Xiao Wan looked at Murong Shen, who was kneeling on the ground with a relieved expression. The fungus in her mouth was not a taste.

After a few bites, they were taken away.

"Murong Aiqing, why are you so urgent to find loneliness?"

"Weichen heard that your majesty is going to allocate one hundred thousand dan of grain and grass to Dongwan City to help the victims." This relief grain was allocated through the household department. Last month, the household department Shangshu went to the suburbs to go outing, and his body was smooth and smooth. He fell into the ditch and was frightened when he came up. Now he is still sick on the couch, and most of the household affairs are concentrated on Murong Shen.

This one hundred thousand loads was also set according to the past rules, Xiao Wan didn't know what was wrong with this, and 80% of it was Murong Shen's stingy character, and his heart was broken.

"Yes, there are many people in East Bay City..."

"Please take your majesty back!"

There was a "bang".

Xiao Wan felt her brain hurt unconsciously.

"Why?" Facing Murong Shen, Xiao Wan felt that her patience had gained a qualitative leap.

"Your Majesty, when the court investigated the floods in Dongwan City in those years, the court also allocated so much grain and grass. But the minister discovered that in the five years of Hongde, the governor seized a corruption case. When he arrived at Dongwan City, he found tens of thousands of pallets of grain in his private warehouse. The minister discovered through records that, in terms of the current number of people in Dongwan City, only 50,000 pallets of grain and grass are enough."

Murong Shen spoke righteously, his eyes gradually turned red, and it was quite as if Xiao Wan would follow her to the end without agreeing.

Xiao Wan stared at the ground without saying a word, her nails scratched on the table intentionally or unintentionally, anyone who knew her knew that this was a sign before she became angry.

Murong Shen also felt the depression of the atmosphere, but he didn't mean to shrink at all.

"What do you mean is that the decision of the Supreme Emperor was wrong?!"

Xiao Wan's voice was not loud, but invisibly revealed the majesty of being a king.

"Weichen dare not. Weichen just told your Majesty the facts summarized from the data."

Xiao Wan suddenly raised her eyes to look at Murong Shen, and Huo Di stood up. "Murongshen, do you dare to guarantee that only 50,000 pallets of food and grass will be enough to help the victims? If there are still people among the victims who starve to death because of insufficient food, can you afford the innocent lives of the people? ?!"

Murong Shen looked at Xiao Wan's calm but questioning eyes, and his expression became firmer. "Weichen is willing to personally go to the disaster area to monitor!"

In a word, Xiao Wan's gaze towards Murong Shen seemed to soften by two points. "Are you willing to go? You know the difficulties and dangers in this, you are more likely... to go, not to return?!"

Although Xiao Wan hadn't seen the flood with her own eyes, the mother emperor once pointed to the sky and told her.

"Did you see the sky above?"

"The sky is blue, mother, the flood is not terrible at all."

In the next instant, she was carried to the eaves, and the sky seemed to be above her head within reach.

Looking around, she seemed to be the only one under the sky, and the mother emperor didn't know when she had disappeared.

That whole piece of invisible sky suddenly caused a fear in her heart.

She started yelling, wanting someone to take her down, but she yelled for a quarter of an hour, the mother emperor appeared from behind and surrounded her with tears.

"Do you know now?"

"I know, I know..." She lay on the mother emperor's arms in fear and wept.

The flood can bury all the world you know well, leaving you alone around you. She doesn't want to experience that kind of fear again.

"Weichen, willing to go!"

Murong Shen's voice was loud and loud, never firm.

At that moment, Xiao Wan felt that, in fact, this scholar was quite a man...

When Xiao Nuan comes back, I wonder if she will like this style...



After eating and drinking, Xiao Nuan rubbed her slightly itchy nose, not knowing who was talking about her.

Looking at the mess around the table, and then at Ji Sixuan, who didn't even move his chopsticks, Xiao Nuan's face turned red.

I raised my eyes and looked at the sky outside, it was already dark, and then there was only one bed in the room, so I can't sleep with Ji Sixuan!

"The owner, it's too early, so I won't bother you to rest." Xiao Nuan stood up while watching his nose, turning his back and trying to slip outside.

"Okay, leave tomorrow at hour, don't miss the hour."

"Oh yes."

Having been out of the guest room all the time, Xiao Nuan still hadn't recovered a bit, and he didn't expect to get out so easily.

Back to the house, Meier was laying the quilt.

"Madam, the hot water is ready, do you want to take a shower now?"

Xiao Nuan nodded tiredly.

After running around, you must take a good rest, otherwise how can you have the strength to escape!

After the shower, Xiao Nuan fell asleep.

She slept peacefully, but Ji Sixuan who was next to her hadn't fallen asleep for a long time.

Ding Hui went into the room and whispered, "The owner, the people have already been brought here."

Ji Sixuan's slender fingertips lightly hooked on the pipa strings on the table, bending the corners of his lips.

"No, I have found the most suitable candidate."

Ding Hui was stunned. After a while, he didn't know why he suddenly thought of Xiao Nuan's beautiful face.

The owner actually wants to use someone who doesn’t know if he has a different intention...

This is, never before...

At the third watch, the sound of "Bang Bang Bang" was heard from the street.

Xiao Nuan slept soundly without a dream, and didn't know when there would be another person in front of the bed.

Ji Sixuan stood on Xiao Nuan's bed, looking at her quiet and soft sleeping face.

After this woman fell into the water, all her behaviors always revealed an indescribable weirdness, and she even forgot the previous events.

He slowly stretched out his hand and touched her skin lightly, smooth and delicate, until he touched it behind his ear and found nothing.

No human skin mask...

"Fengluan, I didn't expect you after amnesia to be much more interesting."

Early the next morning, Xiao Nuan stretched and sat up.

Looking around, there was no one in the room, and some noisy noises were faintly heard under the inn.

Ji Sixuan said that Chen Shi was leaving, but no one has called her yet, proving that the time must have not come.

She rolled over and got out of bed, put on her dress, and carefully opened the window of the guest room to look down.

This room can be seen facing the water, and there is a large river water behind the guest room.

She has liked to play in water since she was a child, and when she was eight years old, Fushui's skills were very good, so she would not be troubled to leave here.

She looked around, there was no movement, and she jumped onto the window as soon as she supported her hand and was about to dive underwater.

"Madam, what are you doing?!" The door was pushed open, and Meier came in with a look of surprise.

Xiao Nuan slipped and fell completely...

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