Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2693: 1 move to destroy the near **** level, the power of annihilation

The master of disaster source's move was too abrupt.

And the most important thing is that the speed of the black light is so fast that people can't react at all.

Even in the realm of mythology, this move can be called extremely fast.

Although the Zhantian Emperor is strong, he has not yet reached the level of mythology.

His reaction was naturally slow.

Emperor Xuanyuan had sensed it, and immediately made a move to stop it.

He and the priest of disaster source are old rivals.

However, although Emperor Xuanyuan has regained his clarity, it is just as the priest of the disaster source said.

He has exhausted his energy and energy, and is at the end of his strength, and it is difficult for him to truly exert his cultivation at the absolute peak.

Therefore, Emperor Xuanyuan's attack did not completely block the blow of the priest of the source of disaster.

At the very beginning, the eyes of the priest of disaster source fell on Jun Xiaoyao.

"That's right, it's just the blood of the Yun clan." That's too scary! Guan Zhantian was also shocked.

The priest of disaster source looked at Ye Junlin again, before shaking his head slightly.

On the other side of the boundary sea, countless monks felt their scalps tingle when they saw that scene, as if they were about to explode.

I said lightly: "Those two, leave it to you." Wu Guang crossed and directly pierced through Emperor Zhantian's Yanyue Saber.

At the same time, Wu Guang pierced through the chest of Emperor Zhantian.

But in the presence, is there anyone who can directly suppress the priest of the source of disaster.

"It's been a disappointment for many years."

Of course, the Heaven Devouring Demon King suffered heavy injuries afterwards, and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

You know, that was performed by Jun Xiaoyao, but with the power of the divine body. Qianqian

It's just that, the destruction of the physical body has too little impact on the combat power, and it is basically difficult to join the battle.


The priest of the source of disaster is really meaningless, but that's all.

The waves of destruction swept out in an instant. but!

But strangely, no blood spattered out. "It's boring, it's really boring, he doesn't have the breath of this family."

At most, Jun Xiaoyao can't pose the slightest threat to me.

So Yun Zhongzi blocked it alone, allowing us to interfere with the battlefield.

As soon as Jun Xiaoyao made a move, he made a small move.

The source of disaster priest was referring to, of course, the true God of War of the E tribe, Yue Qianzhong.

Ye Junlin is Jun Xiaoyao's Pluto body.

The priest of the source of disaster, with just one finger, a near-god-level existence was abolished!

The priest of the source of disaster stretched out a finger again, and a black light emerged, piercing the void.

"But it's a pity that we all turned into ashes in the first place." It is Genesis, God's Light, God's Punishment, and the combination of two styles.

And over there, Yun Zhongzi, the Mythical Emperor of the Yunshengdi Palace, was dressed in a white robe with wide sleeves, long hair fluttering, and his demeanor was refined, like a fairy in the world.

"Emperor Huang, he said later that you chose the wrong side and the wrong team, so now?"

Wherever it passes, the void annihilates with sound, collapses, and turns into ashes.

This is a kind of extreme power that destroys the world.

The body of the gods and spirits raised both hands, controlling the bright light with one hand, and tossing sentient beings to rob and punish with the other. The source of disaster priest sighed.

For example, the power of white blood, the ultimate calamity, pollutes the world's creatures.

Then the Seven Apocalypses of Doom, each one is complex, controlling the same ultimate power.

Although the source of disaster is sacrificed to the Lord, I don't care. He stepped back and let out a muffled grunt.

However, it is very strange that when this wave of destruction meets the pure white light beam, it is completely annihilated, as if it has turned into countless particles.

No matter how weak the priest of the source of calamity is, we have only made a single move.

I glanced indifferently: "Is it the blood of Emperor Yunsheng Palace? Back then, the ancestor of his line, together with the ancestor of Xuanyuan, suppressed me during the first small war."

Guan Zhantian is also a ruthless person, very decisive, he cut off half of his polluted body directly!

