Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 889: Coquettish son

The ice cold penetrated the limbs in an instant!

Knowing how cold the river was in the morning, she had warmed up first!

Xiao Nuan quickly held her breath, not allowing herself to drink too much water.

First, her body continued to sink, and first dived to hide. Looking at Ji Sixuan yesterday, she seemed to want to use her, so it would not be easy for her to escape in the future.

The river was muddy and the bottom of the river was dark. Xiao Nuan couldn’t see the situation clearly. She could only swim down the water with her feeling. In fact, it was very dangerous for her to do so, and it would be easy to encounter whirlpools and the like. Die.

Xiao Nuan was swimming hard, but just got up in the morning and didn't eat anything. After swimming, he felt that his body began to weaken a little.

In the inn, Ji Sixuan came to the guest room where Xiao Nuan was and looked at the calm river outside the window, his always calm and soft pupils swirled with a dark color.

"How did the madam fall?" Ji Sixuan's voice was calm, but Meier trembled in fear.

"Just now when the maidservant came up with hot water, the maid somehow climbed up the window, the maidservant, when the maidservant was scared, the maid went down..."

"Ding Hui."

"Subordinates are here."

"Send someone to block all ports, and then send someone to the river to find someone, and I must find someone for me!"

Ding Hui glanced at Ji Sixuan's unconsciously flustered look, a little flustered.

The owner is really worried about the third wife, not because she has utility value, but because she is worried about her being so human, nothing more.


This is a big river that traverses the entire Qi Yuncheng. It is not easy to find someone in this big river.

Standing on the calm surface of the river, Ji Sixuan, his face no longer as warm as before, made people feel chills with his dark eyes.

Xiao Nuan kept swimming in an unknown direction in the potential water, until he felt a suffocation in his chest, and he had to go upstream.


She broke out of the water, breathing in the fresh air.

Look around in a blink of an eye.

Damn it!

There are no marginal rivers on all sides, and she is already a little relieved, if she can't get to the shore, she might have to explain here.


At this time, the sound of water came from my ears.

She turned her head and saw that it was a boat!

But she didn't dare to act rashly, and was afraid that Ji Sixuan sent her to find her.

She lurked into the water quietly, carefully observing the small boat.

After the ship approached, she vaguely saw the person on it. Judging from the clothing, it should not be Ji Sixuan's person.

Xiao Nuan gritted his teeth, no matter what, it is better than drowning in the water.

" me..."

The blue-robed man standing on the boat was enjoying the scenery on the river, frowning slightly after Xiao Nuan's cry for help sounded.

"Have you heard any sound?"

When the people around heard it, they looked at the splint.

"Master, someone in the water is calling for help."

"Woman?" The man in the blue robe lifted his eyes.


"Then save it."


Xiao Nuanyou stepped forward, grabbed the lowered rope, and was pulled up by the person above.

As soon as he went up, Xiao Nuan saw an aunt in her forties coming out.

"The girl will go in with me and change into a clean dress."

Xiao Nuan was shivering from the cold, and his face was pale. Hearing this, he followed her aunt and changed into clean clothes, and drank another bowl of **** soup, only then did she feel that she was still alive.

"Huh, next time you run away, you can't be so hasty, you almost lost your life." Xiao Nuan muttered while looking at the river outside the window.

"The girl is hungry, the son ordered the small kitchen to cook some meals for the girl, and I will bring it to the girl." The aunt looked at Xiao Nuan and said.

Xiao Nuan nodded gratefully.

The meal was served, it was simple three dishes and one soup, but Xiao Nuan was so warm that he finally eased up.

Xiao Nuan didn't notice when she was eating, the aunt's gaze fell on her.

"Auntie, thank you so much for saving me and giving me food."

The aunt's name is Aunt Li, and she is a clutter on this ship.

Hearing this, Aunt Li smiled. "The girl joked, it was the girl my son saved, and the girl has to thank him for a while."

"Your son..."

Xiao Nuan didn't see anyone else when she went to bed just now...

That's right, although this ship is not big, it is also very particular about the utensils in it. The owner of the ship must be rich or expensive.

In thinking, a little maid walked in, holding a tray in her hand, on which was a beautifully crafted dress.

Xiao Nuan looked at the dress with some doubts.

What is this going to do?

"Our son has a weird temperament, so he likes to watch women wear such dresses, so please let the girls change them." Aunt Li took the skirt and spread it out naturally.

The skirt should be made of high-quality materials, the stitches are very fine and neat, except for the brighter color, there is nothing wrong with it, Xiao Nuan put it on with doubts.

After the change, Aunt Li even personally groomed her for the same reason. Her son likes to see neat and beautiful women.

She is just going to say thank you, is it necessary to make it so grand? !

Xiao Nuan always had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Girl, please follow me."

Aunt Li turned around, with an inexplicable smile at the corner of her mouth, and led Xiao Nuan to the innermost wing of the cabin.

"My son, the girl who was rescued wants to thank my son."

Xiao Nuan always felt a little awkward listening.

"Come in." Suddenly, a coquettish voice came from inside.

Xiao Nuan didn't hear it wrong, this voice was coquettish!

Aunt Li leaned to let Xiao Nuan walk in, and then closed the door.

As soon as Xiao Nuan walked into the room, a scent rushed.

She wrinkled her nose unpleasantly, it was the fragrance of powder.

The room is much larger than it looks at the front. There is a big soft couch in the middle of the room, which can sleep at least seven or eight people at the same time.

Behind the soft couch, there was a screen, and I only told Xiao Nuan that the son was behind the screen.

"Is the girl here to thank Jae Xia?"

The other party's voice sounded, as coquettish as before, even with a hint of charm and ambiguous atmosphere.

Xiao Nuan could hear goosebumps, and calmly said: "Yes, thank you son for helping, son's kindness, the little girl is unforgettable."

When the words were over, there seemed to be a man's low laughter over the screen.

"My son, I really don't want you to forget, but... if you want to repay you, you have a good opportunity right now."

Xiao Nuan's eyebrows jumped, but her disliked temper made her answer the conversation.

"Master, please speak."

"Come here, let me tell you slowly..."

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