Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2521: Fighting Xuanyuan Zongheng, Zongheng Fist

Little brother Yunxiao?

What kind of name is this? Jun Xiaoyao is speechless.

It feels very unfamiliar.

"Sister Clan, I'm not young anymore."

"Not small?"

Yun Ruoshui looked at Jun Xiaoyao and nodded his chin slightly, revealing a meaningful expression.

Jun Xiaoyao was even more speechless.

Yun Ruoshui looked like the kind of elegant and gentle girl from the Jiangnan water town. She was holding an oil-paper umbrella and looked extremely elegant.

But why do I feel that my thinking is so out-of-the-box and does not match my temperament?

What is the contrast?

"Sister Weak Water Tribe, go and break the formation pattern of the Feathered Immortal Lotus."

"As for the rest, leave it to me."

Jun Xiaoyao wisely dealt with this topic.

Yun Ruoshui smiled elegantly, her teeth like plaited shells.

Then, Yun Ruoshui and others also took action and began to break the natural formation pattern of the Feathered Immortal Lotus.

Youyun Ruoshui, the Tianmai Emperor's daughter, naturally took action much faster.

But here, Xuanyuan Zongheng's expression already had a hint of gloom.

He had never gotten the slightest bit of good looks from Yun Ruoshui.

But Yun Ruoshui was so enthusiastic about Yun Xiao when they met for the first time.

Although it was because of his fellow race, Xuanyuan Zongheng still felt unhappy.

And there was a sense of threat.

Although they are of the same race, intermarriage is very common.

What's more, Jun Xiaoyao and Yun Ruoshui are actually quite far apart. They are both from the heaven and earth veins, so their blood relationship is not close.

Previously, Xuanyuan Zongheng also thought that Yun Ruoshui admired the Tianmai Emperor Yun Daoyi.

But now it seems that Yun Ruoshui really only has respect for him.

On the contrary, Jun Xiaoyao, even with Xuanyuan Zongheng's eyes, had to admit it.

He is a pretty boy who can please women.

"The younger generation is a bit crazy, but I, the Xuanyuan clan, are not prepared to give up this Feathered Immortal Lotus."

"Besides, you also robbed my Xuanyuan clan of opportunities in the Emperor Burial Cemetery."

Xuanyuan Zongheng's breath was rising, his hair was fluttering, and he was ready to go.

"Junior? In the face of strength, there are only strong and weak."

"There are two roads before you now."

"First rule, get out."

"Principle two, teach people how to behave, and then get out."

Jun Xiaoyao said lightly.

Hearing this, Yun Ruoshui couldn't help but smile.

This little clan brother is quite domineering.


Xuanyuan Zongheng also laughed, and even laughed when he was extremely angry.

Yun Daoyi is not so crazy.

Nowadays, each of the younger generations is better at talking than the last one.

Xuanyuan Zongheng didn't waste much time and took action directly.

He clenched his fist with five fingers and punched out horizontally. Golden light surged and the void boiled.

When Xuanyuan Zongheng took action, the wave was extremely powerful.

Even more so than the previous Prince Zhan.

After all, he is a sealed king, an ancient evildoer, and his strength is indeed incredible.

When Jun Xiaoyao saw this, he was also unremarkable and pushed out with a palm.

The Sumeru world in his body has evolved to 40 million.

At this level, Jun Xiaoyao himself can burst out any divine power without even having to do it.

Every move he makes has immeasurable power.

The fists and palms connected, and the sound of energy sonic boom exploded.

Xuanyuan Zongheng felt an extremely terrifying divine power coming over him.

It made his arm bones vibrate, as if cracks were bursting out.

Xuanyuan Zongheng took a few steps back.

Then, the golden armor on his body suddenly sprouted ancient runes.

In an instant, a mysterious power blessed Xuanyuan Zongheng.

He reluctantly accepted Jun Xiaoyao's palm.

Jun Xiaoyao took a look.

The treasured armor of Xuanyuan Zongheng obviously has a great origin, is unusual, and can bless strength.

This time, even Xuanyuan Zongheng had a solemn look in his eyes.

Although Jun Xiaoyao is a chaotic body.