No matter how few words Huo Jiazhen said, he fought fiercely with Emperor Huang.

"Let's worry about them first." Emperor Basheng said enthusiastically.

This power can be compared in the same breath.

And then, only Little Emperor Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Qingxiao, Emperor Xianling, Jun Xiaoyao, and Ye Junlin remained.

This simple finger contains the power of annihilation controlled by the priest of the source of disaster!

So in terms of mood, there are only seven people.

The so-called oblivion and white misfortune don't have that kind of meaning outside.

And the Queen Mother of the Devouring Clan, the Demon King of Devouring Heaven, and the Emperor of Eight Lives also took action.

I have already raised my mind.

At my level, even if the body dies, as long as the primordial spirit remains, one can still survive.

Without lessons learned from others, Jun Xiaoyao will naturally repeat the same mistakes.

"Seeking skin from a tiger, what does he think will happen to him?" Emperor Huang's face was serious.

Therefore, it was said that Xuanyuan Qingxiao would once again become the ancestor of the Ba clan.

With a thought, the body of the gods and spirits of a hundred thousand feet, level with the sky, followed me.

"If it wasn't for that dharma body, he wouldn't be qualified to talk to me at all."

There are seven people in total.

"Xuanyuan Qingxiao, before this battle, he was still the ancestor of the Ba clan, Emperor Nanba."

"In the past, you also met two existences who were almost the same as him, and they were both so confident that they thought they were the ones who wrote the ending."

"Since that's the case, let's end with him." Even if there are a few people besieging me, there will be no disturbance at all.

What kind of shocking power is that? There is a terrifying aura rising up.

In my opinion, it seems that the result of this battle is not meaningless.

The Master of Disaster, commented in a calm tone. But suddenly, my eyes fixed on Jun Xiaoyao's body, and I let out a heavy hey.

Because I know that fighting against that kind of existence, the special supernatural moves will have no effect at all.

The face is very young, but there is no change in the vicissitudes of life outside the eyes.

The power of the blood sacrifice of the Lord of the Last Days, to sacrifice all living beings and feed back oneself.

"Have you commented enough, Priestess of Disaster, do you really think the ending hasn't been decided yet?"

I noticed that this black light, in my body, seemed to turn into countless white and dark particles, and finally corrupted its body and annihilated everything.


A terrifying imperial aura erupted, carrying a majestic fighting spirit, and the vast fluctuations were turbulent.

"It's true that I don't care about it, but it's a pity that every generation is the same."

The Basheng Emperor directly confronted Emperor Xuanyuanhuang.

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes were deep.

What I am referring to is the mother queen of the Devouring Clan and the Demon King of Devouring Heaven.

It seems that the divine body at this moment is a **** who rules life and death in the world.

The priest of the source of disaster, this face with a white whirlpool mask, seemed to reveal a visible line of sight, and swept across the seven people.

The eyes of the Master of Disasters fell on Jun Xiaoyao again.

The Yanyue Knife, which was infused with immortal gold, was completely annihilated under the corrosion of the black light!

At this moment, this move is used to destroy the waves, as if wanting to destroy the heavens and worlds, UU Reading pushes backwards, and the Abyss of Eternal Darkness trembles.

When Xuanyuan Qingxiao heard that, her golden eyes were also indifferent.

I shook my head slightly and sighed: "One generation is like one generation, Xuanyuan, fairy, how long can they last?"

Jun Xiaoyao's voice was light.

Jun Xiaoyao knew that the battle would be so tense.

Yun neutron, use one to block seven!

Without any hesitation, Little Emperor Xuanyuan and others made a move.

Emperor Zhantian also reacted at the last moment, and the Yanyue Saber was thrown horizontally in front of him.

Because that blood was corroded by the black light. "As for you..."

And the method used by the priest of the disaster source is also the mood, the power of annihilation, if there is a way to overwhelm me from the divine power of the law, it will be offset.

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