Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2542 Young Emperor Banquet Planning, the stage is set, the Ancient God Clan

Just when they were preparing for the Young Emperor's banquet in Yunsheng Emperor's Palace.

Jun Xiaoyao found Elder Yun Qian.

"Great Elder, I have something to discuss with you." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"What's the matter?"

"As for the location of the Young Emperor's Banquet, I don't want to hold it here in the Yunsheng Emperor's Palace." Jun Xiaoyao said.


Elder Yun Qian looked at Jun Xiaoyao strangely.

"What does it mean?"

"I want to choose the mountain and sea star realm." Jun Xiaoyao said.

"Why?" Elder Yun Qian asked subconsciously.

Jun Xiaoyao just smiled and didn't explain anything.

Elder Yun Qian was slightly startled and took a deep look at Jun Xiaoyao.

"Okay, this is your Young Emperor's banquet. You can have it wherever you want."

"In addition, it is just a young emperor's banquet, so there is no need to bother the ancestors and others to attend the banquet in person." Jun Xiaoyao added.

"Young boy, you are not even giving the ancestors face..."

Elder Yun Qian was speechless when he heard this.

I am afraid that only Jun Xiaoyao has the courage to say such things, as he does not want the ancestors to attend the banquet.

If it were anyone else, he would be eager to let the ancestors attend the banquet to gain face for himself.

"Okay, I'll go ask and make arrangements."

Although Elder Yun Qian was confused.

But he knew that Jun Xiaoyao would not act without aim.

"Thank you very much. This young emperor's banquet actually doesn't need to be too grand."

"After all, the real drama was never the Young Emperor's banquet." Jun Xiaoyao smiled.

When Elder Yun Qian heard this, he showed deep meaning.

Could it be that someone dared to cause trouble at the Young Emperor's banquet?

After that, Elder Yun Qian also left to make arrangements.

"Wenhui Fozi wants to avenge Chen Xuan, so this Young Emperor's Banquet is undoubtedly the best stage."

"Ji Taisui, the stage has been set for you. Next, it's up to you to perform. Don't let me down..."

A faint smile appeared on Jun Xiaoyao's lips.

In terms of city government and scheming, he has never been afraid of anyone.

Now I ask Hui Fozi, do you think that because of Ji Taisui's relationship with the Sansheng Palace, you can overthrow him?

Simply ridiculous!

As the time goes.

Next, Yun Sheng Emperor Palace also passed the letter with his sword and invited all the heroes.

In the origin universe, many well-known forces were invited.

After all, this young emperor’s banquet is not ordinary.

Young Emperor Yunsheng represents the future core existence of the Yunsheng Imperial Palace, a pillar and helmsman-like existence.

This is like the enthronement ceremony of a prince of a dynasty.

From now on, the entire Yunsheng Emperor Palace will respect Jun Xiaoyao.

Therefore, this Young Emperor's Banquet is also a good time to get to know Jun Xiaoyao and build relationships.

There are countless noblewomen, princesses, and saints from dynasties, ancient tribes, and great religions.

After learning that she was qualified to go to the Young Emperor's Banquet, she was ecstatic, and then she dressed herself up and looked gorgeous.

Even if Jun Xiaoyao can take a second look, it is a blessing.

If we can strike up a conversation, we might even have a slight connection.

That would be even better, it would be like reaching the sky in one step, and other people would look at it differently.

However, the only thing that makes all the forces confused is this.

The venue for the Young Emperor's Banquet was not in the Yun Sheng Star Realm, the headquarters of the Yun Sheng Emperor's Palace.

Instead, he chose to be in the mountain and sea star realm, a place called Qiongshan Blue Sea.

This Qiongshan and Blue Sea is also a famous scenic spot in the world of mountains and seas.

Although there was a trace of doubt in their hearts, no one questioned anything.

Maybe Jun Xiaoyao is an elegant person who likes mountains and rivers?

