Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2701: Pluto Dharma Body, Pluto Suppressing Prison Body!

At this moment, the world is silent.

In the distance, the armies of the two worlds, seeing this sudden scene, seemed to be choked by the throat, shocked and speechless.

The whole battle situation is in chaos because of this!

Ye Junlin, white hair fluttering in the sky, the spear of purgatory in his hand pointed at the sky.

His pupils turned dark gold, and the dark golden Hades pattern appeared and disappeared on his body surface.

Behind him, the 100,000-foot dharma body stands majestically in the universe.

The face is exactly the same as Jun Xiaoyao's, but he is wearing a dark armor, his white hair is loose, and the roots are scattered in the void.

It seems that every strand of hair extends to Jiuyou Purgatory!

Such a dharma body of the king of the underworld stands in the boundless.

It really seems to have descended from the Nine Netherworld, the coercion is too terrifying, crushing the sky, the dark energy is rolling, and the magic power is mighty!

"That's..." Countless monks paid their respects.

Before, when Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual body was born, it shocked the world extremely.

But now, Ye Junlin has sacrificed such an ancient dharma body like a demon god.

Isn't this shocking? !

"What is that, is it really Hell Pluto who came to the world?"

"No, I have seen it in ancient books, Pluto body, there is an ultimate transformation, called the prison-suppressing Pluto body!"

"And it is said that the body of the prison-suppressing Hades can communicate with the Nine Netherworld Palaces, and lead the prison-suppressing Hades to come to the world!"

"But even so, throughout the ages, the Pluto body is rare."

"And those who can transform into the body of the prison-suppressing Hades and draw out the body of the prison-suppressing Hades are even rarer!"

On the Jiehai side, there was a strong man with trembling eyes, and a stormy sea in his heart.

The Pluto body is opposite to the God King body.

Back then, Jun Xiaoyao's father, Jun Wuhui, had pushed himself to the extreme in the final battle and transformed himself into the body of the God King of Absolute Beginning.

The God King Body can transform into the God King Body of Absolute Beginning.

The Pluto body, which is opposite to it, has naturally undergone transformation.

That is the prison-suppressing Hades body! Suppress Hell, Lord of the Underworld!

However, there were doubts in some people's eyes.

Ye Junlin's evildoer and strength, they admit, is Jun Xiaoyao's clone after all.

However, even so, Ye Junlin can now transform into the prison-suppressing Hades body and summon the Hades body.

This still seems a little unbelievable, a little against the sky.

At this moment, what many people have not noticed is.

Behind Pluto's body.

There is also a very faint shadow.

That shadow, dressed in general armor, was flying with four banners behind him.

It was the young general, Yue Qianzhong! It is also the body of the God of War of the Ezu tribe.

Yue Qianzhong looked at Ye Junlin with a hint of relief on his expression at this moment.

"The boy who slaughtered the demon became a demon, but the last demon chose to be the savior."

"All my remaining power is given to you." "Devils can also save sentient beings."

The light words disappeared along with Yue Qianzhong's figure.

In this world, there is no more God of War and Yue Qianzhong.

He blessed Ye Junlin with all the power of the last God of War of the Ezu tribe.

It is precisely because of this power that Ye Junlin can temporarily transform into the prison-suppressing Hades body and summon the Hades body.

This is not a move he can have at this stage.

But right now, since it has been summoned.

That naturally means that the current Ye Junlin has extremely powerful power!

After all, that is the power of Hades that suppresses the hells of the worlds!

"Sky Burial in Huangquan!"

Ye Junlin's tone was as cold as an eternal ice abyss.

Behind him, the Pluto Dharma Body exuding billowing dark energy followed him.

In the void, the sound of waves resounded.

A river of chaotic color seemed to spread out from under the Purgatory of the Nine Serenity, across the sky.

The bones of countless sentient beings, unjust ghosts and ghosts, sink and float in it.

This is a terrifying technique, it draws the river of the underworld from under the Nine Netherworlds, and wants to bury the entire sky! Rumble!

The rolling Huangquan River, accompanied by the endless power of death, rushed towards the Priestess, the source of disaster.


The priest of the source of disaster raised his hand to block it.

However, he was shocked again.

Here, when Jun Xiaoyao saw this, he seized the opportunity, and the god's dharma body also burst into immeasurable brilliance.

The Six Paths God Ring rotates behind the head, as if blessed by the power of faith from all beings in all worlds.

Immediately, the six visions of the holy body, accompanied by the rotation of the gods and dharma bodies, finally condensed into a punch, breaking the cycle of reincarnation!


With one punch, it seemed that even the long river of time had been punched out, creating chaos and mist.

The priest of the source of calamity was shaken back again. Jun Xiaoyao's spiritual body. The Pluto Dharma Body of Ye Junlin.

Simultaneously suppressed and killed, immeasurable mighty power superimposed, as if even the sky could suppress it!

Because the two are one, they are connected with each other, and they cooperate with each other like never before. Boom! Boom! Boom!

The priest of the source of disaster was shaken back step by step.

And the creatures from the two worlds who saw this scene couldn't believe it.

Jun Xiaoyao, really shocked the source of disaster priests away!

It's unimaginable!

If it is said that Jun Cangsheng repelled the source of disaster priest, it might still be accepted by others.

After all, he is the Dao Emperor.

But Jun Xiaoyao, although he is unparalleled in Jiehai, is even more monstrous.

But after all, he is just a junior.

Even with the help of a powerful dharma body, it would be shocking and staggering to be able to shake off the source of disaster.

"Young commander is invincible!"

Some generals and soldiers from Zhenmoguan were screaming, feeling like their blood was burning. ???.BiQuPai.

Since ancient times, heroes have been born as teenagers.

With the posture of a junior, Jun Xiaoyao fought against the priest of the source of disaster and repelled him. How passionate is this!

The priest of the source of disaster did not expect that UU Reading Ye Junlin actually summoned the prison-suppressing Hades to come to the world.

But fortunately, it was only a dharma body, and it only borrowed part of its power, and did not let the power of the prison-suppressing Hades fully manifest.

However, the priest of the source of disaster is, after all, the priest of the source of disaster.

The reason why he was knocked back was because he didn't expect that Ye Junlin would burst out with such a powerful force all at once.

After recovering.

The source of disaster priest moved his palms, and a dark vortex appeared in front of him.

Block the gods' dharma body and Pluto's dharma body.

But at this time, a unparalleled sword edge cut through the void, destroyed the order, and came with a powerful killing intent. It was Jun Cangsheng.

Xuanyuan Qingxiao, Emperor Xuanyuan, Emperor Xianling and others also came to make moves.

Facing so many killing moves, surrounded. The priest of the source of disaster stood in place.

All time and space seem to be slowed down.

His foot stepped forward.

A field of pure black, centered on him, spread towards the universe.

In an instant, Jun Cangsheng, Jun Xiaoyao and others were all included in this pure black domain.

Then, the power of pure darkness was so thick that it seemed to be substantial, like black mud, instantly wrapped Jun Xiaoyao and others in it.

They can't dodge even if they want to, even if they have extreme speed.

Because, as long as it is in this pure black field, it will definitely be trapped and wrapped in it.

In an instant, Jun Xiaoyao felt that a dark and strange force was eroding his body and will.

"This is... the strange and depraved method of the black peril!

Jun Xiaoyao was slightly shocked.

The source of disaster sacrificed to the Lord, corrupted endless creatures, and turned into a black disaster group.

Even Emperor Xuanyuan and others had fallen into darkness because of the dark and strange atmosphere before.

Obviously, with this move, the Disaster Priestess wanted to plunge them into darkness as well!

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