Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2702: Falling into darkness again, unyielding will

Jun Xiaoyao and the others fell into one after another spheres of dark and strange energy.

This sphere is extremely strange, containing the power of annihilation, and has a terrifying dark aura, as if it came from the source.

Rao is as strong as Jun Cangsheng, and it will take time to break through.

Not to mention the rest.

It can be said that for other creatures, they would fall into darkness in an absolute instant.

The emperor couldn't hold back for a moment.

But what Jun Xiaoyao and others can do, needless to say, their minds are perfect and flawless.

It's just that Emperor Xuanyuan, Emperor Xianling, etc. have bigger problems.

Because they suppressed the black disaster with their bodies, they were already eroded by darkness and weirdness, and penetrated deep into their bones.

Although they were called back before, it was obviously only temporarily suppressed to restore their clarity.

My Lingtai is clear and bright, sitting cross-legged in the center of the divine body.

Dao Emperor, weak to break through the darkness, has he fallen into the white disaster?

Xuanyuan Qingxiao held her jade hand tightly.

We are worthy of the name of the emperor of the people and the emperor of the earth! but······

This pair of exposed eyes are as clear as the sun and the moon! What kind of scene will it be to slaughter the boundary sea that I once guarded?

"We have been eroded by darkness and darkness for countless years, all the time."

They are all existences aimed at the soul, as if they want to lead people into the abyss of depravity.

On the other side of the boundary sea, the faces of all the monks and creatures suddenly turned pale. call out!

She still has white hair, wearing a Taoist shirt, elegant and dusty, without any strange contamination of white and dark. Xuanyuan Qingxiao's heart sank.

This little Emperor Xuanyuan was surrounded by white and dark aura, with blood-stained hair covering his eyes.

If you give them time to recover, recuperate.

"Slaughter the existence that I once wanted to protect with my own hands."

Little Emperor Xuanyuan and Xian Cangsheng both persevered.

It is because we have been corrupted by darkness for a long time.

I want to see, when the time comes, Little Emperor Xuanyuan will fall into darkness again.

On the other side of the boundary sea, many monks and creatures saw that, their eyes turned red with excitement.

The weak are always weak!

On the other side of the boundary sea, many souls felt their hearts heavy when they saw that.

At the same time, the dark and strange power is eroding crazily.

Finally, there was no movement in the position where Emperor Xuanyuan was located.

The success or failure of Jun Xiaoyao and others is related to the survival of Jiehai.


I want Little Emperor Xuanyuan to fight Wu Hai with Jun Xiaoyao, Xuanyuan Qingxiao and others.

They can also slowly and completely solve the strange erosion in their bodies.

And in that seemingly eternal darkness, many strange illusions emerged.

But doing that now is totally pointless, and it won't have much effect.

But it is facing the source of disaster directly to the Priest! "Emperor Dao!"

Now, he has received another trick from the source of disaster priest.

The strength of Emperor Jun Ling, even the priest of the source of disaster has to be denied. It is very difficult for me to fall into darkness.

However, there is no movement outside.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao's face was moved, and it was difficult to maintain the intensity.

However, Jun Xiaoyao cast his gaze away and shook his head secretly, telling you that you were going to step down.

Especially what Emperor Xuanyuan said afterwards, I don't know why, which made me extremely happy.

You also showed your figure, but there was no thick white and dark aura surging under you.

The cocoon of white and dark was broken.

Of course, based on what Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Xianling can do.

At the last moment, there was a bang.

The whole body's breath is shaking, the heroic spirit pierces the sky, and the long blood-stained hair is flying around!

Xuanyuan Qingxiao knew that the most dangerous form was Little Emperor Xuanyuan.

On the other side, Xuanyuan Qingxiao was struggling to break the barrier of white and dark.

On the other side, Yun Zhongzi, Yun Zhongzi, the Mythical Emperor of the Yunsheng Emperor Palace, alone suppressed the mother emperor of the Devouring Clan and the Heaven Devouring Demon King.

I want to get rid of that illusion, get rid of that white and dark weirdness.

Emperor Basheng spoke leisurely, as if he didn't think the dust had settled yet.

Dao Emperor Wu Hai appeared.

I wanted to make a move, but was blocked by Emperor Basheng.

A sword light cut through the darkness. However... Boom!

It's a thousand times happier than burning your soul in pieces!

On the other side, Xian Cangsheng didn't move at all.

And in that suffocating passage of time.

If we also fail and fall into darkness, the consequences can be imagined.

For countless years, it has been corroded by darkness every moment.

The situation is not good. There were a few more shocks.

And Jiang Shengyi, who was not far away from the battlefield, saw that, and wanted to make another move, and once again borrowed the power of Xiaodao Xianxin to help us.

Over there, Emperor Huang, the mythical emperor of the Xuanyuan clan, changed his face slightly.


At this moment, Jun Xiaoyao saw at a glance that everything was white and dark.

Such a scene of cannibalism must be very boring.

"We already have medicine to save us, and the immortal will come back after being saved."

"Sure enough, Xuanyuan and Xianling spent a long time to strengthen the small fairy formation of the origin of the world and suppress me."

That does not mean that Emperor Xuanyuan and others are strong.

Unfortunately, they were not given time and opportunity. A figure emerged. I didn't mean it.

Jun Xiaoyao, Ye Junlin, Xuanyuan Qingxiao also broke through the darkness.

You're not even worried.

Even if it is temporarily suppressed now, it is obviously possible to fully recover.

Emperor Huang's words are hair.

What kind of injury is this, what kind of deep pain?

The Priest of Disaster Source gave Jun Lingdi a faint look.

It cannot be said that without us, the time for the white catastrophe to erupt would definitely be much earlier than now!

Finally, a certain moment.

Obviously it was only a short period of time, but in the hearts of everyone, it seemed as long as ten thousand years.


What made Jie Haisuo's heart sink was that. Boom!

"That scene should be very dramatic...

"···" The Priest of Disaster Source said leisurely.

At this moment, Little Emperor Xuanyuan, who was covered in blood, was surrounded by a thick white and dark aura.

The situation can be imagined.

It is because Jun Xiaoyao has feelings and is willing to save Emperor Xuanyuan and the immortals.

The priest of the disaster source said lightly: "Kill us."

"If that life is a waste of time, no one can end it, only the Jun family..." Yun Zhongzi murmured in his heart.

Jiang Shengyi is a hero like Ren, who once again fell into darkness.

The Priest of Disaster Source spoke enthusiastically, as if he appreciated the joy and despair shown on my face.

As soon as they regained their clarity, they immediately joined the battle again.

After all, after me, I was not at the end of the weak crossbow, but I was hit hard again before.

But Jun Xiaoyao, his body is moving, and the god's dharma body releases the darkness.

Unlike Xuanyuan who completely eradicated the darkness.

"The ending is about to be decided. It seems that the emperor did not choose the wrong side or the wrong team."

See Jun Xiaoyao and others who are overwhelmed by the power of darkness. Qianqian

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were also solemn. But I'm also watching the battle here.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao's eyes slowly fell to the direction where Emperor Xuanyuan was.

On the other side of the boundary sea, the hearts of countless people seemed to be pinched tightly by a small invisible hand, and they could hardly breathe.

It cannot be said that the only hope for Jun Xiaoyao and others is to meet the Jiehai.

There are countless monks in the sea, and they are all silent at the moment, and no one has tears in their eyes.

"I originally wanted to kill you, but now I suddenly feel that I will let you fall into darkness."

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . :

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