Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2730: Transformed into a Hongmeng body, the overlord of the vast starry sky, the Yun clan

The emperor of the third life was crippled by Jun Xiaoyao and suppressed in the bronze coffin of the third life.

Now, Jun Xiaoyao can finally take the time to completely refine him.

The Emperor of Sansheng has not given up yet and is sending out fluctuations in his spiritual thoughts.

I want to discuss cooperation and terms with Jun Xiaoyao.

Jun Xiaoyao will naturally ignore it.

Beings like the Three Lives Emperors can cut the grass without removing the roots, but they will grow again when the spring breeze blows.

Even if everything is taken away from him, only a trace of his soul will be left alive.

It is estimated that it will not be long before it rises again.

He is different from Chu Xiao.

At best, Chu Xiao can be regarded as the destined son of Jiehai.

The Emperor of Three Lives has a void destiny.

Even if you are deprived of everything, you will not sink.

Jun Xiaoyao is the one who understands the evil and power of those with nihilistic destiny best.

He himself is an example.

And Jun Xiaoyao couldn't help but think of it.

In the vaster starry sky, are there traces of those with nihilistic destiny?

Or, in the so-called "Heavenly Court", will there be those with nihilistic destiny?

Will he be an enemy or a friend?

Jun Xiaoyao suddenly had a hint of imagination.

But he quickly calmed down and began to concentrate on refining the resources of the Three Lives Emperor.

Jun Xiaoyao also refined the Hongmeng origin of the Three Lives Emperor.

The Hongmeng origin of the Sansei Emperor was taken from Emperor Chuangkai.

So it's not complete.

Why did the former Sansheng Emperor's son, the Dao Fruit of the Sansheng Emperor's Lord, want to enter the Gate of Origin so much.

In fact, I want to get the Hongmeng Heart in it first.

The complete transformation of Hongmeng Taoist body is completed.

But now, everything is fulfilled for Jun Xiaoyao.

Within him, a purple heart emerged.

It was Jun Xiaoyao who received the Heart of Hongmeng from Emperor Chuangkai at the Gate of Origin of the World Core.

Jun Xiaoyao merged the Hongmeng origin obtained from the Three Lives Emperors with the Hongmeng Heart.

Suddenly, a vast force circulated, evolving from the machine of Hongmeng.

Jun Xiaoyao seems to be sitting cross-legged in the center of Hongmeng Universe.

Witness the opening up of heaven and earth and the evolution of Hongmeng.

"This is...the power of Hongmeng..."

Even though Jun Xiaoyao himself has a heaven-defying physique, the power to control chaos, the power of the holy body and Tao embryo, etc.

But the power of Hongmeng still frightened Jun Xiaoyao.

This is the true power of Hongmeng, which evolves the universe and all living things.

That Ji Taisui before said that the copycat version was all a compliment to him.

Even the Son of the Three Lives Emperor, or the Lord of the Three Lives Emperor.

His Hongmeng Dao Body is not complete and cannot fully exert the power of the Hongmeng Dao Body.

Until now, combined with the heart of Hongmeng.

The complete power of Hongmeng was truly displayed in front of Jun Xiaoyao.

At this moment, Jun Xiaoyao seemed to be sitting cross-legged in front of the open sky, witnessing the flow of the grand mist and the birth of all things.

After entering the Imperial Realm, Jun Xiaoyao's talent skyrocketed.

There have been qualitative changes in various aspects such as enlightenment and cultivation.

That's why he preached for seven days before, so that so many people could understand and gain something.

Not to mention that powerful people of the same level are ashamed of themselves, even those who are stronger are always amazed by Jun Xiaoyao's talent.

Next, Jun Xiaoyao began to activate the secret method.

It is just one Qi that transforms the three pure things.

If he had an average physique, Jun Xiaoyao would naturally not use One Qi to Transform Three Purities.

But Hongmeng Taoist body is not ordinary.

Before, neither Ji Taisui nor the Sansheng Emperor was a complete Hongmeng Taoist body.

