Scoring the Sacred Body of the Ancients from the Get-go

Chapter 2522: Across the world, there is absolutely no magic fist, and the 6 reincarnations are due

Xuanyuan at this moment is really like a king who dominates the world.

The golden cross pattern between his eyebrows also began to glow, filled with special secret power.

Seeing this, Yun Ruoshui's expression also changed slightly.

She knew that Xuanyuan Zongheng wanted to use his talents for real.

"Brother Yunxiao, be careful, Xuanyuan Zongheng's talent is the way of Zongheng."

Although Yun Ruoshui had no feelings for Xuanyuan Zongheng, and was even a little annoyed.

But I have to admit that Xuanyuan Zongheng's strength is indeed not bad.

The golden cross pattern on the center of his eyebrows is the embodiment of the vertical and horizontal way, and it contains special secret power.

Seeing Yun Ruoshui caring so much about Jun Xiaoyao, Xuanyuan Zongheng was even more upset.

He shot at Jun Xiaoyao again, and a pair of golden cross boys shot out a bright beam of light.

At the same time, the golden cross between his eyebrows was shining, and he raised his hand horizontally, and vertical and horizontal waves of light swept out.

Across the thunderbolt wave!

This is his unique technique, wherever light waves pass, all matter seems to be annihilated.

Jun Xiaoyao was not afraid, but directly pushed horizontally with his palm.

In the palm of his hand, there is a chaotic fire surging, burning and collapsing the void.

When the criss-crossing thunderbolt waves fell in front of Jun Xiaoyao.

In the void, layers of divine rings emerged, like worlds one after another, protecting Jun Xiaoyao's whole body.

The light wave blasted into it, shattering the divine ring one after another, but it couldn't fall directly on Jun Xiaoyao.

It is the ring of magic immunity.

Jun Xiaoyao carried the fire of chaos, condensed into a chaotic fire lotus, and drew a gorgeous tail flame.

Following the projection trajectory of the chaotic fire lotus in the void, a dark and deep crack manifested.

It was a piece of space that was burnt out.

Xuanyuan Zongheng immediately felt a sense of danger.

He spread his palms horizontally, one horizontal and one vertical, as if dividing the world.


The chaotic fire lotus exploded, and the turbulent fire wave surged.

But what is very strange is that it did not spread out, but condensed at that point.

And the center of that point is Xuanyuan Zongheng.

Jun Xiaoyao has already mastered the fire of chaos now.

And in that center, there was also the sound of shock.

Xuanyuan broke through the waves of fire.

But at this moment, the members of the Xuanyuan clan were all slightly dumbfounded.

At this moment Xuanyuan Zongheng, although not seriously injured.

But his body and face were also a little burnt black.

That day Zong Zhanjia was burnt with black marks.

His hair was even more scorched.

It's hard to imagine, as the sealed ancient king.

Moreover, he is also an evildoer of the Xuanyuan clan, the ultimate force.

There will be such embarrassing times.

Including Prince Yi and the others, they were also speechless.

Xuanyuan Zongheng is one of the three masters of Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan Zongheng was expressionless.

He didn't show any anger at all.

But obviously, there is no peace of mind.

It doesn't matter if you make a fool of yourself, but you still do it in front of Yun Ruoshui.

"One move, if you can take this move, I will leave."

Xuanyuan spoke coldly.

He no longer hides clumsiness, Xuanyuan golden body, heavenly battle armor, and various means of blessing.

At the same time, the golden cross pattern between the eyebrows exploded with unprecedented power, shaking the world.

At this moment, Xuanyuan is vertical and horizontal, and his whole body is glowing, incomparably blazing, like the scorching sun.

He punches again.

But this fist is different from the previous Zongheng Wangquan, its power is much greater.

It is even more blessed by the vertical and horizontal meaning between the eyebrows.

"Across the world, there is absolutely no magic fist!"

