation began to skyrocket like fire cooking oil.

Finally, Jun Xiaoyao reached the bottleneck.

He had already reached the Hengsha level of perfection before.

It can be said that the breakthrough is only one step away.

Now, the essence of the three generations of Taoism has been refined, and there are many treasures.

His soul seemed to have come into contact with a soul door in an instant.

This is a concrete manifestation of the bottleneck.

The three souls were shining brightly at this moment, and an unimaginable surge of soul power surged away.

with no doubt.

The door to the soul was blasted open.

Jun Xiaoyao broke through the bottleneck of Yuan Shen level realm.

Reached a new realm of soul.

Sky calamity level!

At the moment of breaking through to the level of air tribulation.

Jun Xiaoyao had a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

He seemed to have lost all thoughts.

My own consciousness seems to have transformed into a boundless universe.

Experienced formation, residence and destruction of emptiness, the changes of the universe, and the evolution of all worlds.

This is an extremely strange feeling.

And his consciousness seemed to cover the world without even realizing it.

Just at the same time.

The entire Yun Shengxing can be felt.

There was a huge wave of soul power sweeping out.

That wave of fluctuation actually gives people a feeling like the consciousness of heaven.

Of course, this is an illusion.

But this also shows how terrifying that wave of soul power is.

"Which Emperor Realm Ancient Ancestor has made a breakthrough?"

Some geniuses showed surprise.

Under this soul pressure, his face was a little pale, and his soul was trembling slightly.

"No, even a powerful emperor may not be able to possess this kind of soul pressure!"

There was an elder-level figure with a surprised look on his face.

"That pressure seems to be coming from the Young Emperor's Palace!"

"It's the young master, has he broken through the soul realm again!"

Countless people were shocked.

Jun Xiaoyao is so young and has just become emperor, which is enough to frighten people.

It has only been a while now, and the realm of Yuanshen has begun to break through again.

Is it impossible to stop?

Why do I feel that it is difficult for people like them to break through any realm?

Jun Xiaoyao breaks through whatever he wants, whenever he wants.

This is really, I can’t envy.

"But, isn't this soul pressure too terrifying?"

Many people were amazed.

The soul pressure alone is so terrifying.

Doesn't that mean that most of the time, Jun Xiaoyao can crush people to death just by relying on his soul pressure without using his hands?

Just when the outside world, countless tribesmen were shocked.

In the Young Emperor's Palace.

Jun Xiaoyao's soul is also continuing to transform.

If we say that the soul of the Hengsha level can be said to have as many thoughts as the number of sands in the Ganges River in one thought.

It was as if all thoughts of that empty calamity-level soul were dissipated in a single thought.

Instead, there is an infinite universe.

Consciousness seems to have transformed into the universe, spreading throughout the heavens!

This is a Hengsha-level soul that is far incomparable!

If you compare the Hengsha-level soul to a vast Milky Way.

That empty calamity-level soul is the entire boundless universe!

The two are not on the same level at all.

The universe can accommodate countless galaxies!

This is also the reason why the Kongjie-level soul can crush the Hengsha-level soul.

"No wonder there are so few people who have reached the Sky Tribulation Level Soul."

Jun Xiaoyao also sighed.

Sky Tribulation Level, this is a soul realm that even the great emperors find difficult to achieve.

And he achieved it soon after becoming emperor.

"In this case, it will be more convenient to understand the spiritual power."

Although the Hengsha-level soul is also powerful enough, with Jun Xiaoyao's talent, he can master and create various magical methods.

But it is still far from comparable to the Sky Tribulation level.

Now, in Jun Xiaoyao's mind, countless principles, laws, and runes were flowing through his mind.

That kind of speed and clarity is unmatched by the Hengsha level.

Jun Xiaoyao is comprehending the true meaning of the three worlds.

He wants to use the essence of the Tao body of the third generation, and then superimpose his own soul of the third generation to create a method of soul that is exclusive to him.

And it is the most powerful soul attack method.

Jun Xiaoyao seemed to be immersed in an empty and dark universe. UU reading

Three little Yuanshen sit cross-legged, with various soul runes and laws imprinted on the void.

It seems that various magical changes are evolving.

This kind of reasoning, enlightenment, and evolution is too terrifying.

It can be said that even a stronger Emperor Realm existence may not be able to deduce like Jun Xiaoyao.

For Jun Xiaoyao, who created his own magical power, Genesis.

Creating magical powers is no longer a difficult task.

The difficult thing is to create the strongest and most suitable magical moves for you.

Jun Xiaoyao, otherwise he would not create magical powers.

If you want to create, you must create the strongest and the only one!

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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