Sassy Princess Is a Doctor

Chapter 852: Seriously injured

"Master, he's already a little bit powerless."

Xiao Zhan's dark guard leader Yue Sui looked at Qin Shang surrounded by men in black and frowned.

It's been almost an hour. At the beginning, Qin Shang didn't have any trouble dealing with so many people, but now looking again, he found that his moves started to slow down and he was already a little weak.

Xiao Zhan stood on the eaves and looked at Qin Shang. Indeed, just as Yueli thought, what he is using against Qin Shang now is the sea of ​​people tactics. Although this will cost a lot of guards, a powerful opponent like him, If he doesn't get rid of it for a day, his heart will not be stable for a day.

Yueli told him that Qin Shang relied on a boiled medicine to maintain his essence. With a lot of internal energy in his exercise, his essence was the fastest, so he was just boiling and using people. Come to boil Qin Shang!

As long as he showed a non-condensed appearance, he could take advantage of that moment to attack and seriously wound him, even killing him!

When he first met Qin Shang, Xiao Zhan was thinking about how to deal with him. Later, after learning about Qin Shang's situation, he decided to use this method.

Xiao Zhan's gaze kept falling on Qin Shang. Just when his figure began to slow down and he was almost stabbed by a guard behind him, he tapped his toes lightly, drew out the cold sword, and stabbed him.

Qin Shang was already a little impatient in dealing with these secret guards, and he also felt that his essence was gradually losing.

But he remembered the lesson before, and he took the medicine with him.

He flew up, just about to take out the porcelain bottle and open it to drink.

With a "bang", only a silver light flashed, and the porcelain bottle in his hand shattered!

Qin Shang stared at Xiao Zhan with strong hostility from his bloodthirsty eyes as he looked at the finger that was cut by the porcelain bottle.

"court death!"

Xiao Zhan looked at his dissatisfied blood pair, his thin lips curled coldly. "You are indeed looking for death!"

Qin Shang stepped forward, although he had lost a lot of energy, but for a while, he would not fall down like a sick person.

The medicine is in the palace, as long as he gets the medicine, he must personally kill these people!

The colleagues who fought with Qin Shang in Xiao Zhan, the dark guards did not stop, after many trainings, as long as they stopped in the gap in Xiao Zhan, they would immediately meet them, and they would not give Qin Shang a chance to stop!

Gradually, Qin Shang's body showed a relatively obvious weakening trend, and when dealing with Xiao Zhan's moves, his strength was far worse than before.

Qin Shang looked at the secret guards who were still densely packed, and wanted to find the right time to leave, and continue to fight, it would only be against him!

But how could Xiao Zhan give him a chance to escape?

"Set up an array."

Xiao Zhan held up the Qingfeng sword in his hand and pointed directly at Qin Shang.

The dark guards quickly formed a weird formation, and the people watching were dazzled with fireworks, and they were constantly changing vibration shapes.

Qin Shang watched so much, he just wanted to leave here quickly and find his medicine!


Xiao Zhan gave an order, and the dark guards rushed up very regularly, one after another at a very close speed, so that Qin Shang had no chance to escape.

Seeing that the time was right, Xiao Zhan's body holding the sword suddenly dived and pierced Qin Shang's heart!

Xiao Zhan's movements were extremely fast, and he used 100% of his skill in this blow.

If it had been before, it would not have been difficult for Qin Shang to avoid this killer move, but now, while dealing with the dark guards, he had to avoid Xiao Zhan's moves, and he didn't react for a while!

It is also because Xiao Zhan's internal strength is strong, and he has restrained and balanced half of his body!




Qin Shang fell heavily to the ground, blood red on his chest.

He didn't escape Xiao Zhan's ultimate move, but the sword didn't pierce his heart.


Seeing that Xiao Zhan was about to rush over again, he quickly flew up, and with a wave of his wide long sleeves, a stream of red powder spread out.

"Be careful, it's poisonous powder!"

Xiao Zhan turned around, preventing the poisonous powder from getting close to his body.

"Master, are you okay?" Yueyue stepped forward.

Xiao Zhan watched Qin Shang's escape from the back, his eyes deep.


"Master, do you want to chase?"

Now that the opponent is injured, the possibility of catching up is very high now.


Xiao Zhan only asked the secret guards to chase after him, but he didn't move, because when he started with Qin Shang in the hall, he was injured by him, but it was an internal injury, so I couldn't see it.

He has also been supporting in front of Yue Li without revealing it. He has consumed a lot of physical strength just now, and now he can't support it.

Yue Sui ordered people to chase him, and in a blink of an eye I saw a trace of red blood on the corner of Xiao Zhan's mouth.

"Master, are you okay?"

Xiao Zhan wiped the corners of his lips without a difference. "It's okay. Go and check how many injuries there are, and treat them as soon as possible for minor and serious injuries. If you die, you should be buried properly."

Yue Sui glanced at the hidden guard who fell to the ground, and frowned. This time Xiao Zhan dispatched a large number of hidden guards, all of whom were the elites of the hidden guards...


When Yue Li and the children in Lenggong saw Xiao Zhan's return, their hearts fell in their stomachs.

"Li'er knows that Daddy is the best."

Yue Li looked at him with red eyes, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Are you hurt?" Yue Li frowned at him.

Although it didn't look different on the surface, she smelled blood on him!

Xiao Zhan held her hand. "It's just blood stained, not injured."

Just like Qin Shang, Xiao Zhan could come back safely, how could he not be injured? !

She didn't believe that Yueli killed her.

"Then Qin Shang..."

"I hit the sword and ran away." A few simple words completely passed the fierce battle just now.

Yue Li thought of the way Qin Shang looked at her, and only felt the suffocation in her chest hitting her again.

She shook her head quickly, sending those feelings away.

"How is the situation outside?"

This is about the war between the queen and the king.

"The king has less than a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, and half of them have not been able to enter the city, but the queen has guards and troops in the city.

Yue Li is not good at fighting things, and now it is a bit surprised to hear Xiao Zhan say this.

"Will the king be defeated so quickly?"

Xiao Zhan looked at her, his eyes low with helplessness. "She must lose!"


"My lord, it's not good, the people outside the building are evacuated!"

The Feng Wang who was chasing the empress didn't know that she had already ran away from buying the outer building!

"What? Run away?"

"Yes, Lord, all of them have retreated. There are a large number of people in black in the palace, but they are not the people outside the building!"

Feng Wang's face changed.

"What about the army, is my king's army here?"

"I have entered the city, but..."

"But what?!" Feng Wang was already a little frustrated.

"The queen's army is here, and it's still ahead of us!"

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