Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2726: Various forces came to congratulate, and the vision shocked the world. His way to us.

It’s only been a few days since the news broke.

The entire Yunhai universe is crowded with monks and creatures.

It is unimaginable that there is a vast universe filled with people everywhere.

"The Tantai Imperial Clan congratulates Emperor Xiaoyao on his attainment of enlightenment, and presents a hundred kilograms of Xuanming gold and iron, an ancient bay leaf tree, and ten innate pattern stones!"

There was a voice coming out.

The Tantai Imperial Clan came.

Tantai Qingxuan, Tantai Mingzhu and others were among them, with longing in their eyes.

"The Emperor's Pavilion, the Earthly Emperor's Palace, and the Human Emperor's Palace congratulate Emperor Xiaoyao on his enlightenment."

"Send me a piece of Tianxuan mother gold, ten pounds of phoenix blood black tea, an ancient blood orchid, and a Kongming orb."

The people from the Three Emperors' forces are here.

I have had conflicts with Jun Xiaoyao more or less before.

But at this moment, he came to congratulate him with a humble attitude.

There are other, many, many forces that are too numerous to count.

Whether you have a good relationship with Jun Xiaoyao or you have had conflicts and frictions in the past.

At this moment, everyone is congratulating each other.

Jun Xiaoyao, and the Yun clan and the Yunsheng Imperial Palace behind him are truly majestic in the world, and there is no rivalry.

On the side of Yun Shengxing.

Those who can occupy a position here are all people with dignity and status.

Even in the void, there is a great emperor sitting cross-legged, surrounded by mist.

Many people were extremely shocked when they saw it.

Jun Xiaoyao, a new emperor preached.

Logically speaking, it should not attract the great emperor who has been enlightened for a long time.

But now, these great emperors are sitting here cross-legged, and those who don't know think they are students and disciples.

It can only be said that Jun Xiaoyao became the emperor, which was too terrifying.

He can even be called the only one among the new emperors.

As soon as his word comes out, all realms surrender.

Later, in the central square of Yunshengxing.

Jun Xiaoyao appeared.

He was dressed in white, his hair was flowing with light, and he was clear and clear, as if he was a banished immortal, and there was no amazing aura coming out of his body.

But just standing there, it seemed to be the center of the world, making the world become the background.

The sun and moon were eclipsed by it.

There is even a hint of Confucian elegance in such a young appearance.

It is unimaginable that when he achieved enlightenment and passed through the tribulation, he was so unparalleled that he passed through the most terrifying tribulation of enlightenment in ancient times.

Too many women are lost at this moment.

A happy sight leads to a lifelong mistake.

After seeing the man's ceiling.

Their horizons will be infinitely raised.

Any man I meet in the future will be compared with Jun Xiaoyao.

Then I found that there was no comparison at all, and I missed it for the rest of my life.

Of course, Jun Xiaoyao won't care about this.

It has nothing to do with him that those women like him.

There are thousands of women in the world who love him, does Jun Xiaoyao still need to build a palace to house them?

The densely packed countless figures all looked at Jun Xiaoyao with reverence and admiration.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't say a word, sat cross-legged in the void, and started preaching directly.

In this regard, all the forces present and the big bosses are not dissatisfied at all.

This world is like this, the strong are respected.

As long as Jun Xiaoyao is strong enough and evil enough, he will be respected by everyone.

Not to mention that Jun Xiaoyao is also the savior of Jiehai.

Some people in the crowd felt sad when they saw this scene.

Such as Xiahou Shenzang from the Xiahou Imperial Clan, and the Hongchen Emperor and others.

They used to have conflicts with Jun Xiaoyao.

But what now?

Jun Xiaoyao and them simply don't seem to be from the same world.

Saying one is in the sky and the other is on the ground cannot describe the gap.

They can only look up at the back that can never be reached.

Next, everyone listened carefully to Jun Xiaoyao's sermon.

After all, Jun Xiaoyao is the new emperor of this era.

To some extent, it has a unique advantage.

Becoming an emperor in this era of great strife represents something extraordinary in itself.

Somehow, there may be some cause and effect.

In the past, there was no shortage of this kind of thing.

Whenever something big is about to happen.

