Family 12When they got up from the bed, they saw that it was already 12 noon. My wife and children had already gone to school.

There is food on the table, which my wife prepared before going out in the morning.

There was also a note underneath the food: “Remember to eat. When it’s cold, heat it up in the microwave. Remember to put the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen after you’ve finished eating and wait for me to wash them when I come back in the evening.”

This short sentence seems very warm and reveals a wife’s deep love for her husband.

But after reading The Chosen One, I just felt uncomfortable.

There is no other reason. When the food is cold, it needs to be heated in the microwave. Do these words that are rich in basic common sense knowledge need to be emphasized again to an adult who already has a mature mind?

If so, what role does the chosen one play in the wife’s heart?

An older child like a son needs meticulous care and love?

It seems to be a deep concern, but behind it it seems to say that you are an adult and a child, you are so lazy, you are so stupid, you are lazy and need help from others for even the smallest things.

Imagine that your wife goes to work during the day and has to get up early in the morning to cook for the whole family. When she comes in after get off work at night, she is faced with a pile of leftover dishes and chopsticks that her husband used during the day. It’s strange that she doesn’t feel irritable.

This feeling is not like getting married and finding someone to start a family, but like raising three children by yourself.

The two younger children and the older child are unable to share the household work for their mother.

And the husband’s position as the Chosen One exists in name only.

In other words, apart from eating, drinking and playing like children, the Chosen One is essentially useless in this family.

Useless things, if not poisonous, who would you poison?

The chosen ones who noticed this became embarrassed and immediately got up and washed the dishes, hoping that when their wives came home and saw this scene in the evening, they would be more impressed.

However, some of the chosen ones were so stupid that they were so moved after seeing the note that they actually put the leftover dishes and chopsticks into the kitchen as required.

Woohoo, my wife is so kind to them, she will definitely not be willing to give him poison at night.

At this time, they even suspected that maybe the news about the color of the pills issued by the state yesterday was wrong.

For people like this who can’t turn around, the country simply gives up.

Because they found that even if it takes one message reminder, they can send the request to wash the dishes. These people only know how to wash dishes as required.

“Don’t you know how to mop the floor a little more? You really have no eyesight.”

The country is speechless. I really don’t know how these people get along with their relatives at home.

You must know that even top leaders like them do simple housework at home and help their wives carry bags when they go out.

The day passed very peacefully. Apart from staying at home and doing housework, the Chosen Ones had basically nothing else to do.

10086, however, sent another message, inviting the chosen one to meet at the “old place”. However, after experiencing such a terrifying incident yesterday and knowing the true identity of the other party, no one dared to go out and take risks again.

Long Guo, Chen Yue is sitting on the sofa,

At 3:30 in the afternoon, my youngest son was the first to come home from school and change into slippers at the entrance.

Chen Yue: “You came back alone?”

The youngest son blinked: “Yes, the school has a shuttle bus every afternoon and delivers it to the door of the house.”

Chen Yue: “Then yesterday…”

“You forgot, you have to pick me up from school in person every three days.” The child didn’t know the complicated meaning of this, and happily circled in circles: “Dad, when are we going to play bumper cars again?”

A few black lines appeared on Chen Yue’s forehead. He picked up his son from school every three days. It was probably because he secretly went out on dates in the name of picking up his son from school every three days.

Combined with what my eldest son said before, he likes to treat friends to eat out when he has nothing to do, and he can spend a lot of money every time.

Basically solid.

Chen Yue looked at his bouncing little son and sighed, what a simple child.

So he replied: “I can’t do it for the time being. I want to take a rest recently.”

There was a trace of frustration on the younger son’s face, but he quickly cheered up and raised his fist towards Chen Yue: “Then Dad must work hard to make money.”

Such an optimistic kid.

Then his smile froze. Chen Yue, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly thought of one thing. As for his youngest son’s heartless behavior and his lack of control over his words, he would go out once every three days. So frequently, his wife Could it be that I already knew about his cheating?

Chen Yue suddenly shuddered.

My wife… is so tolerant. Such behavior is more frightening than a quarrel between two people in person.

Chen Yue thought that based on the role he played now, if he was rich now and his wife turned a blind eye to his cheating for the sake of money, it would be okay.It makes sense, after all, his wife still relies on him to provide a prosperous life.

If he is very powerful…

But now he has no shit, and his wife can tolerate this.

At this moment, Chen Yue suddenly felt as if there was a pair of eyes in the dark, watching his movements all the time.

The wife knows everything and says nothing.

It’s not that I don’t want to report it, it’s that the time has not come yet.

Chen Yue was hesitant. He planned to confess the affair to his wife that night and then admit his mistake.

Xu Ye was stroking his chin and thinking.

[Rule 1: Remember, there are only four people in this family. 】

Then who was the little girl’s voice that I heard in the middle of the night last night? If I remember correctly, she also called her daddy.

Could it be that the content of Rule 1 is wrong? There are actually five people in this family.

Xu Ye immediately rejected this conjecture. According to the nature of the rules and weird talk, there are rarely errors in this kind of summary content.

It happened that at this time, his son came back with his schoolbag, and Xu Ye immediately asked: “Xiao Xing, how many people are there in our family?”

“Four.” The child stretched out his chubby fingers and said without thinking.

“Oh, but why did I hear a girl’s voice at home last night?”

The son was stunned, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and he lowered his head and did not dare to look at Xu Ye: “I, I don’t know either.”

Clearly lying.

Xu Ye was about to press a few more questions, but his son suddenly said: “No, don’t ask, mom won’t let me mention it.”

“I know that, it’s not Dad’s fault.”

With that said, Deng Deng ran back to the room quickly, forgetting to take his schoolbag.

What’s the meaning?

Judging from the words of the younger son, there must have been a child in their family before, but something happened for some unknown reason.

And the cause of death should be related to Xu Ye’s relationship with his father.

Are you so hateful? Not only is he lazy to eat, but he also kills his own daughter.


Xu Ye disliked his role more and more. He was not capable of being such an irresponsible man.

Barrage: “Could it be an illegitimate daughter? After all, the male protagonist has a mistress.”

“Well, the wife is actually a perverted murderer. She is crazy about her husband. After knowing that he not only cheated on her, but also had other relatives, she killed her in front of her. From then on, the husband became decadent and could no longer talk about it. He started working out of interest, but out of guilt, his wife had to bear the family expenses, and the relationship between the couple became worse and worse.”

“Reasonable, very reasonable.”

“It would be a shame if you didn’t write a novel.”

The comments on the barrage are a bit ridiculous, but the Dragon Kingdom government agrees with some of them, such as third-party children.

They were hesitating whether to tell Xu Ye about this suspicion through prompts.

Because until now, Xu Ye seemed to still think that he was facing an ordinary communications company employee.

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