Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2727: The levels of the imperial realm are divided into seven levels of the imperial realm,

After Jun Xiaoyao's sermon, the Tao Yun still filled the sea of ​​clouds and the universe.

It's like a lingering sound that lingers for a long time.

Yun Shengxing seemed to have become a holy place for enlightenment.

There are people enlightening here all the time.

However, most of them are occupied by the Yun clan.

As for Jun Xiaoyao, after these seven days of sorting out, he also gained a deeper understanding of his Xiaoyao way.

Jun Xiaoyao is walking the path of three thousand avenues.

Strictly speaking, it may be said that this is a Tao, a road, or even a goal.

Freedom itself represents freedom, unlimited possibilities, and not being bound by any rule framework.

This road is very far, very long.

Jun Xiaoyao has only taken the first step now.

He has ambitions and premonitions, and can comprehend unprecedented Dharma from the free path.

Of course, this will happen later.

After the sermon, Jun Xiaoyao returned to the Young Emperor's Palace where he was.

As soon as he arrived, there was a fluctuation in the void.

A man with white hair and a Taoist robe, extremely handsome, appeared.

It is the Tao Emperor who rules over the common people.

"One ancestor."

When Jun Xiaoyao saw this, he handed over his hand.

Jun Cangsheng smiled calmly, waved his hand and said, "There is no need to be polite in front of me."

Jun Xiaoyao nodded slightly.

He could also see that Jun Cangsheng was an eclectic person, with a casual temperament, traveling around the world, and a natural Taoism.

There is no such indifference and condescension as the mythical emperor usually has.

It is as if he is a wandering immortal tourist traveling around the world.

"We have to thank Yizu for this black disaster battle."

"Without the help of Yi Ancestor, it would not be easy to eliminate this black disaster." Jun Xiaoyao said.

This is not flattery, but fact.

After all, when the source of disaster priest appeared, he was too powerful.

It wasn't until Jun Cangsheng showed up and knocked back the source of disaster priest with one move that everyone knew that the source of disaster priest was not invincible.

After a series of battles, it was only with Jun Cangsheng's presence that the situation could be stabilized.

Otherwise, even if Jun Xiaoyao defies heaven, he will probably have to pay a heavy price.

Jun Cangsheng shook his head lightly: "I am not an important role, and my destiny is not mine."

"You are the protagonist of my Jun family's life."

"Besides, I am also listening to your sermon in secret."

"I have to say that the way of freedom is indeed extraordinary."

"If you practice to the end, you might really be able to achieve great freedom, great freedom, and be able to jump out of the Three Realms and not be in the Five Elements."

Jun Cangsheng admires Jun Xiaoyao's carefree way very much.

Perhaps this is also in line with Jun Cangsheng's character, who likes freedom, carefree and unrestrained.

To a certain extent, Jun Cangsheng and Jun Xiaoyao are the same kind of people.

They are all the kind of people who pursue great freedom and freedom.

"First ancestor, you're welcome. This road has just been opened, and the younger generation is also groping forward." Jun Xiaoyao said humbly.

Jun Cangsheng said: "Indeed, for many monks, the Great Emperor is the end and goal of their lives."

"But for you, this is really just another starting point."

"You should know about the levels of the Imperial Dao."

Jun Xiaoyao nodded.

There are seven levels of the Imperial Realm, which are called the Seventh Level of the Imperial Realm.

After successfully proving the Dao, the origin of the Imperial Dao is born in the body and controls the laws of the Imperial Dao hierarchy. This is the first level of heaven.

Then go one step further and continue to deepen the control of the origin of the emperor's way and the divine rules, which is the giant in the emperor. This is the second heaven, giant level.

If you take another step forward, you can reach the peak of the Emperor. This is the third heaven, the pinnacle level.

Going beyond the peak is called extraordinary, and becoming an extraordinary emperor is the fourth level of heaven, which is the extraordinary level.

After that, it is time to break the shackles and break through the limits. This is the fifth heaven, the limit emperor!

After reaching the limit, he broke through again and became the sixth level of the Emperor Realm, the peerless emperor!

Finally, it is to reach the pinnacle of the emperor's way and achieve the supreme achievement. This is the seventh heaven. It is said that there is no God, and it can also be called the supreme emperor!

Great emperor, giant emperor, peak emperor, extraordinary emperor, extreme emperor, peerless emperor, no god!

This is the Seventh Heaven of the Emperor!

And if divided into details, each heaven can also be divided into the early stage, the middle stage, the late stage, the small perfection, and the great perfection.

In the same realm, if there is a duel between a giant-level player in the early stage and a giant-level player in the late stage, there will be a gap, but that gap is not crushing.

It can only be said that the late stage has a greater advantage and a higher chance of winning than the early stage, but it does not mean that you can instantly kill or crush without any pressure.

But it’s different across borders.

For example, a giant-level emperor faced off against a peak-level emperor.

That basically just means being suppressed and beaten.

In the seventh level of the Imperial Realm, the gap between each level is very large, even larger than before crossing a large realm.

This is also the reason why it is difficult to fight across levels in the seventh level of the Emperor Realm.

If you can fight in the higher realms of the Imperial Realm, you are truly a peerless monster.

From the ninth level of Tongsheng, to the seventh level of the supreme, to the ninth level of quasi-emperor, to the seventh level of the imperial path.

These are the stages of cultivation.

"Although you have just achieved enlightenment and become an emperor, your strength must not be simple." Jun Cangsheng said.

Jun Xiaoyao just smiled.

In the quasi-emperor realm, he can kill the emperor.

Now that he has become emperor, it is naturally different, a qualitative change.

"It's okay." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"What are your plans next?" Jun Cangsheng asked.

Jun Xiaoyao said: "After finishing some chores here, we will return to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm."

Jun Cangsheng said: "This is indeed the case. I have also sensed some situations. The Nine Heavens Immortal Realm is not peaceful, and there is action in the foreign realm."

"Foreign land?"

Jun Xiaoyao frowned, he didn't know about this.

It's just that before, he suppressed the ultimate disaster in the foreign land and calmed down the war in the foreign land without completely starting it.

Otherwise, it will be another shocking battle that is no less than a dark turmoil and a black disaster that will destroy the world.

"You suppressed the ultimate disaster in the foreign land, but the background of the foreign land is not that simple."

"Of course they are not willing to give in. If they remain silent like this, some old guys may revive." Jun Cangsheng said.

"In this case, I want to return to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm as soon as possible." Jun Xiaoyao said.

Although the ultimate calamity was destroyed by him, the natural disaster-level immortals of those alien ultimate imperial clans cannot be underestimated.

After all, in the beginning, an immortal emperor brought turmoil to the Immortal Realm.

The strength of those natural disaster level immortals is no worse than that of the Immortal Emperor.

And there's definitely more than one.

Therefore, the best way for UU Reading is naturally to rely on the power of the boundary sea forces.

However, the Boundary Sea and the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm are separated by a dam, and there are also terrifying cosmic tides, some of which even the emperor cannot resist, and will be in danger.

It is inconvenient for most of the army to cross.

Jun Xiaoyao was thinking, his eyes changing.

Suddenly, he thought of it.

If a stable passage from the Boundary Sea to the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm can be built directly, this problem can be solved.

At that time, there will be a steady stream of reinforcements joining the Nine Heavens Immortal Domain.

Moreover, given Jun Xiaoyao’s current status and appeal in Jiehai.

Is it difficult for him to want all the forces in the Boundary Sea to assist the Nine Heavens Immortal Territory?

(End of chapter)

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