This is Xuanyuan Zongheng, the strongest boxing method born from comprehending the way of Zongheng, it is extremely overbearing and fierce.

This move is only one punch.

But one punch can break the world's enemies!

The moment the punch was released, Xuanyuan Zongheng's fist appeared in front of Jun Xiaoyao.

This is too fast, as if shrinking into an inch.

Therefore, this punch cannot be avoided at all, it can only be received.

The formidable golden fist edge is as strong as the sun, and the surging power makes time and space seem to be distorted, and the immeasurable brilliance surges like a tide.

Seeing this, Yun Ruoshui almost couldn't bear it and wanted to help.

After all, this is Xuanyuan Zongheng's supernatural powers.

It has only been used on a few evildoers such as Yun Daoyi.

In his opinion, ordinary people are not worthy of his punch.

This also indirectly proves that Jun Xiaoyao has the strength to make even the ancient kings look squarely at him.

Jun Xiaoyao stood where he was and did not avoid it.

In fact, although Xuanyuan Zongheng's punch was extremely fast.

But Jun Xiaoyao is in control of free books, and he is well versed in the way of space.

Also controls Kunpeng Extreme Speed ​​and so on.

If he wanted to avoid it, he could still avoid it.

But is it necessary?

Jun Xiaoyao is not a fighting maniac.

But every time you fight, you slap someone to death, which is indeed a bit boring.

Although Xuanyuan Zongheng didn't bring much pressure to him.

But anyway, it's not an ant that can be killed with a slap.

Probably use three slaps.

Moreover, this punch has some meaning, Jun Xiaoyao is not going to avoid it.

He also offered a boxing technique.

It was the Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist that had not been used for a long time!

Although this boxing method is the first supernatural power that Jun Xiaoyao obtained.

But it can increase its power along with his strength growth.

Not to mention, Six Paths of Reincarnation Fist can also control the power of Six Paths.

Smelting six different supernatural powers and treasures greatly enhanced their power.

But right now, Jun Xiaoyao clenched his fist and pushed it out horizontally.

The power of 40 million Xumi worlds is also pushed out horizontally.

Moreover, it also incorporates six kinds of supernatural powers!

Thunder Emperor's supernatural powers!

Kunpeng's supernatural powers!

Gods and demons have supernatural powers!

Golden Crow's supernatural powers!

Time Dao Sword!

Ancient God Destroyer Finger!

These six extremely powerful supernatural powers, taken out alone, can push one side sideways, crushing to death an unknown number of geniuses.

But at this moment, all of them have been integrated into the Six Paths of Samsara Fist.

That breath suddenly surged, causing the universe to explode!

The bright fist edge is filled with the power of the six paths of reincarnation.

There are six worlds of reincarnation emerging, controlling six kinds of supernatural powers, and pushing away horizontally with the front of the fist.

"What kind of boxing is this?"

Originally, Xuanyuan Zongheng had a cold and arrogant self-confidence on his face.

Looking at the ancient evildoers, there are only a few who can take his punch.

For example, there are Ji Taisui in the Palace of Three Lives, and Yundao in Yunsheng Emperor Palace.

Although he did not despise Jun Xiaoyao.

But he still didn't put Jun Xiaoyao at the top.

But now, Jun Xiaoyao punched out.

That power even made Xuanyuan feel a little creepy!

But once the fist strikes out, there is no intention of retreating.

Even if you bite the bullet, you have to go!


When the fists collided, it seemed that a round of scorching sun was rising here, and the energy in the center was so terrifying that it collapsed the void.

Xuanyuan Zongheng's roar came out of it impressively.

In the next moment, in the eyes of the Xuanyuan clan and other forces.

Impressively, I saw a figure flying out in a panic, and even the arm bone was bent in a strange posture, as if it had been interrupted.

Void blood splashed down.

That figure slammed into the distance heavily, collapsing several high mountains before stopping.

The whole audience stopped for an instant, and there was a dead silence, and no one made a sound.

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