Naturally, it is impossible to fully unleash the power of the Hongmeng Dao Body.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao controls the complete Hongmeng origin.

Before that, the existence of the complete Hongmeng origin was the Emperor of Creation.

So Jun Xiaoyao is confident.

The Hongmeng body he transformed will fully exert the power of the Hongmeng Dao body.

Even further.

In the void, hazy purple air filled the air, and the power of Hongmeng circulated.

Vaguely, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying aura brewing.

That aura even alarmed the Yun clan ancestors in other places.

"That aura comes from the Young Emperor's Palace, it's Yun Xiao..."

"That's Hongmeng's aura, could it be him..."

"I possess the innate holy body, the divine body of chaos, and a Pluto body."

"Now, is it necessary to transform into the Hongmeng Taoist body?"

Some of the ancient ancestors of the Yun family were speechless.

They have lived for so long and have never seen such a monster.

This can no longer be described as a monster.

It is simply unimaginable and incredible.

"He is enough to defy the heavens now. If there is another Hongmeng Taoist body, it will be even better."

"I'm afraid it won't be long before they catch up with us."

"I, the Yun family, are really lucky to have this son."

In a small world created at random somewhere.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant.

Two figures were sitting opposite each other drinking tea.

A man with white hair, wearing a Taoist robe and a bamboo flute hanging from his waist, looks handsome.

It is the Tao Emperor who rules the world.

The other person, with a white robe and wide sleeves, has an elegant temperament and is surrounded by clouds and mist.

He is the mythical emperor of Yun Sheng Emperor Palace, Yun Zhongzi.

"The power of Hongmeng seems to be to cultivate the Hongmeng Taoist body?"

"The one energy that Wuhui gave him was not wasted."

Jun Cangsheng sensed the aura and looked across the void.

"Your Jun family is truly a monster, and you are worthy of being an immortal family that will be passed down forever." Yun Zhongzi sighed quietly.

"Brother Yun said this as if he is no longer a member of your Yun clan." Jun Cangsheng shook his head slightly and smiled.

Yun Zhongzi still sighed: "But, after all, his roots are in your Jun family, and his bond with your Jun family is the deepest."

"Actually, if it were another force, maybe I, the Yun Sect, would **** him away directly."

Yun Zhongzi's words contained a hint of joking.

Jun Cangsheng also smiled slightly.

"This kid is sensible. As long as you treat him sincerely, you will never regret it in the future."

Yun Zhongzi said: "That's right, but it's a pity that our Yun Sheng Emperor's Palace can't support such a monster. He still has a long way to go."

Although Yun Sheng Imperial Palace is already the top force in the Boundary Sea, it has a ceiling-like existence.

But Jun Xiaoyao's level of evil is even more extraordinary.

He won't stay in the sea forever.

When Jun Cangsheng heard this, he smiled calmly and said, "Brother Yun's words are too self-effacing."

"If you say Yun Sheng Emperor's Palace, you can't praise such monsters."

"But the Yun clan behind you is also the absolute dominant clan in the vast starry sky."

Yun Zhongzi picked up the teacup and took a sip.

"So what about the overlord? No matter how powerful UU Kanshu is, it can't compare to the Jun family."

"And my lineage has been rooted in the Boundary Sea for a long time, and it no longer has too much involvement with the main clan."

Yun Zhongzi revealed some secrets in a few words.

Although the Yun clan is the oldest ethnic group in Jiehai, they are not a native ethnic group.

Their family comes from a hegemonic clan in the vast starry sky, called the Yun clan.

Jun Cangsheng said: "Although he is not too involved, he does have the blood of the Yun Clan."

"Or would the Yun Clan be stupid enough to reject such a monster?"

Yun Zhongzi smiled and said: "If Yun Xiao goes to the vast starry sky in the future, I am afraid it will give the main clan an unimaginable surprise and shock."

"I kind of want to see the scene when the old immortals and monsters of the main clan are shocked by the descendants of my lineage."

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