Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 853: It's over

In one day, Jue had a **** storm.

The king took out the true legacy of the first queen's throne, exposing the fact that the current queen usurped the throne.

This incident happened in the presence of the heads of countries, it can be said to be embarrassing to go abroad!

In just a few days, Jue fell into an unprecedented panic, and walking on the street almost could not see the figures of officers and soldiers.

For three days, the soldiers and horses of the king arrived one after another, and they fought fiercely with the queen's army.

"Lord, the fifty thousand soldiers and horses led by General Fang were surrounded by the Queen's army outside the city gate!"

"What? Break through, break through! We must do everything possible to break through!"


For three consecutive days, Feng Wang hardly closed his eyes.

At the palace that day, the queen finally escaped. Seeing that the situation was not right, she could only leave the palace temporarily, and she was now guarded at the foot of a hidden mountain outside the city gate.

Her soldiers and horses have arrived. If you want to break Juedu, you must be fast, otherwise, when the queen returns the soldiers and horses from the periphery, everything she has done will be abandoned!

But what the king did not expect was that she would lose so quickly. In less than ten days, her army was dead, wounded, and surrendered. In the end, there were less than 10,000 people left to protect her. Fleeing south, the road that Zhou Weikang dared to come to Juedu was blocked, and Juedu was directly captured.

On the street in Juedu, a prison car was slowly driving along the street. The people who had not dared to go out for many days heard that the king had been arrested, they cautiously poked their heads out of their homes.

"That's the rebel?"

"Yes, look, General Zhou personally watched the **** back to Juedu, there is definitely nothing wrong."

"Great, I finally caught the rebel."

Even if it is scared, it can't stop the people from watching the excitement. After a while, there are only scattered people on the street, and gradually they become more.

"Death to the rebel, die to the rebel!"

Slowly, the people took out rotten eggs, and the rotten leaves smashed on the Feng Wang who had already become a prisoner.

Feng Wang Cong's novels must not be held in the palm of his hand, but he is a child of the royal family, how has he ever been so angry.

Thinking that I had prepared for so many years, I was so defeated!

Obviously she has calculated well, and the queen has less than one hundred thousand soldiers and horses in Juedu. With her army, it is not a problem to break through in a short time, even if she has less than one hundred thousand soldiers and horses. Those are all elite troops. Where can the empresses be compared to the useless ones? !

She even bought the outer building of the big organization building in Jianghu. With their help, she has a lot of chances of winning!

However, she just lost, not even a month!

Think about Feng Wang and hate it!

The most unlucky thing is that she can obviously escape. If things fail, the big deal is that she escapes Rong Zhen. With her financial and material resources, she wants to live a good life in the next half of her life. It is not a big problem at all.

However, on the way to escape, I ran into Zhou Weikang, the old thing who had already left the court!

What's even more hateful is that his three sons are there, and he has brought 200,000 soldiers and horses!

In this way, she might not even run away.

"A group of ignorant ****! This king is a rebel? Oh, when Xiao Yazheng forged the emperor's imperial decree and killed the true heir to the throne, she was the real rebel!" Feng Wang became more and more angry! , The more I think about it, the more I feel unwilling.

What she cannot get, neither can Xiao Yazheng!

Zhou Weikang rode ahead on a black steed. Hearing the shouting of Feng Wang, he did not intend to stop him.

"What do you know? The person who should be the queen back then was Xiao Nianen, the three emperors with both civil and military skills! What does Xiao Yazheng have? She is inferior to anything, not even a finger of Xiao Nianen!"

The king was yelling and cursing all the way to the palace. Seeing the eggs smashed at her, there were fewer and fewer rotten vegetable leaves, and she gradually became proud.

Xiao Yazheng, even if I die, I will never make you happy!

The prison car arrived outside the palace two hours later.

The queen ordered her to interrogate herself.

"Your Majesty, the criminal Xiao Xinlan brought it here."

The empress sitting on the dragon chair heard this, her thin, sunken eyes almost stared out.

"Bring it up!"

The iron chain sound of "Kang Dang, Dang Dang" sounded in the hall, and the courtiers who had been too frightened after the last banquet also gradually returned to normal. However, in those robberies, many veterans who were disliked by the queen died There were more than one-fifth fewer people in the whole Chaotang looking at the casualties.

Feng Wang glanced at the empress standing in front of the dragon chair and sneered.

"Criminal Minister Xiao Xinlan, kneel down!"

When the guard pressed, Feng Wang had to kneel down.

"Xiao Xinlan, do you know you are guilty?!" The empress looked at her with unbearable pride in her eyes.

"Xiao Yazheng, I admit that I am guilty. My sin is to explode the ugly thing you did back then, so that you have no face to see people and make you restless in that position!"

When the queen heard it, her face turned black!

"Up to now, I dare to speak nonsense, slap and slap viciously!"

The sound of "Papa Papa" sounded in the deadly silent hall, and everyone did not even dare to speak out.

Feng Wang's face was beaten and swollen in the blink of an eye, and his face was full of blood.

"Do you think this...can...clog the world's mouth, do you..." Feng Wang's entire face instantly swelled, and he said vaguely, because the hall was too quiet, so he was standing there. People in the corners can clearly hear what she is saying.

"Don't forget, do you want to know where my real will come from? Hahaha..."

The queen looked at her with half-squinted eyes.

"That's obviously your edict that someone stole the orphan! You dare to say it was yours!"

"Hahaha...Xiao Yazheng, do you dare to take out your seal of the country for the world to verify? Let people see if it is true or fake!"

Before the emperor of the previous generation absolutely passed the throne, the seal of Rong Zhen would be given to the prince or prince who wanted to pass the throne, and then the other party would collect it without telling anyone.

This is also the reason why the queen tried every means to catch Xiao Nian'en, and she was afraid that there would be such a day!

The king looked at her like that and smiled, but his face was swollen, looking extra funny.

"Xiao Yazheng, Xiao Nianen did not die back then, she has descendants! Her descendants have been found back, to regain everything that belongs to her, you have to pay the price for what you did back then, hahahahaha..."

The empress looked at her crazy smiling face, her hands in her sleeves gradually tightened with anger, wishing to step forward and stab her to death!

At this moment, the minister who had been silent suddenly stood up and looked directly at the queen.

"Your Majesty, please take out the Seal of the State, it has proved to be blue and white!"

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