There will always be people who deserve the disaster, representing destiny and ending the disaster.

As for Jun Xiaoyao, there is no doubt that many people believe that he may become the most dazzling existence in this era.

One can imagine how precious this kind of preaching is.

And as Jun Xiaoyao preached.

The entire Yun Sheng Star, and even the entire Yunhai Universe, has seen numerous visions and auspicious omens.

The sky is full of flowers and the ground is full of golden lotuses. That is the basic operation.

There are also countless strange scenes such as the stars shining brightly, the clouds filling the air, the phoenix singing in the sky, the dragon soaring in the sky, and so on.

The entire universe is filled with the sound of heaven.

It seems that he is really an immortal in white, preaching to all living beings.

Seeing this scene, even the emperor was speechless.

"As expected of the dual constitution of the Chaos Body and the Innate Holy Body, this is"

"It's scary, it's really scary. Even though Emperor Xiaoyao has just entered the realm of the Great Emperor."

"But his combat power is definitely not that simple. Ordinary emperors are simply no match for him."

Logically speaking, if they are both great emperors, even if they are strong or weak, the gap will not be too big.

After all, no one who can become an emperor is particularly weak.

But this rule seems to be invalid for Jun Xiaoyao.

Because he had already killed the Great Emperor in the quasi-emperor realm.

"No wonder. If these most evil physiques in ancient times are emperors, they will overwhelm an era."

"Now it seems that it is true."

"Yes, who can destroy the source of black trouble just after becoming emperor?"

Some great emperors were communicating and listening carefully.

Then, some great emperors noticed it in horror.

There seems to be some special atmosphere in the air.

That was the emperor's supreme, even near-god-level hidden aura!

This means that supreme beings of this level are secretly listening to Jun Xiaoyao's sermon!

It's just that because of face, it was hidden in the void in its incarnation and did not appear directly.

This is simply shocking!

Although there are allusions in Confucianism about not being ashamed to ask questions.

But what kind of existence are these powerful people? They are all existences who have traveled a long way and been deeply immersed in the imperial path.

He was actually listening to Jun Xiaoyao's sermon.

Except for some emperor-level ones who have sensed it.

Ordinary people don't even notice.

There are also these big bosses listening in secret.

Jun Xiaoyao didn't mind either.

His way can only be possessed by himself.

Others can understand, listen, and draw parallels, but they can never copy it.

Because of this Tao, heaven and earth are unique, and Xiaoyao is unique.

time flies.

As Jun Xiaoyao preached, the visions between heaven and earth became more and more terrifying.

At the same time, there are also many monks who have some understanding and induction.

I feel like the bottleneck is loose, and I feel like I need to break through.

Even Jiang Shengyi is like this.

She sat cross-legged in the place closest to Jun Xiaoyao.

In addition, he has a Taoist Immortal Heart.

That kind of perception is simply incomparable to ordinary people.

And with Jiang Shengyi's qualifications, it is only a matter of time before he becomes emperor.

There is also Yunxi, which is also the place closest to Jun Xiaoyao.

She has the same evil talent. At this moment, the light of wisdom is flowing on her forehead, she is even more ethereal and bright, like a fairy in green.

And Dongfang Aoyue...

These people around Jun Xiaoyao will naturally gain the most.

In the end, the heaven and earth were covered with a rain of rune light.

Almost the entire Yun Shengxing was transformed into a place of enlightenment.

And the entire universe of the sea of ​​clouds is also filled with Tao Yun, and the Tao sound is rumbling.

Seven days and seven nights passed in a blink of an eye, and ordinary people have not even recovered.

When they withdraw from the state of enlightenment. UU read www.uukanshu. com

But they found that Jun Xiaoyao was no longer around.

After he finished speaking, he left directly.

However, the monks present all gained a lot.

Countless people stood up and raised their hands towards the depths of the Yun Imperial Clan.

"We will never forget the kindness given by Emperor Xiaoyao!"

There was even an emperor who gave him his hand with sighs in his eyes, truly admiring him.

Even those hidden emperors and near-god-level bosses in the void were sighing with their spiritual thoughts.

"The Imperial Realm is really just his starting point."

"His path is beyond our reach!"

(End of chapter)

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