Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2692: Doomsday 4 Apocalypse, the source of famine, and the source of disaster to sacrifice

The Abyss of Eternal Darkness is an absolute darkness.

And from that absolute darkness, such a humanoid creature walked out.

He looked, really, no different from an ordinary human being, with a similar body shape. Qianqian

In addition to wearing a black swirl-style mask on the face.

Going out, if you restrain your breath, you will hardly attract any special attention.

And who would have thought that such an existence would cause the great disaster of Jiehai.

"This is... the source of the black disaster..."

Looking at this humanoid creature, countless strong people on the Jiehai side were stunned and astonished.

It has to be said that when this humanoid creature appeared, its prestige was indeed terrifying, shaking the entire boundary sea.

Make the heaven and earth tremble, make all living beings tremble, and make the universe sink!

Hear the words of the Lord of Disaster.

But it looks like it looks a little ordinary.

"The priest of the source of disaster, after all, we have to make a break with him."

So let the small army advance, as long as it makes the white disaster group escape, it will be headed.

The breath even crossed the dam and swept towards the Nine Heavens Immortal Realm.

It is not for any reason that the source of disaster sacrifices to the Lord.

The Dark Truth of the Doomsday Master controls the power of blood sacrifice.

"And use this as the starting point to devour the fairyland, and even the entire vast starry sky!"

On the other side, the Immortal Emperor's face did not fluctuate.


But now, the priests of the source of disaster have all appeared.

That black light is exactly the light that annihilates the world!

"Master of Disaster, I hope he will not forget the promise he made with you."

Is your situation any worse than Little Emperor Xuanyuan's?

"Everyone, let's move forward for now!"

Wherever Wu Guang passed, everything was annihilated with sound and breath.

"Xuanyuan, he has exhausted his efforts, in order not to suppress me for a while, even if his eyes regain clarity temporarily, it is the end of his weakness."

Solving the source of the disaster is the most important thing.

You must know that the strength of an existence cannot be determined just by looking at its appearance.

However, even Jun Xiaoyao has to deny it.

That, is my instinct.

"Seven Apocalypse at the End of Days..." Why am I the ultimate goal.

The seven apocalypses of the doomsday, the ultimate fear of the seven children in the world.

On the other side of the boundary sea, countless monks and souls felt a chill that penetrated to the marrow of their bones.

The priest of disaster source let out a hoarse laugh.

This is destruction, destruction, but complete annihilation!

The priest of the source of disaster spoke, his voice was hoarse, and it seemed to be the words from the darkest place in the world.

Little Emperor Xuanyuan looked straight at the humanoid creature with unprecedented heat in his eyes.

It is the power of devouring and the power of annihilation.

But right now, it's time to think about those things. "How did such an existence come about?"

It is like saying that existence like mine has already put life and death into consideration.

However, compared to those Jiehai monks who have never really seen the source of the black disaster.

"It's as hard as ascending to the sky to become a fairy, but in this world, there is naturally no chance of becoming a fairy." Disaster source Jizhu said.

I was reminded of the figure sitting under the throne of darkness.

Facing the existence of that level, the special number of people has not lost its meaning.

"You only need the power of the Sacred Tree of Origin." Eight Lives Emperor said.

The meaning of the existence of the priest of the source of disaster is not to devour the world!

war! famine! plague! die!

Several people trembled and felt a kind of fear from the soul.

It's like living things want to eat special.

Those who are the weakest, let the heroes of the world and the small army advance.

I am the Seven Small Sources of Destruction in the World, one of the Seven Apocalypses of the Last Days, and I am the priest representing the source of famine!

"Let me see if the World Sea in that world can do nothing against me!"

"Father, you..."

Even, it was not as shocking as before when the Heaven Devouring Demon King was born.

Although it does have that kind of palpitating dark and strange atmosphere and power.

The Lord of Disaster is the source of chaos and disaster, the source of famine that annihilates the world and devours all living beings!

"I, one of the seven ultimate darknesses in the world, the source of chaos and chaos in the world, will eventually swallow the world sea."

It is rumored that when the world ends and the era falls, the seven knights of the apocalypse, representing the will to destroy, will spread disaster and despair to the world.

Come one, or ten billion, it doesn't make the slightest difference.

The mask under my face is not hollow, but it seems to have a tangible gaze.

It seems that the priest himself, the source of disaster, is not a white hole.

Even in the eyes, the priest of the source of disaster is too weak to fathom.

The source of the seven revelations of the doomsday is really the figure under the throne of darkness.

That's right.

Only the mother emperor and others of the Maizu family still stay in the void. Absolute hunger, forever devouring.

The Priestess of the Source of Disaster in front of his eyes has a mighty aura that spreads across the entire sea, but his own cultivation is deep and unpredictable.

A black light from Jane's quilt, so deep and white, shot out directly from the hole in her fingertips!

It is the source of the disaster, the source of the disaster, the priest!

From the ultimate calamity to the dark truth of the Lord of the Last Days, to the current source of white calamity, the source of calamity sacrifices to the Lord.

How weak is this figure, and what level is it at?

The ultimate calamity holds the power of white blood.

"Qing Xiao, the white misfortune needs to be completely put down before we can bring peace to the world. Do you have any reason to move forward?"

Lift one finger and point out.

The most powerful people including Emperor Xuanyuan, as well as some old antiques, all had unprecedented solemn expressions on their faces.

I also don't have my own terror power.

Because this humanoid creature looks...too ordinary.

As for Xuanyuan Qingxiao, upon hearing the words of the Priest of Disaster, he looked at Little Emperor Xuanyuan, his eyes trembling.

The white disaster group is also moving forward. "The wheat is ripe and ready to be harvested."

However, when it really appeared, it still surprised everyone.

Refining everything in the world, the priest of the source of disaster, will be extremely weak and degenerate into an unimaginable creature.

Little Emperor Xuanyuan's expression did not fluctuate.

I'm really curious about the source of the seven apocalypse.

Little Emperor Xuanyuan revealed the title of the humanoid creature.

The Eight Lives Emperor's eyes also fell on the Master of Disaster.

And the target was actually Zhantian Xiaodi! At the same time as the voice of the Lord of Disasters fell. Let people find out.

But the current situation requires us to move forward.

Even, it can only be regarded as the source of disaster and the food of the priest.

Therefore, for the priest of the source of disaster, my only will is not to annihilate the world, devour the world, and destroy the world.

It is very ineffective for the Jiehai small army to encircle and suppress the white disaster group.

What is famine?

"Jiehai has changed from generation to generation. UU Reading" The source of disaster, the master of disaster sacrifices!

The source of disaster sacrificed to the master, with a grand tone, with a will to destroy the world.

Jun Xiaoyao also let out a heavy breath.

Who would have thought that the little Emperor Xuanyuan hadn't exhausted his energy, even if he was pulled back from the darkness, it would be difficult for him to last for too long.

And the priest of the source of disaster, as the famine that swallows up the world.

Swallowing the world is not the meaning of my existence. It's really an "old acquaintance". "Let's do it..."

So far in the small battle, there is no way out.


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