After a period of time.

All forces are also heading to the mountain, sea and star realm through the cross-border teleportation array.

The Mountain and Sea Star Realm was originally a relatively remote star realm among the ten major star realms.

Not exactly backwoods, but definitely not central.

But recently, the entire Mountain and Sea Star Realm has been very lively.

The local sub-ultimate forces in the mountain, sea and star world, such as the Fire Clan and the Wind Clan, are also in charge of order.

After all, the little princess of the Fire Tribe and the goddess of the Wind Tribe both know Jun Xiaoyao and have a good relationship with them.

The two of them can be regarded as having a relationship with the Yunsheng Emperor Palace.

This Young Emperor's banquet, of course, took the initiative to maintain order.

A certain area in the mountain, sea and star realm.

Here, the continuous green mountains and ancient mountains are as if carved from green jade. Looking from a distance and looking close, there are different mysterious pleasures.

The jade waterfall falls down, suspiciously like the Milky Way, with broken jade splashing up.

There is also a large area of ​​green lake, like emerald, embedded in it.

The spiritual mist is lingering and the smoke is rising.

Although this place is not the most precious blessed place in the world.

But it is definitely a pure land that is hard to find.

This area is Qiongshan and Blue Sea.

At this moment, many banquets have been set up in this area.

Countless people flow through it.

And there are all famous big shots.

Maybe the person he bumped into was an elder from a certain force or a young lady from an ancient family.

Those who can be invited to the Young Emperor's banquet are not ordinary people.

At the same time, there were countless divine rainbows escaping from the far sky.

There are golden carriages, white jade chariots, suspended pavilions, flying boats, flying ancient beasts and so on.

People from many powerful forces arrived.

"Hey, that's the ancient god clan!"

Someone saw a golden mountain coming through the sky.

That is the mobile tool of the ancient gods.

Although the Ancient God Clan has not yet reached ultimate power, it is still the most prosperous Ancient Imperial Clan.

Maybe a little stronger than the Li people.

And on that golden mountain.

There was a familiar figure.

A cute little girl in red, sitting on the shoulders of a big man, one big and one small.

It was Gu Xiaoyu and Gu Qingtian.

"Sister, I must thank the young master this time."

"If it weren't for his face, we wouldn't have been able to integrate into the ancient god clan so quickly." Gu Qingtian scratched his head and said.

"Of course I know, you still need me to tell you." Gu Xiaoyu's cheeks puffed up and said.

After coming to the origin universe.

In fact, at the beginning, Gu Xiaoyu and Gu Qingtian were not in a good situation.

The people of the ancient god clan even discriminated against them.

After all, their lineage was defeated in the internal struggle and left on their own initiative.

And now, only Gu Xiaoyu has a little royal blood in her body.

Gu Qingtian doesn't have much.

But later, after learning that Gu Xiaoyu and Gu Qingtian were related to Jun Xiaoyao.

The attitude of the ancient god clan towards them changed a little.

And after the incident in the Immortal Relics Land,

Knowing that Jun Xiaoyao will become the young emperor of Yunsheng.

Even the current clan leader of the Ancient God Clan personally met with Gu Xiaoyu and her brother.

Tell them that they must maintain a good relationship with Jun Xiaoyao.

They can use the royal blood and cultivation resources of the Ancient God Clan at will.

It can be said that without Jun Xiaoyao's face.

They are afraid that they will not get along well in the Ancient God Clan.

Jun Xiaoyao is their destined nobleman.

"Xiaoyu, please introduce us to Mr. Jun when we meet him later."

On the side, several women of the Ancient God Clan who look like Barbie dolls are dressing themselves up and said delicately.

Strictly speaking, according to the aesthetics of the Ancient God Clan, they are also great beauties.

Gu Xiaoyu snorted in her heart.

She thought to herself, he will not like you.

He likes white, young and thin.

Well, just like her, Gu Xiaoyu.

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