Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2543 Various forces attended the banquet, the world-traveling master of Shenji Tower, Yi Zho

Except for the ancient gods.

Other forces arrived one after another.

For example, the Taoist Palace on the other side of the Hunxu Star Realm.

Taoist girl Su Qian also came this time.

Before Jun Xiaoyao went to the Hunxu Star Realm, he had some relationship with the Dao Palace on the other side.

He even helped Bian Dao Palace to solve the hidden dangers of the Buddha Emperor's son and the Buddha Palace.

Now Jun Xiaoyao is about to ascend to the position of Young Emperor Yunsheng.

This actually made Bian Daogong want to deepen his relationship with Jun Xiaoyao.

Then, a gorgeous building boat also came across.

"That's... the Great Xia Holy Dynasty!"

Some people looked away.

Especially when I saw a beautiful woman standing in the wind on the deck of the ship.

There was a hint of gossip-like curiosity in his eyes.

The stunningly beautiful woman was wearing a light golden palace dress that outlined her beautiful curves.

She is graceful and beautiful.

The golden black bird mark between her eyebrows gives the woman a mysterious sense of nobility.

This woman is naturally Xia Yuhua.

On the side of the Great Xia Holy Dynasty, the three major Holy Dynasties are also initially integrated and unified.

So Xia Jiehua also had some free time.

In addition, it was Jun Xiaoyao's young emperor's banquet, so no matter what, Xia Yuhua would not miss it.

But at this moment, there was some kind of profound light flickering in the depths of Xia Yuhua's eyes.

Before coming, Jun Xiaoyao sent her some news.

"Tsk, tsk, is this the Crown Prince of Great Xia? He is indeed extraordinary."

"Now that the three major holy dynasties are unified, they have become a force that cannot be underestimated."

"Sure enough, it seems that the fate of everyone who can establish a relationship with Emperor Yunxiao will change for the better."

"That's why I have to flatter you even more."

Some people commented.

Then, another force came.

They are the Wind Clan and the Fire Clan.

Feng Luohan and Huo Ling'er also arrived.

Then someone from Origin Academy came to congratulate him.

With the arrival of more and more forces.

The entire Qiongshan Mountain and Blue Sea became very lively.

Of course, not all forces are here.

For example, the Li people have no visitors.

Even Li Xianyao didn't come, so he didn't know what the situation was.

And that's when.

Jun Xiaoyao and others appeared.

In addition to Jun Xiaoyao, Yun Daoyi, Yun Ruoshui, Yun Xi and others also appeared together.

These people are considered to be the most outstanding beings in the Yun Sheng Imperial Palace.

"Wait, I've met Young Emperor Yun Sheng!"

At the banquet, people from all walks of life bowed their hands in greeting when they saw Jun Xiaoyao's appearance.

His power and prestige are evident.

It can be said that if it were anyone else in this position, they would never know where their heart would wander.

Jun Xiaoyao's face was very plain, with a faint smile.

"Thank you all for coming to the Young Emperor's Banquet."

"I think you may be a little confused as to why the Young Emperor's Banquet is held here instead of in the Yunsheng Emperor's Palace."

After hearing Jun Xiaoyao's words, everyone present was also a little curious.

"It's actually very simple. That's because the mountain and sea star realm is the starting point for the rise of this emperor's son in the origin universe."

"It has special meaning to me."

After hearing Jun Xiaoyao's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

I see!

I understand it now that I think about it.

And just as the banquet started.

Another force has arrived.

A golden building ship came through the sky.

"That's... the Xuanyuan clan!"

Some people looked surprised.

The Xuanyuan clan is in a bleak situation in the Land of Immortal Relics, and there is no good news.

And what’s even more surprising is.

The people who came were actually the three heroes of Xuanyuan who had suffered a defeat under Jun Xiaoyao, as well as the female war goddess Xuanyuan Fengwu and others.

"The Xuanyuan clan is actually coming, and it's the Three Great Masters of Xuanyuan and others."

Some people find it unbelievable.

But there is also humanity.

"Although the three heroes of Xuanyuan were tortured by Emperor Yunxiao, there was no blood feud."

"In the past, the relationship between the Xuanyuan clan and the Yunsheng Emperor's Palace was pretty good. There is no need to break off the relationship just because of this little friction and fight."

The three heroes of Xuanyuan didn't have any congratulatory expressions on their faces, but they didn't show any coldness either.

Obviously not here to cause trouble.

Jun Xiaoyao also nodded slightly.

The Xuanyuan clan still has this pattern.

His eyes suddenly fell on Xuanyuan Fengwu.

It was discovered that there was a golden leg ring tied on her long legs, which just blocked the writing he left.

But to be honest, it is more eye-catching.

It seemed that he noticed Jun Xiaoyao's gaze.

Xuanyuan Fengwu secretly grinded her silver teeth and glared at Jun Xiaoyao.

If it weren't for this bad guy, how could she make such a move.

Following the arrival of the Xuanyuan clan, a jade-white flying boat arrived.

There is a woman standing on it, her face is covered with purple gauze, and she is wearing a purple dress.

She is extremely tall, with gorgeous curves, and her legs are slender and straight, with a bit of jade-like luster.

The face was covered with a veil, revealing only a pair of eyes, which were like stars at night, very deep.

It is Yue Nianjun, or in other words, Dongfang Aoyue.

Seeing the arrival of Dongfang Aoyue, Jun Xiaoyao also smiled.

It seems that the people present are almost here.

The banquet is also about to begin.

But that's it.

A person that no one expected arrived.

"I would like to congratulate Emperor Yun Xiao on ascending to the position of Young Emperor Yun Sheng."

As this voice came out.

A young man appeared.

This young man, wearing a black and white Taoist robe, looked very simple.

His face was like jade, his lips were red and his teeth were white, like a young Taoist, with a kind of leisurely and free temperament.

"Your Excellency is..."

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes showed a trace of strange color.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself."

"I am from Shenji Tower, Yi Zhou!"

The man named Yi Zhou said.

"What, Shenji Tower!"

Hearing this, all the forces present could not help but be surprised, and their eyes were shaken.

All their eyes fell on Yi Zhou.

Shenji Tower, that is a mysterious organization that arranges the Origin Gold List, it is permanently neutral, and there are only a few people in the past generations.

"Is this person the person who travels around the world in Shenji Tower?" Some people stared at Yi Zhou.

Although there are few people in Shenji Tower, there will be one person who comes out in every generation to travel around the world.

That is the attention of all parties.

Many people even think that from this person who travels around the world, it can be seen which force or person is likely to get great luck.

And now, this Yi Zhou came to attend the Young Emperor Banquet to congratulate Jun Xiaoyao.

Does it mean that Jun Xiaoyao may be in charge of this life's destiny and seize the great fortune?

Thinking of this, many people were secretly shocked.

Not everyone is qualified to invite people from the Shenji Tower to the banquet.

"It turned out to be Brother Yi Zhou." Jun Xiaoyao smiled slightly.

His eyes flashed.

Yi Zhou.

Zhou Yi.

Is this a coincidence?

But no matter what, Jun Xiaoyao thinks that this Yi Zhou is hiding very deeply.

Jun Xiaoyao cannot detect the breath on him, and even the cause and effect luck and so on seem to be nothingness.

In this case, generally speaking, Yi Zhou should have some magic weapon means to shield his breath.

After all, it seems reasonable that he was born in the Shenji Tower and can shield the secrets of heaven.

But what if it is another possibility?

Jun Xiaoyao's eyes are deep.

No matter what, this Yi Zhou and the Shenji Tower are definitely not simple.

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