But Xuanyuan Zongheng believes that even the Chaos Body cannot be so powerful at this stage.

In addition to Jun Xiaoyao being a quasi-emperor in the physical body, there are probably other means.

But no matter what.

He will never underestimate Jun Xiaoyao again.

Xuanyuan Zongheng's fist shook out again, and the terrifying fist light in the void turned into a cross divine light and suppressed it.

It is Xuanyuan Zongheng’s unique magical power, Zongheng King Fist!

This punch carries a royal meaning.

Just like the name of Xuanyuan Zongheng, I am the only one who dominates the world.

This boxing technique is no longer just a boxing technique.

Instead, it showed a kind of boxing intention.

Zongheng Fist Intent!


At this moment, Jun Xiaoyao showed a look of interest in his eyes.

As the saying goes, the sword has the intention of the sword.

Boxing techniques naturally also have boxing intentions.

Sure enough, these sealed kings each have two brushes, and they are no longer just cats and dogs.

Xuanyuan moves vertically and horizontally, using his royal fists horizontally and horizontally to suppress Xiangjun Xiaoyao.

Some of the geniuses from the Xuanyuan clan also clenched their fists and showed excitement in their eyes.

He is worthy of being the sealed king of his Xuanyuan clan. This courage alone is enough to shock the world.


Jun Xiaoyao pointed his sword at the same time, and sword intent spread out from his body.

It is filled with the vicissitudes of time.

Even some of the ancient medicines around them, infiltrated by this sword intent, actually grew and matured at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally turned into fly ash.

"Is this...Yun Wanggui's Sword Intent of Time?"

When this sword intent came out, Yun Ruoshui was a little surprised.

Of course, she knew Yun Wanggui.

He once fought against Yun Daoyi for a thousand moves with the sword of time and remained undefeated.

If he had not left the Yunsheng Imperial Palace for some reason, he might have become the son of the emperor of the earth vein.

But now, how could the sword of time appear on Jun Xiaoyao?

On the other side, a Taoist girl from the Yunsheng Imperial Palace also told Yun Ruoshui that Jun Xiaoyao had found Yun Wanggui's lineage.

After hearing this, Yun Ruoshui's eyes, as clear as a blue lake and as quiet as glass, also revealed a hint of deep meaning.

It seems that this cousin is not only handsome, but also talented.

His methods are also good, and he knows how to gather people's hearts.

No wonder Yun Zhao and others have such fanatical respect for Jun Xiaoyao.

Just like they respected Yun Daoyi at the beginning.

When the sword of time appeared, Xuanyuan Zongheng's face also showed a strange color.

Jun Xiaoyao put his fingers together to form a sword, carrying the sword intent of time. The sword light was divided into thousands of strands, colliding with Xuanyuan Zongheng's Zongheng King Fist.

In an instant, Xuanyuan Zongheng felt it.

An extremely terrifying and sharp sword force covered him.

Not only did it cut his body, but it also seemed to age the years.

A strand of gray appeared on the ends of Xuanyuan Zongheng's hair.

"The sword intent of time, there was once a person in the Yunsheng Imperial Palace who had this sword intent."

"It seems that you are really favored."

Xuanyuan Zongheng said lightly.

It is a chaotic body, and it is blessed with talents such as the sword intent of time.

It is indeed a difficult opponent.

Xuanyuan Zongheng stepped back to avoid being covered by this sword intent.

Then he swallowed a few pills directly to restore his vitality.

Then, golden divine patterns appeared on his body, diffused, and then covered his whole body.

It was the racial magical power cultivated by all the members of the Xuanyuan clan, the Xuanyuan Golden Body.

The Xuanyuan Golden Body that Xuanyuan Zongheng cultivated was obviously more proficient.

His aura, body, blood, speed, and all aspects surged again.

At the same time, the golden armor on his body also glowed again, and the ancient runes appeared.

This armor, called Tianzong Armor, is also a rare treasure armor. It not only has amazing defense, but also can bless his cultivation and magic power.

With the increase of these two methods, Xuanyuan Zongheng's strength surged again, and his aura disturbed the world!

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